It's like being cut three wounds evenly on both sides of the neck by a knife, and I always feel uncomfortable.

"System, ability is ability, I will be like this in the future?" Chen Wei wanted to confirm this.

[After going ashore, the aquarium ability will automatically disappear, and the structural changes on the body will also disappear]

Seeing the system say this, Chen Wei was relieved.

Let's not talk about whether others are used to seeing it, even he himself can't get used to it, he always feels... Where's weird.

Turning around, he looked at the mutant squid, who was still trying to use his feet full of suction cups to flip the submarine over and tighten it.

Maybe it's because the submarine looks too much like a whale, and it turns out that this guy really thinks it's a whale to hunt.

But now, the relationship between the hunter and the prey has changed!

Under water, guns and cannons are not as good as swords.

Chen Wei took out the Double Tang Knife and swam towards the mutant squid.

Although this monster is huge, it can also be said that it is full of weaknesses.

Those hundreds, thousands of eyes.

Eyes, whether monsters or humans, are the most vulnerable part.

However, just as Chen Wei was about to approach one of the eyes of the mutant squid, the hundreds of eyes of a "wall" suddenly moved and focused on him alone.

This scene, to be honest, is really creepy.

Even people like Chen Wei, who don't have a phobia of intensity, will feel that their scalp is numb, and if they are replaced by a sick one, they will probably be scared to death.

Chen Wei still wanted to move on, but many tentacles were already whipping towards him at this time.

This tentacle was too thick, its diameter was longer than that of a knife, and Chen Wei could only cut a bloody wound, but he couldn't completely cut it.

The next second, I saw that the wound had healed by itself!

"I worked hard to cut a wound, and you erased my achievements like this, it's just too much." Chen Wei complained as he dodged the alternating attacks of two large tentacles, symbolically slashing twice.

When you release your hand, the Tang knife floats and is automatically recycled into your backpack.

Chen Wei then took out two corpse traps, let go of his hand, and floated upward, two large nets spread out overhead.

At the same time, the mutant squid squid touched the steel wire iron mesh to activate the mechanism, and the large net instantly tightened, cutting the tentacles into even squares.

Black blood dispersed like a cloud.


Chen Wei stepped forward in the chaos, held the Tang knife with both hands, and stabbed the mutant squid's eye, which was the size of a watermelon.

Suddenly, the screams became even more ferocious.

With the help of blood mist to block his vision, Chen Wei swam to another position to prevent being whipped by his tentacles.

The Tang knife was easily stabbed diagonally under the flesh, leaving only the handle exposed.

Chen Wei's hands were full of strength, and he rotated in a circle to draw a circle.

The five fingers clasped the piece of meat, and violently exerted force outward, directly pulling out a cone-shaped piece of meat.

He let go of the Tang knife, held five grenades in one hand, and frantically stuffed them inside.

After the tentacle distance reached the escape distance, Chen Wei pressed the switch of the last grenade and threw it in.

Don't look back, don't dodge.

At the moment of the explosion, the flames spread rapidly.

Chen Wei used the system to easily avoid it without hurting a single hair.

Looking back, the entire body of the alien squid was blown up in half, and it was opened on the stomach for a month and a half.

There was only one squid's head left, still lingering, and three tentacles were slapping the submarine hard, trying to vent their anger.

Chen Wei put the submarine back into his backpack, if it was damaged by this mutant squid, it would be more than worth the loss.

After the tentacles were evacuated and the submarine disappeared, its gaze naturally came to Chen Wei.

Dragging his bulky body, he swam this way, and his lower body was torn apart and sank to the bottom of the sea because of the pulling force when swimming.

Three shots, like guns, twisted into a strand and shot.

Chen Wei stretched out his hands, and Tang Daoxian held them.

[Two Knife Flow!]

The skill is activated, slashing wildly, as if the game is open, cutting off the tentacles little by little, and chopping them down.

In the end, the mutant squid is left with only one head.

Chen Wei grabbed the two giant eyes with his hands, inserted his five fingers into them, and pressed his feet on its face, using them as support, and his arms instantly exerted force.

I don't know what was dragged out, but this mutant squid is indeed dead.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the mutant squid and obtaining the platinum treasure chest x2!] [Congratulations to the host for completing the task of killing the mutant squid and obtaining the platinum treasure chest x1!]

"Whew..." exhaled a breath of foam, this monster did not seem to be as difficult to deal with as Chen Wei imagined.

Raise your arm and glance at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

When he was searching for supplies in a watch store before, he randomly chose a watch of more than 100,000 yuan to wear.

"I didn't expect me to stay underwater for so long?" Chen Wei moved and swam to the surface of the sea, his body swimming very fast, like a torpedo.

After two or three minutes, the water broke out.

After choosing the helicopter hovering position, Chen Wei grabbed it with both hands and climbed up.

Sitting on it, panting.

It was almost relaxed, and he reached out and touched the side of his neck, and the gills were indeed gone.

Piloting the helicopter and relying on the stargazing position, Chen Wei successfully returned to Jiangcheng.

Stopping at the pier, putting the helicopter in his backpack, and staying in the sea for a long time, Chen Wei still misses the feeling of walking on land.

This down-to-earth feeling is very reassuring.

Chen Wei thought about walking back like this, and drove again when he was tired.

"Anyway, I haven't seen Su Wan'er's girl for a day today, where did she go?" Chen Wei showed that she had gained enough experience points to upgrade to a three-star zombie.

"How much did this girl eat?" Chen Wei was annoyed and annoying, so he asked the system to turn off the prompt function.

No longer do too much entanglement, which is a good thing, not a bad thing for Chen Wei.

The more Su Wan'er eats, the more frequent she kills monsters such as zombies and aliens, and the more rewards Chen Wei gets.

Steady profit and no loss.

However, on the side of the emperor zombie Su Can, there is very little experience gain.

Looking at the Bronze Corps again, I don't know why, this data is terrible on average, each of which is so much.

"It should just be a coincidence, right?" Chen Wei thought.

Then in the alley, I saw that more than a dozen people were a team of bronze corpses, some people were responsible for towing the trucks, and some people were responsible for loading the zombies wandering on the side of the road, and pulling them away like goods.

Combined with what he saw in front of him, coupled with the data on the previous virtual layout, Chen Wei probably knew why the data was so average.

If he guessed correctly, the Emperor Zombies should have sent all the bronze corpses out to collect the zombies and keep them in captivity to continuously provide food resources.

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