The End Of The World: I Use Plants To Control The World

100: Lord God, Will You Give Me Holy Water (4/5)

Liu Xiaoxiao tapped the shield lightly and said:

"Since you don't have enough strength to raise your shield, forget about the shield in your left hand."

"Even forgetting my left hand."

"Just pretend the left hand doesn't exist."

At this time, the zombies were less than 10 meters away from Liu Xiaoxiao.

She was still calm and composed.

"Focus your attention on the dagger in your right hand.

"Don't forget - flexibility underfoot."

"Even if you carry a 20-pound shield, you are much more flexible than zombies."

At this time, the zombie was less than 5 meters away from Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Watch it."

"When the zombies are only two steps away from you.

"Step to the right, turn around and swing your sword!"

A swish sound.

The golden dagger cut the zombie's head in half.

Liu Xiaoxiao held up a beautiful sword flower, then flicked it gently, and the blood stains on the sword body were thrown out.

"Do you understand?"

"Forget the shield in your left hand and focus on the sword in your right hand and the steps under your feet.

"Keep your distance."

"One hit kill!"

All the maids looked at Liu Xiaoxiao with admiration.

"Wow...Sister Xiaoxiao, you are so handsome."

"That sword strike just now was so beautiful."

"Sister Xiaoxiao's teaching in person is easy to understand. I feel like I have learned it."

"I learned it too, thank you Sister Xiaoxiao."

The maids were excited.

Liu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, then raised the dagger and said:

"With your current strength, you still can't cut off the zombie's head with one sword."

"It is even more impossible to pierce the head of a moving zombie."

"But what you are holding in your hands is a golden dagger, which is the nemesis of zombies.

"As long as the sword blade penetrates the zombie's head, even if it cannot decapitate it, it is still beneficial.

"Come on!"

Liu Xiaoxiao returned the dagger and shield to the maid.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I will never let you down."

"Me too, you are my biological sister."

"When we become Guardsmen, we will never forget you.

The maids were very grateful to Liu Xiaoxiao.

This made Liu Xiaoxiao very happy.

"Okay, it's getting late, hurry up and kill the zombies. Whoever completes the task first can remove the shield."

With Liu Xiaoxiao’s appearance and teaching.

Moreover, she taught her very carefully and was easy to learn and understand. The maids quickly applied her fighting skills to actual combat.

"Yeah, I killed another zombie."

"Sister Xiaoxiao's fighting skills are so practical."

"I have killed three zombies and will complete the mission soon."

"I'm still one step away from becoming a member of the divine bodyguard, haha..."

The maids are eager to fight.

Unconsciously the sky darkened.

The vast majority of maids, perhaps at this moment should be called Guardsmen, have completed their tasks.

There is only one person left.

"Xin Yue, come on."

"The 16 of us came out together and became Guards soldiers together, and that's what we said in our hearts.

"Xin Yue, there is a lone zombie in the woods over there, go quickly.


The girl with the tongue-tied tongue.

After hearing the sisters' reminder, they turned and walked towards the grove.

"Haha, I'm alone."

"If I chop off your head, my sister will become a member of the bodyguard of the god.

"So happy."

The zombies also discovered Xinyue.


So the two sides approached together.

Maybe it was getting dark and the ground couldn't be seen clearly, so Xinyue tripped.


She accidentally fell in front of a zombie.


The zombie would definitely not refuse the fat meat offered to his mouth, and would directly bite Xin Shuo's shoulder.


"Stinky zombies, die!"

Xinyue was frightened and angry, and stabbed the zombie's mouth with a backhand sword.

Another zombie was mouthed to death.

Xinyue also completed the promotion task.

Unfortunately she was bitten.


Liu Xiaoxiao was the first to rush to her side.

Then help her remove her shield and dagger.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I...I will turn into a zombie, stay away from me...I'm afraid I will bite you."

Liu Xiaoxiao looked at the wound.

The bite was on the shoulder.

The owner once said that as long as it doesn't bite an artery, it will take at least 10 hours to turn into a zombie.

If it is just scratched by the zombie's teeth, it will take even two or three days for the corpse to turn into a corpse.

"Xin Yue, you are dead."

"But the premise is that you must be loyal to the master from the bottom of your heart."

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I am very loyal to the Lord. He and you are both my saviors."

"That's good, trust me, you won't die."

Black Pearl Plaza.

Xinyue knelt under God’s tree of life.

Liu Xiaoxiao and the 15 newly promoted female soldiers of the Guards waited quietly.

"God Lord..."

"Sister Xiaoxiao said that as long as I am loyal to you and kneel here to pray to you, you will give me holy water to save me.

"I am very loyal to you."

"You are not only my savior, but also my... dream lover..."

"I...I don't know what to say..."

"Anyway, I admire you very much, so I want to become a Guardsman and stay by your side.

0…………Please give me flowers 00

"Well...God, will you give me holy water?"

Xin Yue looks at the tree of life.

A ray of light flashed across the tree and gradually condensed into a crystal clear drop of water.

Then slowly fell.

Water droplets floated in front of Xinyue.

"Xin Yue, the master has given you holy water, come here and drink it." Liu Xiaoxiao reminded.


Is this holy water?

Xinyue quickly took it and swallowed it in one gulp.

In an instant, the wound on her shoulder healed quickly, and the corpse poison in her body receded like a tide.

"Oh my god?"

"so amazing."

"The Lord is moved by me, so happy..."

Liu Xiaoxiao smiled knowingly.

I took 16 people out and brought 16 people back. This mission was successfully completed.

Black Yu Island.

In the garden of Villa No. 1.

Luo Tian looked at the 16 people standing in a row.

"You guys did a great job today."

"Although you have completed the task, it is thanks to Xiao Xiao's temporary teaching of skills."

"But you are the ones who kill the zombies."

"I declare that you will officially become my personal guards, and Liu Xiaoxiao will be your captain.

"Her words will be equal to mine from now on."


The 16 aviation beauties were extremely happy.

They are no longer just vases who can only do laundry and cooking.

The girls were jumping up and down with joy.

Luo Tian felt dizzy and dizzy.


"Get your weapons back now."


"This is your exclusive weapon. You can lose your life, but you must not lose your weapon."

"How powerful you can become."

"It all depends on the weapons."

"They have been blessed by me. Every time you kill a zombie, you can gain a little strength through the weapon.

"Come on and become stronger!"

As a soldier of your own personal guard, you must be stronger than ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, Luo Tian marked these weapons with six [Forest God Brands].


Every time a female warrior of the Guards kills a zombie, she gains twice as much power as in normal combat.

"Okay, let's disband."

"I'm going to take a bath and relax."

Luo Tian said.

"Holy Lord, let me help you release the water."

"I want to rub the god's back..."

The baby is crying a lot today. The author has only finished coding four chapters now, and the fifth chapter may take three o'clock, so I decided to send it out tomorrow morning. The author will not owe any updates.

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