More than 2,000 bronze treasure chests were all opened, and it took more than ten minutes, just like that, Chen Wei didn't carefully look at what rewards were opened, and directly confirmed.

After looking at it, more than 100 bags of rice were opened!

The system understands Chen Wei very well, and most of the rewards offered are based on food.

The total number of backpack lattices has now reached 500.

"There are also 248 silver-level treasure chests, why didn't I know before, it turns out that opening treasure chests is also individual work." Chen Wei is typical of cheap and obedient performance.

Confirm the connection.

[Opening Silver Treasure Chest x10... Success... Congratulations to the host for obtaining sniper bullet x100, booster x10, AK46 assault rifle x5, frag grenade

x10...] [Opening Silver Treasure Chest x10... Success... Congratulations to the host for obtaining submachine gun bullets x500, masking smoke grenades x10, Molotov cocktails x20, medical syringe guns x5...]

[Opening Silver Treasure Chest x10... Success... Congratulations to the host for obtaining a medical injection gun x20, a fragmentation grenade x10, and a rice x40 bag...]

In the silver treasure chest, there are many types of weapons and medical items.

The medical injection gun made Chen Wei very concerned.

Open the backpack and find the Medi Syringe in the grid.

Select to view details: Gunshot wounds, knife wounds or wound infections, as well as minor diseases such as fever can be repaired after injection, and simple virus removal can be used.

If Chen Wei understands correctly, if he is directly cut by a knife, or the wound is infected and pus, as long as he takes a needle, it can be automatically repaired!

Walking in the last days, how can you guarantee that you will never be injured? It's a good thing, be prepared.

The bronze and silver chests have been opened, and now only the gold chests remain, twenty-one, although the number is not as terrifying as the silver and bronze chests, but the quality is high.

Before the finger was pressed, it was withdrawn again, "It's still a miracle to pull out, right?" "

Do you want to open the Golden Chest? Yes


[Opening the Golden Chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for gaining a passive skill and auto-dodging! ]


These four words are connected, and Chen Wei knows them.

However, he was not sure whether it was the same as what he understood.

Click here for details.

Auto-dodge: When the host is not aware of the crisis and is about to damage the host, it will be automatically triggered, and the system will temporarily control the host's body to move and dodge.

"I can't avoid it myself, and the system helps? Cow! With this skill, Chen Wei no longer has to worry about zombies or mutated creatures suddenly attacking from behind.

Continue to open the next Golden Chest.

[Opening the Golden Chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for gaining the Crisis Sensing skill!

"Why is it a repetition skill?" Chen Wei's good mood instantly cooled down because of such a line of words.

Do you want to exchange duplicate skills for the rest of your rewards?

Just as Chen Wei was about to say "yes", he took his hand back again, propped his chin, and began to think, "If it is really useless to repeat skills, the system should directly force the exchange for equipment, so why add another process to yourself?" And there is also a cancellation option.

After analysis, Chen Wei felt that there must be a problem here, and maybe it could come in handy.

If you choose to cancel the exchange, if it is really useless, you can still use it for exchange later, and there is not only one chance.

Proceed to the next treasure chest....

A lot of food, weapon resources, ammo, are all opened, and the same goes for repetitive skills.

"Hey!" Seeing that there is only one last golden chest left, click Confirm to open it.

[Opening the Golden Chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for gaining the Crisis Sensing skill!

"Why is it a repetition skill?" Chen Wei said speechlessly.

Just as he was about to confirm the exchange of these skills for other rewards, he saw that the prompt text in front of him changed.

[Detected that the host currently has two identical skills, which can be fused with the original basic skills to produce more powerful upgrade skills, is it possible to fuse and upgrade?]

"Can you upgrade your skills?" Chen Wei thought it was quite interesting.

Confirm the upgrade!

[In the process of fusion...]

[Fusion is successful... Congratulations to the host for radar sensing!

"Crisis perception has become radar sensing?"

Chen Wei brought up the personal attribute panel and directly selected the skill page.

Hazard perception has indeed disappeared from the list, and to be precise, it should be replaced with radar sensing.

Check out the details!

Radar Sensing: An upgraded skill for hazard perception, which adds the ability to locate the source of danger while retaining the hazard perception capability.

"Finally able to position!" This danger perception ability is easy to use, but it often rings coldly, and there is no direction, which is quite delayed.

Now, with the upgrade of skills and the addition of positioning functions, Chen Wei is so beautiful that he can dodge and fight back when he encounters it in the future, greatly reducing the risk of being sneak attacked.

Combined with the auto-dodge skill, it's just perfect.

As long as it is not a super-wide area of damage such as a nuclear bomb, there should be very few things that can hurt Chen Wei now, not to mention the army, in terms of what survivors can pick up, and in terms of the equipment obtained, Chen Wei is equal to invincible.

It's hard to say about zombies, after all, now that even special zombies, mutant spiders, and eagles have come out, who knows what the virus will toss out later?

If Chen Wei is not mistaken, the virus... It seems to evolve too, and the speed of evolution is extremely fast!

Just as Chen Wei was thinking, the danger perception began to remind!

A radar plane map appeared in Chen Wei's mind, with the green dots being himself and the red dots being the enemy.

And on the map, the two are about to coincide!

After adjusting the viewing angle, Chen Wei determined that the thing was swimming from the sea to his side at high speed.

Hurry up and lift the plane to a high level!


What the sound of jumping out of the water.

Chen Wei turned his head to see that it was a giant shark!

The Loch Ness Monster that people often talk about is probably nothing more than that, right?

The giant shark clearly wanted to break out of the water, bite the fighter down, and drag it into the deep sea.

The gaping mouth of blood is a perfect confirmation of this.

Between the teeth, there were also pieces of the ship stuck.

It's almost certain that this guy is the one who caused the survivors who thought they were safe by hiding at sea to have a real nightmare that would be fatal!

Chen Wei quickly turned the head of the fighter and aimed it in the direction of the shark falling into the water, and the shells fired three times in succession.




The splash was quite aroused, but there was no sign of the giant shark.

"Isn't this thing going to give up and run away if it doesn't succeed in attacking?" Chen Wei expressed strong contempt for the giant shark's behavior of not carrying it out to the end.

The radar in my brain has no trace of it.

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