"What do you mean by that?" Chen Wei tightened the reins in his hand, and the mount stopped advancing.

Turning his head, he looked at Seventeen with a cold gaze.

The five hundred fish-eating elites behind him also stopped, looking overwhelmed.

"What's the situation?"

"Seventeen and eighteen, are they going to fight?"

"I could feel a strong hostility between them."

"If we really want to fight, who should we help?"


Of course, it can also be said that they don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement one by one, and no one has ever thought of stepping forward to persuade them.

"Isn't that simple enough to say? You impostor, brand, goods. Seventeen also turned his head, raised his gaze, and looked at Chen Wei.

This smile looks a little more sinister.

It is even more important to focus on the three words of counterfeit goods, word by word.

"Impostor?" Chen Wei asked, "Are you talking about me?" "

On the surface, he is calm, but he is actually full of doubts in his heart, where does this guy see that he is not the eighteenth master?

"Not you, who? Is there a second eighteen here? "Seventeen didn't advise Chen Wei to play stupid with himself.

Chen Wei's inferior and funny performance only made Seventeen feel laughed inside.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately, what evidence do you have to prove that I am a fake?" This is Chen Wei's last question.

According to the plot of a normal game, after Seventeen has said his reasons, it's time to fight.

Chen Wei has entered the battle mode, and he can devote himself to the fierce battle with Seventeen at any time.

"Seventeen and I, who have always been at odds, see the wound on my shoulder? He was stabbed by him, and he was poisoned, how bad do you say that guy is?

"But it's right to think about it, when I was elected to be the leader, I cheated and won him, he was unhappy, it should be, but I really didn't expect that he would hate me for so long, with a small belly? You're right?

Chen Wei didn't expect that Seventeen would complain to himself instead, and wanted to ask his opinion on these things.

"Before leaving, he also gently pierced my heart, but after he came back, he was able to communicate with me normally, not get angry, and even join forces to deal with those fish people, don't you feel discordant?"

Tenderly pierced my heart....

If you really want Chen Wei to say something, the most disobedient thing is still this sentence.

"There is no eternal hatred, only eternal interests, can't I figure it out?" Chen Wei asked seventeen again.

"At least, there's got to be a process, didn't it?" Seventeen suddenly struck.

It was a black rapier that looked a bit like an umbrella when it was closed.

The junction between the grip and the blade of the sword is surrounded by a golden, bird'sbill-shaped sword grid with a shining eyeball, the outermost layer is purple, and the innermost round ball looks similar to the texture of a diamond.

Further out, it is still an exaggerated design of the sword grid, like unfolded black wings, but there are not so many detailed feather lines, more like flowing water.

The three black arcs that hook the blade itself are the surging waves.

Chen Wei turned sideways to dodge the sword stab of Seventeen, in all fairness, this black sword really didn't match him with his snow-white body.

The moment he was dodged by Chen Wei, Seventeen immediately slashed horizontally.

At the same time as Chen Wei made a backward movement, the blade suddenly changed direction and slashed down.

Thanks to the system, Chen Wei was able to dodge smoothly.

I have to admit that Seventeen's understanding of swordsmanship is very impressive.

"You can get out of the way this way, you're really an impostor."

"So what's not an impostor?" Chen Wei asked with a smile.

"At this time, you should be slashed by me obediently, and then yell, you bastard, come and chase me." Seventeen took the trouble to explain.

"Learned." Chen Wei took notes carefully.

"With that kung fu, let's think about it, how are you going to escape!" Seventeen suddenly approached Chen Wei, like a ghost.

The man is fast, the sword is faster.

Chen Wei dodged again, and the sword continued to chase....

Once or twice, it's okay, but after a lot of times, Chen Wei began to find something wrong, and always felt that the guy in front of him could predict his movements.

"Isn't it weird? You're not really eighteen, and it's normal not to know that my sword can predict the enemy's movements in the next second. Seventeen said smugly.

Like Chen Wei, he is calm on the surface, but he can't figure it out in his heart.

Why is it that Chen Wei can still dodge his attacks again and again on the premise that he can predict the next second's actions?

It's not normal, it's very abnormal.

"Predict the enemy's next second? So what if I say, I can fully predict all your attacks? Chen Wei asked with a smile.

This smile actually made Seventeen shudder.

"Predict all my attacks? Are you not waking up, dreaming? "Seventeen is more reluctant to believe this fact than not to believe it.

If Chen Wei can really do it, then he is not in danger!

"Don't believe me? Then give it a try, shall we? Chen Wei held the trident in one hand and took off the tomahawk behind his back with the other, today, in order not to reveal his identity, no one present was allowed to live.

Flashes up close, undetectable to the naked eye.

"What!" Predicting the next second's action was obviously not very useful under Chen Wei's action speed, and by the time Seventeen reacted, his arm had already been cut off.

Fortunately, the dodge after that had an effect, and only the left hand was cut off.

The right hand that held the black sword was not cut off.

"What's wrong? Where did the arrogance on your face go? Chen Wei shook the blood off the tomahawk and asked.

"You're less proud!" Seventeen moved suddenly, and a white shadow flashed.

Got it!

The moment the blade stabbed out, according to the next scene predicted by Seventeen, Chen Wei had no chance to dodge it at all.

Can 0.01% also be called an opportunity?

Seventeen felt like he couldn't.

"Ahem!" A mouthful of blood spit out of his mouth, kept the sword movement, slowly lowered his head, looked at the trident that ran through his chest, the expression on Seventeen's face, for a while, it was difficult to see the extreme, only disbelief, "How is it possible?"

"I told you, I can predict all your attacks." Chen Wei's voice came from behind.

Seventeen wanted to gamble again, and raised his black sword in his arm.

Before he could pierce Chen Wei's head, he had already lost his senses, and his arm was cut off again.

"It's useless." Chen Wei said lightly.

Seventeen's dying throes seemed ridiculous to him.

"What are you still doing! Hurry up! You're my men! Seventeen shouted.

A group of fish-eaters, you look at me, I look at you, after all, they still made up their minds to take action against Chen Wei and chose to stand on the side of Seventeen.

"Wan'er, it's time to do it."

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