"It's so angry, you deserve to be locked in the refrigerator. After saying this, Chen Wei stretched out his hand to open the back door and escaped from the small kitchen.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly followed, which is very similar to a zombie, as long as he finds prey, he will definitely chase after it.

If you want to talk about the difference, it's actually not nothing, other zombies chase people, that's to fill their stomachs, this guy chases people, it's for barbecue!

After the man chased him out of the kitchen, there was an alley with roads on both sides, looking to the left, and his mouth was still making uh-uh noises and sparks from time to time.

I didn't see Chen Wei, and slowly twisted his head to the left.

Open your torn mouth wide.

Chen Wei could clearly see that the flames were swirling in it.

"Eat the bomb, you!" Chen Wei directly activated the grenade and threw it in, followed by a kick in the man's chest, and the man suddenly flew out dozens of meters away like an upside-down cannonball.

Then there was a bang.

This power, to be honest, is not as amazing as Chen Wei imagined.

If it weren't for seeing the man's body being blown up into a ball and deflated back, Chen Wei would have thought that he was dumb.

"Even grenades can be digested, I really envy you for having such a strong stomach. While Chen Wei was joking, he didn't forget to move to dodge the man's sudden pillar of fire.

Try to attack with a gun, and the bullet will be melted directly in mid-air by the heat, let alone cause damage.

Opening the backpack, Chen Wei could find a weapon to fight against fire, and probably only the Ice Bow was left.

Take out the ice bow, the arrow is wound, and an arrow is fired.

The moment it collided with the flame, the ice spread rapidly, and seeing that the flames had been frozen into icicles, less than two-thirds of the distance, the ice power began to subside, and the flames regained the initiative.

Chen Wei escaped from the alley and came to the main road, looking around, looking for something that would come in handy.


is it.

After Chen Wei made sure that the man was following, he began to move and ran towards the three fire hydrants.

The man chased after him as he spewed flames.

Every time Chen Wei dodges, he relies on the system to dodge, he doesn't need to look behind him at all, he is extremely accurate, and the flame can't even burn a single hair of his hair.

After passing through three fire hydrants, Chen Wei began to slow down, turned around, walked backwards, and reached behind his back with his hand, already holding the grenade with both hands.

Seeing that Chen Wei slowed down, the man also slowed down, his feet and hands were very separated, and his walking posture was extremely strange.

"Eat the bomb, dog!" Chen Wei threw one upwards first.

The zombie's gaze was attracted and spat out flames.

At the same time, Chen Wei threw another grenade at the man's feet.

Bang...... Bang!

Explosions occurred one after another, three fire hydrants were directly knocked open, and water jets erupted, like fountains, rising more than ten meters high, raindrops raining down all over the sky.

The man wanted to spit fire, but as soon as he spit it out, it was extinguished.

The fire on his body dimmed, like water dripping on red-hot coals.

When the water had almost accumulated on the ground, Chen Wei pulled the ice bow away and shot an arrow on the ground.

Suddenly, the cold ice spread forward in a fan shape, freezing all the water within a range of tens of meters, including the man, into an ice sculpture.

The water column and the falling raindrops are no exception, connecting in the air, looking at it has a different artistic conception.

Chen Wei walked around, easily shattered.

When I came to the man, I saw him open his mouth, and he still looked like he was trying to spit fire.

The arm was raised, stepped back a little, the fist clenched, and the fist was immediately punched in the man's head.

The ice breaks, the corpse dies.

[Congratulations to the host for killing the special flame corpse and obtaining the platinum treasure chest x1!] [Congratulations to the host for completing the task of killing the flame corpse and obtaining the platinum treasure chest x1!]

"It's very close to ten consecutive draws!" Chen Wei showed a smug smile.

Putting aside the matter of looking for treasure chests for the time being, Chen Wei planned to seriously look for the generator.

So a small piece of solar energy supports a lamp, induction cooker, rice cooker, refrigerator or something is no problem, and the elevator is really a bit reluctant.

But climbing the stairs every day is not a problem.

Chen Wei plans to go to the Grand Hotel to have a look, this kind of place usually has a generator, and it is a super high-power kind, one power generation is enough to support the power of the entire building.

The hotel now also has it, but he tried it, and it broke down and couldn't start at all.

Take out your phone and look for it on the map.

"Jiangdong Hotel?" If Chen Wei remembers correctly, this should be one of the few five-star hotels in Jiangcheng.

It's too much to have a generator in that kind of place.

When he said that, the person had already returned to the door of the hot pot restaurant, got into an armored car, and headed to the Jiangdong Hotel.

Write down the route, coupled with Chen Wei's proficiency in driving skills, and arrive at the destination in seven or eight minutes.

The hotel door was open, and there were a lot of zombies in the hall.

However, judging by the fact that it was almost rotten to the bone, it must have been dead for some time.

The resources here must have been plundered, but people didn't live here, otherwise they wouldn't have left the gates open as they are now.

There was no one to guard it.

You should be vigilant, you still need to be vigilant, you don't guarantee that there are no zombies sneaking in behind, and those guys will turn on the blind wandering mode at night.

When he came to the lobby of the hotel, as Chen Wei thought, all the things on the wine cabinet were all scavenged.

There are also a lot of zombies that have fallen here, tables and chairs are overturned on the ground, and the traces of the fight are very obvious.

When he opened the kitchen door, it was still a mess, and when he passed the refrigerator, Chen Wei subconsciously reached out and opened the door, and there was not even a drop of water inside.

Slammed the refrigerator door shut, and laughed at himself, "A little zombie, and it still left me a psychological shadow?"

The moment he opened the back door.

"Woohoo!" suddenly

came the sound of a dog barking.

Chen Wei covered his chest with his hands, startled.

It turned out to be a zombie dog, but it was kept in a cage, and the cage was covered by a tarp.

Chen Wei stretched out his hand to uncover the tarp, it was the high-power generator he was looking for.

There is still oil in it, and Chen Wei pulls it directly.


sound is close to listening, it is similar to thunder, it can indeed be used, and the prompt light on the electric plug board is on.

"Wangwang!" The zombie dog barked more and more fiercely, the door lock of the dog cage was broken, if the generator was moved away like this, the next second, the zombie dog would break out of the cage.

Chen Wei took out the gun and aimed it at the zombie dog, not in a hurry to shoot, feeling a little strange.

"Why is this zombie dog wearing a mask, and the white bones next to it should be leftovers..."

Compared with someone deliberately trapping this zombie dog here, the answer in Chen Wei's mind now is more inclined to be that someone is raising this thing.

As for the purpose of raising this thing, it is definitely not to deal with zombies, zombie dogs do not take the initiative to attack other zombies, then there is only one answer, someone has raised zombie dogs to deal with humans!

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