Xin Yue had no time to think about it.

A dozen Spider-Man zombies attacked.

"Shield wall!"

Five female warriors gathered in an instant.

Bang bang bang

The attacking Spider-Man zombies crashed into the shield wall.

"Ah, this is so powerful."

"Hold still, don't let go!"


Puff puff. ..

Four Spider-Man zombies were killed instantly.

The golden elf daggers equipped by the guards are not only extremely sharp.

The golden inscriptions on the sword body are the nemesis of evolved zombies and evolved beasts.

No matter it hits the head of an evolved zombie.

Or cut into the skull.

There was basically no chance of survival.

"It's coming down again!"

Mengqiu and Yuqing approached the window, and there were no zombies behind them.

The two of them took a step back instantly.

Then he raised his buckler high above his head.

Two Spider-Man zombies collided with the shield.


Puff puff..

Black zombie blood splattered.

The five Guards soldiers cooperated seamlessly, and the Spider-Man zombies could not defeat them for a while.

at this time.

One is wearing a white coat.

Disheveled hair.

His face turned pale.

The female weirdo with dark eyes walked in.


"You are powerful."

"Mistress values ​​you very much.

"Give up your resistance and become one of us."

"You will 433 become stronger."

The five Guards soldiers were immediately dumbfounded.

It turns out these weirdos can talk.


"Who are you talking about, the mistress?"

The female weirdo Jiejie smiled and said: "She is the supreme great creator and will also be the ruler of the world.


"The Mistress will reform you.

"Stop resisting."


Xinyue glared at the female weirdo: "The god is the future ruler.

"Fuck you bitch motherfucker."

"Sisters, kill her!"

The shield wall of the five female warriors spread out and instantly killed the female weirdo.

An indescribable signal penetrated the brain.

It's like an electric current, giving people a splitting headache.

"Another mental attack!"


"Sisters, hold on!"

"Kill her!"

The five female warriors gritted their teeth and rushed forward despite the pain.

Although the female weirdo's dark eyes showed no surprise.

But the twitching facial muscles on her face showed her fear at the moment.



"Why can you charge forward despite my mental attack?"

The weirdo was scared.

She wanted to turn around and run away.

But once he turns around, it means interrupting the mental attack.

Then at your own speed.

He definitely couldn't outrun these female warriors.

"help me!"

Unfortunately it's too late.

Xinyue's shield hit the female weirdo in the face.


The female weirdo screamed.

At this moment, Yueting followed closely and pierced the female monster's mouth with her sword.

Another one was mouthed to death.

The female weirdo dies.

Her psychic attacks were also interrupted.

The splitting headache and discomfort in the minds of the five female Guards soldiers also receded like the tide.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Just as he regained his composure, another Spider-Man zombie rushed in from outside the door.

This time there were more than twenty.

"Back off!"

"Shield wall!"

My heart is as happy as facing a powerful enemy.

The attack methods of these spider zombies are very strange.

They can attack on the ceiling, floor, or walls.


Another weirdo walked in outside the door.

Two men and one woman.

Xinyue suddenly felt dizzy.

Just now, a female weirdo put five people in danger.

This time three came directly.

There are also more than twenty Spider-Man zombies.

Xinyue knows.

This time it's really over.

If it's an opponent with physical attacks, it doesn't matter even if you're covered in scars from the fight.

At least he has the strength to fight.

This kind of mental attack can't even be defended against.

It seems that I got stuck here today.


"The fate of this life is over."

"Let's fight side by side again in the next life!"

Xinyue was already prepared to die.

The other four female warriors also knew that they would surely die.

"It's a pity that I haven't asked God to apply sunscreen on me yet."

"I didn't even wear my sexiest swimsuit to show the gods."

"In the next life..."

"The God will avenge us!"

The five female warriors grasped the daggers at the same time.


Xinyue let out a sweet cry, and the five of them killed the Spider-Man zombie together.

At the same time (ajdc).

The three weirdos also released spiritual attacks.


"So sad!"

"Hold on, kill one and you'll be enough, kill two and you'll make a profit."

"I can't do it anymore. I really can't bear it anymore."

This time, three weirdos cast spiritual attacks at the same time.

No one could hold back the SS soldiers.

Everyone lost their fighting ability.

Yuqing was the first to be knocked down.

Then there are Mengqiu, Bai Jie, Yueting...

Xinyue was also pinned to the ground by two Spider-Man zombies.

Puff puff...

The sharp claws kept scratching the female warrior's leather armor.

The elf leather armor that could block submachine gun fire could not protect against the claws of these spider zombies.

The defense was breached.

Every time the Spider-Man zombie swings its claws, the female warrior's skin will be torn open and blood will splash.

They are not dead.

Although the defense of the leather armor was broken.

But it also offset a large part of the attack.

As a result, the claws of Spider-Man Zombie could only make cuts three to four millimeters deep on the soldiers' bodies.

And the leather armor has an automatic repair function.

After being broken every time.

It will automatically restore in the next second.

Therefore, the Spider-Man zombie cannot deal a fatal blow to the female warrior.

This is the worst.

Just like execution at Lingchi, it will not kill you instantly, it will be a hundred times more painful.

Xinyue felt deeply guilty.

If not she would have gone it alone.

These sisters will not follow.


she shouted angrily.

As a result, this voice directly dispersed the weirdo's mental attack.


Am I awake?

Xinyue found out that she had a splitting headache.

Now the brain becomes extremely clear.

Thinking is faster than ever.

The responsiveness is far greater than before.

And there is still a wave of consciousness that seems to be substantial in his mind.

"What kind of talent do I have?"

Xinyue was a little confused.

But the situation is urgent now.

She had no time to study, so she released the waves of consciousness in her mind.

In an instant, a powerful mental shock wave spread out.

rub rub rub

The three weirdos were rushed back three steps in a row.

" actually awakened spiritual attacks?"

"'s so easy."

"The mistress will definitely like you."

"Give up resistance and become a servant of the Mistress, and your spiritual attack will gain a qualitative leap.

I'm so tall!

Xinyue is now completely free again.

Not only did her attributes greatly increase.

His reflexes are even more unparalleled, and he can instantly dodge the attacks of three Spider-Man zombies.

The figure came to the strange man in a flash.

Puff puff...

The three weirdo heads fell off and rolled to the side.

Xinya discovered.

After she chopped off these three heads.

Their originally dark eyes gradually returned to normal.

So weird...

At this time, Yueting, Bai Jie, Mengqiu, and Yuqing were still pinned to the ground by Spider-Man zombies.

Xinyue rushed forward and raised her sword.

The four people were rescued quickly.

They have become completely bloody people now. If they take off their leather armor, they may not be able to find any intact skin on their bodies.

But the physical fitness of female warriors is very strong.

The wound heals quickly.

"We're fine."

"Xin Yue, are you awake?"

"Great, we are no longer afraid of those weirdos.

"it's getting dark."

"Let's go, let's fight out!"

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