The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 19: Half-Step Transcendent (44)

"Then, speed up the deduction."

With a wave of Jiang Yi's palm, the system directly accelerated the time flow of the entire deduction world.

[With the help of the host, the three-clawed dragon completed its evolution in advance, obtained wisdom that was not weaker than humans, and unified all the marine ferocious beasts in the deep sea area]

[Due to the dilution of the virus stock liquid in the deep sea area by seawater, a large number of marine ferocious beasts have evolved faster, and the slowest ones have been twice as fast as before, making the sea an absolute forbidden area for human beings at once]

[Too dangerous marine ferocious beasts, forcing the Xia Kingdom to send a large number of warriors and artillery, and built a war fortress at the mouth of the sea to prevent the sea ferocious beasts from sneaking into the hinterland of the Xia Kingdom along the river]

[However, on a thunderstorm day, the three-clawed dragon led many super fierce beasts under his command to attack the estuary war fortress of the Xia Kingdom at night, calling for wind and rain and thunder and lightning, killing all 3,000 warriors and 10,000 gun-wielding soldiers in the war fortress, and a large number of marine ferocious beasts dived along the rivers where they landed, and the Xia Kingdom instantly fell to one-sixth of the country]

[The next day, the Wild Martial Ancestor alone entered the lair of the marine ferocious beast with a knife, burned the qi and blood of his body, cut out a knife and thunder punishment, successfully killed tens of thousands of marine ferocious beasts, successfully damaged the three-clawed dragon, and forced it to retreat to the deep sea to recuperate]

[However, because of the life-giving blow, although he successfully contained the attack of the marine ferocious beast, Ara himself fell into a long-term dead and silent coma, and the warrior qi and blood in his body were almost completely extinguished]


Hearing this, Jiang Yi's eyes lit up.

On the verge of death in a life and death battle, dead but not stiff, half-dead and not dead, isn't this a typical protagonist who puts death and comes back to life?

With a movement in his heart, Jiang Yi's figure appeared directly in the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion in the imperial capital of the Xia Kingdom.

Logically speaking, only the old man could live in it, but the desert was granted permission by the old man to live in it during his convalescence, and was protected by countless warriors and professional bodyguards.

Just like the first time, Jiang Yi's body directly blurred through countless security guards, came to the interior of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, and saw the desert lying on the hospital bed.

Compared with the previous fighting spirit and vigorous appearance, the desolation at this moment revealed weakness.

His face was pale, his hands and feet were weak, and he was so weak that even a lowest-level ferocious beast could kill him.

"Sure enough, although the surface looks like the lamp is withered, as if it will die in the next second, the vigorous qi and blood in the body condense into a mass to guard the heart."

"I'm afraid even the three-clawed dragon himself can't think of it, you haven't died with such a serious injury, gee."

Jiang Yi Zeze was amazed, he can be sure that as long as he survives this life and death crisis, he will inevitably be strong to a whole new realm. "So, let me push you."

Jiang Yi smiled, instilling the qi and blood in his body into the body of the wasteland, and the two qi and blood that had cultivated the same forging body method were perfectly fused without the slightest condensation.

After receiving the replenishment of qi and blood, Arashi's face quickly became rosy, and even his heart resumed a strong beat.

Wait until two minutes later.

Even without Jiang Yi's qi and blood infusion, the qi and blood in the barren body can become self-contained, spreading to the whole body along the beating of the heart, restoring the numb and weak limbs.

"It's a powerful force."

Sensing the new qi and blood emerging from the barren body, Jiang Yi smiled and withdrew his palm.

Silently waiting for the awakening of the wasteland.

At first it was quiet, the beating of the heart only echoed in the room, and then the sound of this beating became more and more surging.

Like a thunder drum in the sky, roaring.

It penetrated the walls of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion and spread to everyone's ears.

It shakes their ears, shakes their hearts, and resonates with their hearts.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the location of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, their eyes in awe and reverence, as if they were witnessing the birth of a god, a rising star.

Warrior warriors, in fact, in the end, even human evolutionaries.

Every time a warrior breaks through a stage, he can be regarded as more perfect and advanced than ordinary humans.

No one knows if the warrior breaks through to an unimaginable level, whether he will surpass humans, break the stubborn genetic limitations of human beings, and become an inhuman existence.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

It is like thunder, and it is like heavenly fire.

The roaring heartbeat became faster and faster, deafening, and shocked everyone's ears to the point of near deafness.

It wasn't until a long time later, as the door of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion was opened, and a weak but powerful figure came out of it, that everyone was surprised to find that the voice was gone.

"Is it still a little close?"

Walking out of the desolation of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, he glanced down at his body.

He could feel what a terrifying new qi and blood power lurked beneath this weak body, which was ten times more powerful than before!

But this qi and blood do not seem to be perfect, just a semi-finished product.

Desolate faintly realized that as long as he broke through this step, he would be able to become a transcendent existence and become a transcendent in the true sense.

"If you become a transcendent being, will you be able to fight against the Devouring Behemoth?"

Thinking of the terrifying devouring beast, the joy in Arashi's heart disappeared, and infinite worry appeared.

No, he can't be complacent because his strength has improved.

Not to mention the mysterious and unknown devouring behemoth, the three-clawed dragon that inexplicably evolved in advance is a big trouble that has not yet been solved.

He must work harder to cultivate the Body Forging Method, step into the true transcendent level as soon as possible, and guard the Xia Kingdom!


Arashi's expression and heart voice were all taken in by Jiang Yi, who was secretly observing, revealing a satisfied expression.

"Not bad, not arrogant or impetuous after the strength has soared, it is indeed the protagonist of the system's Mandate of Heaven."

"Look at this heart, gee, if I don't give a full score, it seems that I have cut the door."

Jiang Yi grinned, he knew that the reward for this deduction must not be much worse. *

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