The End Of The World: I Use Plants To Control The World

122: Huanzi’S Mysterious Talent (1/5)

Luo Tian is very satisfied with Toffee's performance.

Although he was scolding her, it was actually a kind of affirmation.

Seeing how she was not ambiguous about killing now, Luo Tian was relieved.

Daring to kill is not the goal.

It’s a necessary “skill” for survival in the apocalypse


The bloodbath in the camp went smoothly and it was only a matter of time before everything was cleared.

Luo Tian is also a bit bored in heaven.

So he lit another cigarette.

Maybe it was because of the strong wind, so it took me many times to light the lighter.

"Smoking while floating in the sky is really unique."

And after the prop mall is upgraded, you can buy Elf Wings there.

When the time comes, give each of the maids a pair.

Then he was seriously injured while flying in the air, and then caught on fire. It was so sour/satisfying, it’s exciting just thinking about it.

Just when Luo TianYY.

A group of crows may have smelled the smell of blood, and they were flying towards the red stone camp with croaking sounds.

Just when flying into the sky.

The crows screamed instantly and fled in all directions.

Luo Tian: "What's wrong with these crows?"

Crow: "Quack, quack...what a big golden eagle, run for your life, quack"

Red Rock Camp. 09 With the addition of Liu Xiaoxiao, Yun Duo, Han Kexin, and Wei Guozhong, the war became one sided.

Toffee raised his hand and shot the three special men with a few arrows.

Look up.

I found a dark head shrinking in front of the window on the third floor.

"There are people upstairs."

Toffee flew through the window and jumped in.

There was a little fat man sitting on the ground, and there was another person lying next to him.

"The bad brother said, no one will be left alive."

Toffee raised the elf hand crossbow and prepared to trigger the crossbow.

The little fat man suddenly became excited.

He suddenly remembered Luo Tian's words.

"Long live the God, long live the God..."


"You actually know Bad Brother?"

The little fat man looked confused.

"Who is the bad brother?"

"That's the god you call him."

Ah? My brother is a god?

The name sounds interesting.

"Hey little fat man, where can Huan Gao Gao eat?"

The little fat man pointed out the window.

“My brother flew into the sky.

Toffee came to the window and looked up.

"Wow, it's such a big bird. It should be delicious when grilled.

Toffee raised her crossbow and prepared to fire.

This girl has itchy hands since her strength increased greatly, and she wants to shoot two arrows at everything she sees.

The little fat man was shocked.

"Hey hey hey, don't.

"That's my brother."

When Toffee took a closer look, it seemed that it wasn't really a bird, but vaguely looked like a bad brother.

"The bad brother actually has wings?"

"I'm so envious..."

Toffee patted the little fat man on the head.

"Little fat man, my sister is going to kill bad guys, bye."

Toffee jumped out of the window.

the other side.

Huanzi fought several rounds with two female guardsmen.

"This woman is so weird, Xinyue, let's call for support."

"Lina, don't worry yet. Although this woman is weird, she is not a threat for the time being. Let's just hone our combat skills.


Xinyue and Lina nodded.


The two beauties killed Huanzi together.

Xinyue and Lina are very fast, and combined with the combination of shield and sword, their tactical coordination is both offensive and defensive.

Huanzi was forced into danger.


Xinyue's dagger stabbed into Huanzi's abdomen smoothly.

Huanzi rolled on the spot and retreated five meters away in an instant.

At this time, a strange scene happened.

Her punctured abdomen healed instantly.

Moreover, even the bleeding blood flowed back along the wound and returned to the body.

"That's it again."

"Can't this woman be killed?"

Xinyue and Lina felt frustrated.

Huanzi's strength is not very high, she can't even defeat Xinyue and Lina casually.

But Keiko is like a slime.

You stab her.

She healed immediately, as if it couldn't hurt her at all.

"I don't believe in evil anymore!"

Lina, let’s continue!”

The two men held shield swords and launched another round of attacks.

This time Keiko's left hand was cut off.

But the broken left hand and the blood that flowed out automatically flew back and connected to the broken arm.


This time Xinyue and Lina couldn't remain calm.

"Are you a monster?"

"Can your arm be reconnected even if it's broken?"

Huanzi's face didn't look good either.

She is an awakener, and her awakening talent is also very magical.

It was as if every cell in her body was connected by an invisible mysterious magnetic field.

No matter the injury.

Or a limb is broken.

It was only Huanzi's physical body that was destroyed.

To put it more strictly, what was destroyed was the tangible material part of Huanzi.

But the invisible mysterious magnetic field in the body will not be affected.

Huanzi can control the power of this magnetic field to restore injured parts and broken limbs.

This is her awakened talent.

Very powerful.

But her weaknesses are also very obvious.

After awakening, her strength, agility, constitution, etc. are a little higher than ordinary people.

Face Xinyue and Lina.

Huanzi was completely helpless.

"Xin Yue, let's attack her head this time."

"Yes, I don't believe that she can restore her head after cutting it off.

Huanzi suddenly panicked.

Although the mysterious magnetic field in her body is powerful, her head and heart are fatal points.

Once these two parts are severely damaged.

She would be unable to control the magnetic field in her body, and could only watch herself die.

Huanzi doesn't want to die.

"Two good sisters, I have no enmity or enmity with you."

"Why do you have to kill me?"

Huanzi asked.

It was really hard for her to understand. She had not offended anyone, so she should not have enemies.

"Humph, Sister Xiaoxiao said it."

"The Lord God ordered a bloodbath for the entire camp, because you have all eaten 600 zombie meat and will turn into monsters sooner or later."

It's unjust...

Huanzi felt that she was wronged.

She is an awakened person, and an awakened person will not eat zombie meat.

But the awakened ones want to gain power.

Will choose to drink evolution serum.

Huanzi felt disgusted because the evolutionary serum was blood extracted from the bodies of special people.

They are all raised using zombie meat.

Huanzi is the original owner here.

Yang Yongxin and his group were kindly taken in at the beginning, but they were actually benefactors.

Later, Yang Yongxin and others began to engage in a special human breeding program.

Huanzi felt disgusted.

She made it clear that she did not drink the evolutionary serum, and Yang Yongxin did not force her to drink it.

One less person can drink and a serum can be saved.

"Sisters, I didn't eat Libei meat."


Xinyue and Lina obviously didn't believe it.

"Humph, we are not children."

"Don't try to lie to us."

"You are so disgusting. You even eat zombie meat. We, Luhu, will never allow people like you to be around."

"Who knows when you will turn into monsters."

"Lina, stop talking nonsense and chop off her head!"

The two launched another round of attacks.

Huanzi was very anxious.

Although she can constantly rehabilitate her injured parts.

But it consumes a lot of mental energy every time.

These two female warriors are very strong.

If he continues like this, his mental energy will be exhausted sooner or later.

Then all we have to do is wait for death...

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