No one dared to answer.

Chen Wei originally thought that the voice of doubt would be dispelled because of this, but at this moment, from under the abyss, a voice came out, "As long as you defeat her, you can become your confidant, right?" Immediately

, Chen Wei saw two red lights light up from under the abyss, and when he got closer, he could see clearly that it was a huge black sea crab.

The whole body is covered with sharp spines, especially on the crab claws, which are barb-shaped.

The crab shell is significantly different from the crabs in Chen Wei's memory, the edges are not smooth, but turn upward, like a blooming flower.

It's just that this flower is not easy to touch, and it hurts more than roses, and maybe the skin will open in the next second.

What Chen Wei cares about the most is probably his big crab claws on one side and small on the other.

The right claw is twice as large as the left.

Coupled with its already large size, it can easily flatten a small truck.

"That's right, isn't it?" In the blink of an eye, the black sea crab had already come to Chen Wei.

At least to be sure, this big guy is not hostile to himself.

On the contrary, the black sea crab has a very strong admiration for the general of the fish-eating clan, or does it just want to use this opportunity to grasp the power and override more fish-eaters?

The henchmen of the eighteen masters are more or less in a higher position than ordinary fish-eaters.

"If you can do it." Chen Wei responded.

"Then please wait and see." The black sea crab turned his gaze to Su Wan'er, raised his left crab claw, pointed at her and said, "Come down, if you want to be a warrior, don't hide behind the eighteenth master, and have a fair competition with me!"

Su Wan'er didn't rush to answer the black sea crab's provocation to herself, her eyes raised, and she looked at Chen Wei.

Chen Wei nodded and agreed to let Su Wan'er fight against the black sea crab.

Su Wan'er no longer hesitated, and jumped down from the three strange fish in one step, and there was only a distance of less than seven or eight meters between her and the black sea crab.

"Just a little guy like you, you are also worthy of being the henchman of the eighteenth master? It's ridiculous. "The black crab didn't take Su Wan'er's previous scene of proving her strength to heart at all, he just split a crack in the cliff, he could do such a simple thing.

And, I do it.

Lift the right crab claw up and slam it on the ground.


Fishivores closer could clearly feel the cliff wall shaking.

Immediately after, a huge crack broke open, towards Su Wan'er's side, and spread wildly.

The purpose of the black crab is very simple, to use this crack to swallow Su Wan'er into it.

Su Wan'er jumped deftly and dodged smoothly.

The black crab took the first step, predicting where she would land, opened the crab claws in advance, just waited for Su Wan'er to fall, and then crushed her thin body with a pincer.

This bit of self-confidence, black crab still has.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wei was not worried at all, in his opinion, the black crab's behavior of challenging Su Wan'er was digging his own grave, so how could he say that he would win or lose?

There is only one result, and that is death!


The black crab sensed something and hurriedly moved his feet, wanting to leave.

Immediately after, the knife qi cut off half of the crab claws and landed on the ground.

It is not difficult to see from this scene that the underwater battle greatly restricts Su Wan'er.

She could have killed invisibly.

If it weren't for the seawater that made the knife qi visible to the naked eye, the black crab would not only be cut off at this time, but not only half of the crab claws, but the entire body.

"Damn!" Taking advantage of Su Wan'er's landing, the black crab hurriedly stretched out another intact crab claw to Su Wan'er, intending to kill her.

Ten fingerknives swung at the same time.

The crab claws had already surrounded Su Wan'er, and with a little force, they could cause damage to her.

However, the black crab could no longer make any more moves.

The lines on his body that had been split became very evident in the water as blood spilled out.

"This, this guy... It's so strong!

"She really deserves to be the henchman of the eighteenth master, and even the black crab is not her opponent."

"Such a hard shell, it was actually cut into several pieces, too, too powerful!"

The surprised voices came one after another, and Su Wan'er pulled out a piece of meat from the crab claws and began to gnaw.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Black Sea Crab and obtaining the Platinum Treasure Chest x5!] Chen

Wei was no longer surprised.

He behaved very calmly.

If it were five diamond treasure chests, maybe Chen Wei would be slightly moved.

"Eat, eat?"

"What a monster."

"He, he's not going to treat us like food too, is he?"

"Probably not, right?"

Seeing Su Wan'er dragging out the black crab meat and gobbling it up, those fish-eaters were really intimidated, and they didn't dare to have the idea of challenging at all.

I've seen a pervert, a pervert like this, it's definitely the first time, how can anyone kill an enemy and devour his flesh?

Seeing that Chen Wei drove three strange fish mounts towards this side, a group of fish-eating clans avoided them.

Su Wan'er was indirect, adding more prestige to Chen Wei among this group of fish-eating clans.

Into the abyss.

This abyss is much deeper than Chen Wei imagined.

He couldn't remember how much time it had been, anyway, he could already feel bored, and he hadn't bottomed out yet.

When I almost lost interest, I finally saw what the bottom looked like.

There is no large area of the city as Chen Wei imagined.

Yes, it's just a palace with a completely different style of painting from the surrounding area, and most of the fish-eaters are like this, either climbing on the cliff face, or curling up and sleeping at the bottom of the cliff.

In this way, the fish-men who stayed in the Sea City obviously lived a more nourishing life, at least a place to live.

What is the difference between these fish-eaters and beggars? Or should they say that they are freedom?

Chen Wei was too lazy to waste energy on this kind of thing, and suddenly someone said from the side: "The eighteenth master, the second master, they are waiting for you in the castle, and please go as soon as possible."

"Okay, I got it." Chen Wei responded.

When he arrived at the gate of the palace, Chen Wei took Su Wan'er and jumped off the three strange fish.

The guards opened the gates first.

The interior decoration of the palace immediately caught my eye, and the style was not much different from what Chen Wei saw in the movie.

Could it be that among the rulers of this fish-eating tribe, there are also humans who have been injected with virus agents?

Or is it these guys who plagiarized the architectural style of Sea City?

The more I think about it, the more questions I have, just stop thinking nonsense and meet those guys as soon as possible.

Even if human beings become monsters, some behaviors are deep-rooted and not so easy to change.

Chen Wei walked down the hall and climbed the steps on the second floor.

At this moment, a white shadow struck.

The system did not prompt the crisis, so Chen Wei did not fight back, and behaved extremely calmly, so as not to be suspicious by the other party.

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