"This law firm is really well decorated!

But it's also a pity that such a good firm is simply a waste to open in such a place.

You Ming sighed.

He knew who the owner of the law firm was.

The other party's name is Matthew Mercado, an elite lawyer wandering in Hell's Kitchen, and a Daredevil who travels in the dark and executes justice against criminals!

Originally, You Ming didn't know that there was still a Daredevil hidden here, and he knew that he saw the information, so he planned to visit the door.

And Daredevil's ability, You Ming is only half-aware, after all, intelligence is not omnipotent.

The above things about Daredevil are relatively vague.

After all, the other party is haunted, Hydra agent, and he can't track it at all.

Even those who tried to test have their arms or legs broken, and are still on paid leave in the hospital.

So about his personal information, just three points.

They are that he is a lawyer, then he is still blind, and he has a fighting level far beyond that of Hydra's elite agents.

It is precisely because of this that he has some interest in Daredevil.

That's why before heading to the Punisher's house, he stopped by here to see Daredevil's abilities.

He rang the doorbell, and soon a beautiful woman wearing a black silk hip skirt, short hair, and a convex back came out.

"Excuse me, are you here to ask questions?"

"That's right, I came to consult the question, and I heard that there is a very famous elite lawyer here, and the price is still very cheap, so I came."

"Then please sit down and wait, he worked too long last night and is still sleeping."

I'll go and wake him up, have a cup of tea, wait a minute, I'm sorry."

Saying that, the beauty made a pot of tea, and then trotted all the way to the deep room.

You Ming is waiting here.

Then I heard the jingle of bells coming out of the room.

I saw a man wearing a suit, sunglasses, and a blind cane being helped by a beautiful woman to come to You Ming.

"Murdoch, that's our customer."

The beauty opened her mouth to remind, and Daredevil suddenly stretched out her hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your trust, sir.

Don't know what event you need to delegate.

Is it a civil dispute, a criminal case, or an emotional dispute?

I can do all three, but if it's looking for cats and dogs, or stalking, I'm not very good at it.

After all, you can see that I am blind. "

Daredevil's voice is very magnetic, and it sounds comfortable.

After all, he is a lawyer, and this kind of voice can give his clients some reassurance.

"Hello, my name is You Ming, I am here to entrust you to enter my Ministry of Justice."

Hearing You Ming's voice, Daredevil was suddenly startled, and then stumbled, almost falling on the spot.

"What's wrong with you Murdoch, could it be that the old problem has been committed again?"

The beauty asked.

Obviously, she had not heard of You Ming's name, otherwise it would be impossible not to react at all.

And this also made You Ming know that the other party really didn't know him!

Otherwise, as soon as she opened the door, she should recognize it.

"I really didn't expect that it was the boss of Hydra who personally found it.

I'm just an ordinary little lawyer, how can Ho De be valued by you.

To be honest, I couldn't afford it a bit, so allow me to decline the commission.

Daredevil directly refused.

This made the beauty on the side a little puzzled.

"Why? You two said a few words, and you refused the commission?

Merck, do you know how much money is left on the account?

If we don't have a place to work, I'll have to sell myself to feed you!" "

Karen, don't, don't say anything like this, can't I just take over the job?"

Daredevil was treated by his girlfriend, which is called a death!

No way, who made him a blind man, so almost all the big and small things in the law firm were handled by his girlfriend.

More importantly, the identity of Daredevil is not known to the other party.

It is precisely because of this that there will always be a large and inexplicable expense in the firm.

This made Karen very puzzled, but did not ask too much.

Because she knows that men always have a secret of their own.

As long as it is not betrayal and cheating, even if the money is taken to do illegal things, she does not care.

After all, who can survive in Hell's Kitchen, which one can be called a good person?

"So, can you talk to me now?

About the matter that I entrusted you to enter our legal department.

You Ming asked with a smile.

Daredevil didn't want to agree, but because of the firm's accounting, there really wasn't much money left.

It's impossible to really let his girlfriend sell himself to support himself.

Therefore, no matter how much he distanced himself from You Ming, he would not be able to escape the difficulty of money in the end.

"Yes, but in terms of salary..."

"Don't worry, I will pay you ten times the market price!"

You'll also join as a Hydra partner.

And the company will give you a car.

Our company's unified car is a super car, but the brand and model, you can choose by yourself.

Of course, if you don't like supercars, you can also change cars for the same price.

The purchasing department will be responsible for buying you the car.

How's that, is it moved?

You have face, and your girlfriend looks quite satisfied.

So, is there anything else you need to add? You

Ming directly took out the sugar-coated cannonball, coaxing Daredevil to make the whole person stunned.

His girlfriend was so happy that she almost thanked her on the spot.

"This lady, can you go and make me a cup of coffee, I only drink the hand-ground kind."

"No problem, I'll go buy it, boss, you wait a moment, I'll be back!"

The beauty immediately got up and ran out.

In the face of such a God of Wealth as You Ming, she didn't dare to snub at all!

"Why are you being so nice to me?

As far as I know, Hydra isn't a charitable organization either, right?

As a superman, you have killed countless people, both good and evil.

In this way, you, as well as Hydra Company, don't need me to be a collaborator at all.

There are many lawyers who are better than me, so I would love to know why you are looking for me. "


You Ming did not explain, just said these three words.

This is also why he wants to spend the other party's girlfriend in advance.

After all, the other party is willing to keep his identity secret, and You Ming doesn't care about playing hero games with him.

"What's wrong? Is this scary? The corners of You Ming's mouth raised slightly, and he continued to speak.

"Murdoch, are these three words enough to carry weight?

If it's not enough, I can still ..." "

No thanks, that's enough!"

Daredevil shook his head, and immediately collapsed on the sofa, expressionless, and unloveable.

"I really didn't expect that you Hydra could even investigate this matter, which is really beyond my expectations."

"What's so surprising about that?"

You Ming shook his head and continued to explain: "Don't hide from you, as long as we are willing, there is nothing in the whole world that can hide from the eyes of the hydra!"

"We, everywhere!"

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