The End Of The World: I Use Plants To Control The World

183: Keep The Green Hills And Don’T Worry About Burning Without Wood (2/5)

at the same time.

The two helicopters suspended in the sky also moved.

"Toffee, Xia Yao, are ready."

"When they get closer, fire."

"We must not let the helicopter fall on the island of Luhu Lake."

Luo Tian doesn't want the villa to be destroyed.

The two helicopters were getting closer and closer, and were about to approach Tianji Phantom Peninsula.




Two deafening gunshots rang out.

It's especially jarring in the dark.

Two 14.5mm bullets sprayed out of the gun barrel and instantly penetrated the two helicopters.

The shooting skills of Toffee and Xia Yao are really incredible.

The two armed helicopters suddenly lost control.

"Yeah, I got shot.

"I was shot too."

"Oops, I'm going to crash.

"The same goes for me here..."

Yang Kui and Jiang Hong panicked.

You haven't even arrived at Luhu yet, so you're being shot in the dark.

"Boss, call the boss."

"Both Jiang Hong's and mine were shot, and we are about to crash."

He Tianlong, who was sitting in the office, slammed the table angrily.


An armed helicopter that could withstand even 12.7mm bullets was shot down by Luhu's gun.

What gun is so powerful?

No matter how stupid He Tianlong was, he would have guessed it.

It must be an anti-material sniper!

Luhu also has powerful firearms.

The helicopter is gone.

The ground troops rushed in to deliver food.

He Tianlong quickly connected with the ground troops.

"Retreat across the board, retreat across the entire 507 line!"

The truck driver who was at the front was dumbfounded. I was about to rush into Black Pearl. You want me to retreat?

"Boss, we are already at the Black Pearl Bridge."

"You have to drive to the island to turn around."


He Tianlong suddenly had a bad feeling.

Such a large convoy rushed over and arrived at Black Pearl so smoothly.

Is it a scam?

At this moment, He Tianlong heard the driver's scream coming from the headset.




After the explosion, there was no more sound in the headset.

It's over...

The earth-moving truck in the lead must have been blown to pieces.

He Tianlong immediately connected with the second team.

"Team 2, please answer when you receive it."

Soon, the captain of the second team heard a sound, which was nothing more than intensive gunfire.


In addition to gunshots, many people could also be heard screaming.

"Hold on, hold on!"

"Ah————, what the hell is this vine? I'm tied up."

"Someone come and save me, I'm tied up."

"Retreat quickly, retreat."

"There is no way to evacuate, the way back is blocked by these hateful vines."


He Tianlong's heart sank to the bottom.

It's over...(ajfh).

Two helicopters crashed.

The ground troops were blocked at the bridgehead and even their retreat was blocked.

He Tianlong understood in his heart.

This time it was a matter of stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

The team that was finally pulled up was all fully armed, but they all fell into Luhu.


"I can't stay in Tianlong Villa anymore."

"Once someone turns me in alive, I'm done."

Thinking of this, He Tianlong opened the office door and walked out.

"Brother Long, where?"

"Brother Long, did the brothers who went to Luhu win the battle?"

"Made, I heard that Luhu is full of ladies."

"Haha, Brother Long, let's go to Luhu Lake quickly. I have never tasted the taste of a noble lady in my life."

There were only four subordinates on duty in the entire villa.

He Tianlong shook his head.

Give me a taste of what it's like to be a noble lady.

A bunch of idiots, I'm all doomed.

I have to run away myself.

You all go to hell!

He Tianlong pulled out his pistol, raised his hand and fired a four-point shot.

Bang bang bang bang.

Four subordinates on duty were shot in the head.

I probably won’t know what happened until I die.

"Now no one knows where I escaped."

He Tianlong got into an off-road vehicle and quickly fled Tianlong Villa.

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"That's your human proverb."

"One day I will make a comeback!"

the other side.

On the Black Pearl Bridge, "Wei Guozhong led his men to block the convoy on the bridge.

First a rocket.

Directly bomb the earth-moving truck clearing the way.

The huge earth-moving truck was lying in the middle of the road, and the cars behind it couldn't drive in.

More than 400 Celestial Soldiers, each armed with an assault rifle, opened fire together.

There are plenty of bullets anyway.

Don't worry about ammo at all.

In the face of intensive firepower, the people in Tianlong Villa were suppressed and unable to raise their heads.

At this time, they also thought of using rockets to blast the divine army.

But Bai Qiangwei suddenly moved.

Now that Minian has reached level 4, her reading has spread to the entire bridge.

Countless vines moved out together.

Everyone in Tianlong Villa was entangled.

The guy carrying the rocket panicked.

Shoot a rocket directly into your own crowd.

More than a dozen people were killed on the spot.

Others were preparing to throw grenades.

But after being controlled by Bai Qiangwei, the grenade was also thrown into the crowd of his own.

There was a moment of chaos.

No fewer than 50 people died in Tianlong Villa at the hands of their own people.

At this time someone shouted.

"Use a saber to cut off the vines tied to your body."

The people in Tianlong Villa are equipped with military standard equipment.

He Tianlong led them to sweep back all the equipment from a military camp.

The multifunctional saber can easily cut through steel wire.

But he saw the vines that were constantly tied to his body.

Everyone in Tianlong Villa was dumbfounded, what the hell.

at this time.

Someone on the opposite bridge shouted through a loudspeaker:

"Everyone listen."

"Put down your weapons, you can survive temporarily and wait for the death of the god."

"Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

lay down your weapon?

"I'll put Nima's head."

"Without weapons, we will become nothing more than meat on the chopping board.

"Never lay down your weapons."

There were a few people who looked very bloody. They were all tied up by vines, but they still resisted.

Just as they finished speaking.

Da da da...

Da da da..

Intensive gunshots rang out, and those bloody people were instantly shot into a sieve.

It's not just them.

Even the people next to him suffered a disaster and were shot to death indiscriminately.

What an unjust death.

The Celestial Army mainly uses a combination of shields and short swords to kill zombies.

Everyone's marksmanship is terrible.

The melee just now relied entirely on fire suppression with more people and guns.

They haven't been able to accurately name names yet.

Accidental injuries are inevitable.

The people in Tianlong Villa were frightened.

"Quick, put down your weapon."

"Put it all down. We are all tied up. We are no different from targets. What's the point of resisting?

"Why the hell are you still holding a gun? You want to kill us."

A few people who were still holding guns were scolded by their companions.

The wave of accidental gunshots just now has made everyone's scalp numb.

Why don't you have a long memory?

Wei Guozhong was holding a telescope at the bridge.

Take a look.

The people on the bridge basically put down their weapons.

However, due to the large number of vehicles.

Some people were blocked from view.

It cannot be ruled out that there are still some die-hards who still hold weapons.

"Let's go up to the bridge and escort the prisoners of war."

"Remember, if you are still holding a gun, shoot him immediately."

"Everyone raise their shields."

"Be careful of someone shooting cold shots."

More than 400 Celestial Army soldiers immediately raised their shields and walked towards the bridge.

Left hand shield, pistol.

Don't be afraid even if someone shoots you coldly...

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