Chen Wei took a look at the difference from the previous generation of skills, and the upgraded ghost footwork can directly dodge bullets!

As long as Chen Wei is willing, under the same straight line, he can even win the bullet, but only if the stamina is enough.

Fortunately, the stamina attribute value can be obtained by opening bronze and silver treasure chests.

However, Chen Wei was not so bored, and went to race in the same straight line as the bullets.

Proceed to the next Golden Chest.

[Opening the Golden Chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Flying God Claw x1!

"Flying God Claw?"

Chen Wei always felt as if he had heard the name somewhere.

Taken out of the backpack, it is a half-arm-length device, which can be worn on the arm, and there is a start button in the center of the palm, as long as you press it, a steel wire will shoot out of the device, the toughness is very strong, and the penetration is quite terrifying, it can wrap around a branch, or go deep into the wall, and the tip releases a barb for fixation.

Then press the palm button to recycle, the recovery can be in two directions, one direction is to drag yourself to the side of the hook, and the other direction, is to put away the barb and pull the wire back.

Chen Wei has seen similar settings in many games, such as legitimate defense.

However, the hook seems to be more advanced, and can also connect two objects, pull, and collide, resulting in destruction.

Some things are not enviable, Chen Wei chose to be content and happy, first stopped the plan to open the treasure chest, put on the flying god claw, and aimed at a wall on the third floor.


Pressing the switch, there was a bang, and then, the steel wire shot directly into the wall, and Chen Wei used a lot of strength to pull it, which was very strong.

First, the test was withdrawn to his side, and there was no problem.


Shoot again, this time choosing to grab the hook yourself.

The body easily soared into the air, and then, with the support of the grappling hook, the legs were pressed against the wall, so that the wall could stand without any discomfort.

Chen Wei checked the details, and the limit distance was 250 meters.

"With this thing, it's no different from Spider-Man, the only difference is probably that I can't shoot nets." However, Chen Wei has a real mutant spider as a pet.

This feeling of swinging between the city's high-rise buildings, not to mention, is really good.

It's quite addictive to play.

If the end times did not come, Chen Wei might really consider being a little spider.

No matter how fun things are, there are times when they are tired, this flying god claw, Chen Wei will basically only treat it as a tool in the future.

Chen Wei hung outside a glass building, intending to rest and see if there were any zombies nearby.

Knock knock!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the glass beneath my feet.

Chen Wei slid down a little and got close to the glass, only to see clearly that it was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, and at first glance he was a middle-aged man dressed as a successful person.

But at this moment, there is only despair on the face of this successful man, perhaps because of the appearance of Chen Wei, a trace of hope has emerged.

"What for?" Chen Wei asked.

The sound insulation effect of the glass is good, he only sees the other party open his mouth, but he can't hear what the middle-aged man is saying.

The middle-aged man quickly understood this, then turned to the place where there was an open window, opened the window and said, "You, you are from the army, right?" You're here to save me, right? Quick, give me something to eat, and water, I'm going to starve. "

It's not without reason that he thinks so, before the end of the world, it is impossible for normal people to have such a set of super equipment that flies the eaves and walks the wall, and after the end of the world, it is even more impossible.

Therefore, in the eyes of the middle-aged man, Chen Wei must be an official person, and it is natural to ask him for food.

Didn't he come here to save himself?

"Why should I give you food?" Chen Wei was disgusted by the middle-aged man's commanding tone.

"Didn't you come here to save me? It's your mission! The middle-aged man said as a matter of course.

He was already angry, and coupled with hunger, he was even angrier now.

Chen Wei reached behind his back, took out a ham sausage from his backpack, tore open the bag with his teeth, and chewed, "You go on."

"Stinky boy, are you deliberately playing tricks on me? What district are you from, and who are you subject to? I'm telling you, before the end of the world, I also knew a few official bigwigs, and you'd better not kill yourself! The middle-aged man swallowed as he spoke.

Seeing Chen Wei throw away the ham sausage packaging bag, the middle-aged man couldn't help but think that the skin should be torn apart, there must be residues inside, it's too wasteful!


Bubbling sounds.

The middle-aged man turned his head and realized that Chen Wei didn't know when he took out a can of Coke, tilted his head, and began to drink freely.

The middle-aged man could only watch, constantly moving his Adam's apple and repeating his swallowing movements.

"Is it all over? When I was done, I left. Chen Wei didn't listen to the middle-aged man's previous words at all, because he had nothing to do with the official in the first place.

What's more, the friendships that people accumulate in good times are often the most vulnerable, especially when adversity comes.

Otherwise, the middle-aged man's friend should have brought someone to save him a long time ago.

Of course, it is also very likely that that person has been infected with the zombie virus long ago.

"Stinky boy, there is a limit to my patience, you better not kill yourself!"

"Start repeating, it looks like you're done with what you're saying, so now it's my turn to say, I'm not an official person, let alone someone who came to save you, understand?" Chen Wei made it clear.

"Not an official one? How is it possible, you are not kidding? If you weren't an official person, how could you get such good equipment? The middle-aged man insisted, Chen Wei just wanted to fool himself, anyway, Jiangcheng had fallen, even if he went back and said that he was dead, no one would suspect it.

"I don't have to answer you for a reason." Chen Wei slowly descended and jumped down.

"Wait! Don't go, come back, at least give me a ham sausage! The middle-aged man shouted hysterically.

This shout led to a lot of zombies, and after Chen Wei landed, he counted them, and there were three.

The middle-aged man didn't see the weapon on Chen Wei, and laughed secretly, "Call you arrogant, let the zombies bite you to death!"

Hearing him say this, Chen Wei also smiled, "It's true that these garbage can't bite me, as for you?" Then I don't know.

"You, what do you mean by that?" The middle-aged man took a half step back, secretly feeling bad.

I saw Chen Wei aim the Flying God Claw at one of the zombies.

The hook instantly pierces the zombie's body, and when it is withdrawn, the hook opens and hooks the zombie's body.

Chen Wei shook it vigorously and threw the zombie directly along the window.

Whether it is strength or accuracy, it is just right.

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