After much hesitation, the door was finally slowly opened.

After all, the woman still couldn't resist the temptation of canned meat.

However, the door had just opened a crack that was eye-wide to see the mighty bronze corpse army outside.

"Ah!" the woman's face turned pale with fright, and her already thin and shriveled face was even more hideous at this moment.

However, it can still be vaguely recognized that this is the recently famous traffic bureau actor, Liu Li.

But this look... It is not an exaggeration to cut half of it, and say that it is a slash in the face.

Chen Wei couldn't imagine that anyone would risk looking for food for this kind of woman, just to please her?

Liu Li wanted to close the door, but Chen Wei opened it directly with both hands, his strength was not an opponent, let alone in such a hungry state.


This fall felt as if even the pelvis had cracked.

"You, what kind of monster are you?" Liu Li raised her hand and pointed at Chen Wei, extremely frightened.

"You yourself are an ugly monster at heart, how can you be embarrassed to say that others are monsters?" Chen Wei sneered.

"You, what do you want to do to me? Don't kill me, I can serve you, be a slave to you, please let me live, I'm a big star, I have millions of fans, how many people can only fantasize about doing this kind of thing with me. Liu Li vividly interprets the appearance of people who do not compromise when facing life and death.

"In terms of beauty, who do you think I should choose as a normal man compared to her?" Following Chen Wei's gaze, Liu Li's gaze fell on Su Wan'er.

In addition to this guy's expression being a little stiff, in terms of beauty, it really makes her ashamed of herself.

If Su Wan'er was willing to join the entertainment industry before this, she would not do anything, just as a wallpaper, she would be able to harvest hundreds of thousands, or even millions of fans.

No way, in the era of good looks, you can really do whatever you want with high looks.

"It shouldn't matter if there is one more woman who serves you, right? In this era, there is no order restriction, you can be the emperor yourself, get three palaces and six courts, I don't want to be a queen, a little concubine can also be. Liu Li begged.

"What's the difference between keeping someone like you by your side and a time bomb?" Chen Wei motioned for Su Wan'er to do it.


only felt a breeze whipped on his face, and when he looked at Liu Li again, he had already covered his throat with both hands, fell to the ground, and began to struggle.

This does not stop the blood from squeezing out between the fingers.

Then, Liu Li fell to the ground, not breathing.

The purple blood began to spread throughout his body, and Chen Wei knew that it was the virus on Su Wan'er's body that began to take effect.

Liu Li's body stood up with an astonishing amplitude, and when her limbs twisted, there was a sound of clicking bones being broken.

Immediately got up, only the whites of his eyes were in his eyes, and turned into a soulless walking corpse, integrated into the bronze corpse army, Chen Wei was a member.

Chen Wei opened the manager's face, and he could indeed see that the number was +1!

" It seems that the zombies infected by the virus released by the Bronze Corpse Army will be transformed into members of the team. Chen Wei affirmed this idea.

In his mind, the radar sensor was suddenly activated, and Chen Wei turned to look, it turned out that someone was standing on top of the high wall, trying to aim his bow and arrow at him.

There are still words in his mouth, "Whoever bullies Lily has to die!"

At the same time that Chen Wei found the man, the emperor zombie also found that guy.

Hurriedly ordered: "Archers prepare! Kill!"

Looking at the rain of arrows, the man knew that he was cold.

The strength of the bronze corpse was so great that the arrows pierced the man's body one by one, and blood dripped down from the tips of the arrows.

These bodyguards made Chen Wei feel quite competent.

"Well, from now on, this will be your home base. Chen Wei asked the emperor about the zombies.

"Thank you for the gift of the Immortal Monarch. "The emperor zombie doesn't dare to pick the fat and the thin.

"Xie Xianjun!" A group of bronze corpses behind him also clenched their fists and shouted loudly.

"Small meaning, small meaning. Chen Wei responded.

"In that case, I'll go first, you guys settle down and rest. "

Congratulations to Xianjun. "The emperor zombie clasped his fists and saluted.

A group of bronze corpses moved out of the way.

"Wan'er, what are you doing here?" Hearing

the panicked voice of the emperor's zombie, Chen Wei turned around and realized that Su Wan'er was actually following behind him.

Chen Wei takes a step, she takes a step, Chen Wei stops, she stops immediately.

This princess zombie, is it up to me?"

"It's okay, just let her follow me." Chen Wei reassured the emperor zombies.

"It would naturally be better to be able to practice with the Immortal Monarch. "The Emperor Zombie has no opinion.

Then, Chen Wei took Su Wan'er and disappeared into the field of vision of the bronze corpses.

In addition to dressing up, this Su Wan'er looks almost no different from a normal person, and her personality is relatively withdrawn?

Walking around, Chen Wei opened the virtual panel, selected the backpack, and decided to open the two platinum treasure chests.

lest you always have your heart in mind and engage in mentality.

【Do you want to open the platinum chest?】Open


【Opening the platinum chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for getting a battle mech!]

Combat mech! This thing is still being developed by the authorities, right?

I actually opened it directly by opening the treasure chest!

I didn't rush to take the

battle mech out of my backpack and continued to open the next treasure chest.

[Opening the platinum treasure chest... Success... Congratulations to the host for obtaining a battle armor saber, which can release sword qi!]

When he heard that it was a sword, Chen Wei was still a little disappointed, but when he saw the word sword qi, he immediately turned his worries into joy.

Quickly withdraw the mecha to the real world, standing in front of you, it is a humanoid mecha, compared to the huge and bulky mecha in science fiction movies, this looks, the lines are smoother.

The rear hatch opened, and Chen Wei walked up the stairs.

Su Wan'er froze in place, staring at all this expressionlessly.

The hatch closed, Chen Wei first tried the jet function under his feet, and he was three meters above the ground in half a second, this speed was really terrifying.

Not only the feet, but also the back is equipped with a jet function.

Rather than carefully confirming what the functions of these buttons in front of him were, Chen Wei wanted to know whether the sword qi just described by the system and the sword qi he understood were the same concept.

[The saber has been taken out!] [Equipment has been carried out!]

Looking at the big sword in his hand that is more than ten meters long and half a meter wide, Chen Wei only felt shocked.

Grasp the hilt of the sword with both hands, raise it high, and slash down with a sword.


! Boom!

I saw a huge crack crack on the ground in an instant, extending out twenty or thirty meters!

This power is definitely not covered, and with a swing of the sword, there is no difference between a zombie and a leek, only a cut portion.

Even if it is a mutant creature, Chen Wei has the confidence to slash it with one sword!

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