The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 10: Laying Out Blue Stars and Promoting the Evolution of All Mankind (23)

After collecting all the remaining rewards, Jiang Yi's whole body was filled with wonderful feelings.

The combat experience and cultivation experience from the wilderness kept floating in his heart, as if Jiang Yi had cultivated it little by little.

years of fighting skills with ferocious beasts;

Strive to cultivate and defend the courage of mankind;

Unrivaled power!

Jiang Yi's right hand was held in the void, as if a combat knife was held in the palm of his hand, extremely sharp and dazzling.

At that moment, everything in the room began to tremble and buzz, crackling.

"What an unimaginable martial art, is this the famous trick that Ara created alone", releasing his right hand, Jiang Yi muttered.

I have to say that this "Triple Overlord Sword" is really extremely powerful.

Before, just watching from the sidelines brought Jiang Yi a deep feeling, but when he really controlled this martial art, Jiang Yi felt the horror of the wilderness.

Triple hegemonic knife, one knife after another, the increase in strength climbs infinitely.

Jiang Yi had a feeling in his heart that perhaps the potential of the wilderness was much more than that, and the reason why he was like this now was just that he did not give enough opportunities.

If there is enough time to give Waste, or if he is given a body with more potential, he can completely resist the invasion of alien spaceships.

"...", Jiang Yi looked at the Devouring Behemoth Egg in the system panel, and some thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Deduce the development strategy of the world, but don't worry too much, as long as you continue to cultivate this super genius, you will get a greater degree of plot changes and get deduction points."

"What we need to think about now is how to change the real world, but without suddenly causing the world to collapse drastically."

Jiang Yi rubbed his swollen temples, only to find things extremely difficult.

If you really want to completely distort the real world, it is actually simple, just spread the meteorite virus in the real blue star.

But this practice is undoubtedly killing chickens for eggs, which is quite undesirable.

Jiang Yi sat in his chair, his fingers tapping on the table, he didn't intend to keep Blue Star ordinary.

"In that case, let's change the blue star little by little, and gradually transform the blue star in the real world into an otherworldly human civilization, so that even if there are really aliens, the blue star has the power to resist."

Jiang Yi thought far, he wanted not only human self-preservation, but also human beings to go deep into the center of the universe, so that Blue Star humans could also become the hegemonic existence among many cosmic races.

As if thinking of something, the corners of Jiang Yi's mouth rose slightly.

He already has a way to slowly improve Blue Star's strength without letting Blue Star's civilization system collapse.

"System, exchange the diluted version of the meteorite virus, want to cover the entire amount of blue star, how many deduction points are needed?"

[Back to the host, exchange for diluted virus and spread to the world, a total of 10,000 deduction points are required]

【Do you want to redeem?】 】

"OK," Jiang Yi said with an inexplicable smile on his face.

He wants to use this diluted virus to plunge the blue star of the real world into a short period of high-speed evolution, but because the virus concentration is not enough, this evolution will not shake the status of human hegemony.

The next thing to solve is how to make all mankind accept this change in peace.

"Do a global live broadcast? Main God Space? Or as before, directly make a copy of the memory into a dream? ”

After thinking about it, Jiang Yi decided to make a two-pronged approach, while randomly selecting lucky people to implant dreams, shaping them into the illusion of accidentally receiving their own memories in parallel time and space.

While creating an audience network, place the pictures that occur in the deduced world into it, so that people in the real world can see the story of parallel time and space.

As for why there is this network...

Without Jiang Yi's own explanation, people will make up a lot of content from the name of the audience network, thinking that perhaps the high-ranking "observer" god Lord is too boring, and show mercy to let the people of Blue Star be the audience.

Observe parallel space-time with him.

"System, can you implement the ideas in my head?"

[Yes, only a thousand deduction points are needed to achieve the result desired by the host]

"Then start now, first lay out the website and dream, and then spread the diluted version of the evolutionary virus when the time is ripe," Jiang Yi let out a soft breath.

He can fully imagine what kind of change he will bring to the real world by doing so.

The world will usher in a big reshuffle!

"Raise your hand and fall on the chess pieces... Now, the real world should be able to bring me enough deduction points. ”

Jiang Yi's fingers seemed to hold a chess piece, and it landed in the center of the table.

Transforming the ordinary blue star into a low-martial world is enough to bring tens of thousands of points of income to himself.

If the effect of the next deduction is better, it can kill the existence of the three-clawed dragon and even kill the devouring giant beast, and maybe it can gather 100,000 deduction points at once.

It is also possible to open up a new world of deduction.

As Jiang Yi's thoughts flowed, a wonderful website called "" was silently set up, empty with only a few archived names and covers.

[Armageddon] of total human annihilation;

[Earth Farm] where alien spaceships wantonly captive earth creatures;

and the [Age of Warriors], where warriors were born and became high-level combat powers.

The three archives were turned into video data by the system, hanging in the empty website, which seemed so lonely.

However, it is such a featureless website, but it inexplicably enters the homepage of many people's computers and mobile phones, and occupies it strongly.

"The number of online people is growing quite fast," Jiang Yi nodded slightly, and in his God perspective, he could see that the audience network had exceeded 10,000 online people.

However, compared to the goal he wanted, this number is still too small.

"If you want to wait until the real world is completely fermented, it is estimated that you have to wait for those dreamers to wake up and 'testify' the authenticity of these archives."

Jiang Yi shook his head and stopped paying attention to the situation of the viewer network.

He began to cultivate the forging method created by himself, and became a little familiar with his body after becoming stronger. *

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