The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sacrifice a Million Martyrs with Dragon Blood! (14)

Modern networks travel faster than Jiang Yi imagined.

Or rather, he underestimated the shock that those video clips on the viewer network brought to the world.

For the general public, although it will be shocking to see the heads of state and powerful warriors in the clip, it is so insignificant compared to seeing their own existence in the video.

"I wipe! How did I die again in the movie! ”

"I vomited, die and die, how come I was still trampled to death by a shell, this Nima's is too big!"

"You upstairs are content, I was killed by a meteorite at the beginning of the apocalypse!"

"Thank you for the invitation, people in the last day, just trampled on."

In various forums and communication platforms, there is a lot of discussion about the audience network, and even people who have distrust in their hearts will faintly believe it after actually seeing the video clip.

Because they also see themselves in the video, or the presence of relatives and friends!

Could it be... Is this really something that happened in parallel space-time?

More importantly, the situation has been fermenting for so long, and there has been no official come out to stop or refute the rumors.

Is it unaware, or disdainful, or... Don't dare to block relevant information!


While netizens were talking about it, there was also an undercurrent in the high-level officials of various countries.

Xia Guo Tianlong Pavilion

"Chief, the relevant information has been analyzed, please take a look," the guard handed the information in his hand to the old man who was not angry with himself in a very respectful manner.

"Is there any news about the audience network again?"

The old man took the information, opened a page at random, and was attracted by the content contained in it.

Whether it was the observer's act of wantonly tampering with the direction of time, or the performance after stepping into the extraordinary level, it deeply shocked this old man who came from "cleaning up feudal superstition".

Don't...... Is there really an immortal in this world?

If these video clips really happened in parallel time and space, does this mean that the blue star in the real world will also be attacked by meteorites?

Fortunately, according to the performance in the audience network, if human beings really suffer from the crisis of extinction, then mysterious observers must not be indifferent.

"What a mysterious crown," the old man couldn't help but sigh.

Without the help of observers, the human side would not be able to say that it would kill the devouring behemoth, and I am afraid that it would be difficult to resist under the attack of the fierce beast tide.

If His existence is true, he must be a supreme god beyond space and time.

Even if it is promoted to the wilderness of extraordinary life, in the face of such an existence, it still seems as small as an ant.

"Chief, the storm caused by the audience network on the Internet is getting bigger and bigger, is there really no need to suppress the fishing boat?" , the personal guard asked respectfully.

For this kind of online fishing boat, which is very likely to cause social unrest, Xia Guo's attitude has always been iron-faced and ruthless.

The old man thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head.

"Letting ordinary people know that the end is coming will indeed cause quite a stir, but we can afford this loss compared to the consequences of angering His Majesty."

The old man turned his head to look at the sky outside the window, the blue and sunny day, and his cloudy eyes seemed to become bright and wise.

"However, in order to prevent the end that may bring, Xia Guo must make some preparations."

"Pass on the order, start to follow the policy guidelines of Xia Guo in the video, fully implement in the real world, make every effort to collect basic materials, and at the same time change the content of the college entrance examination, add the martial artist assessment, and eliminate the English assessment!"

The old man acted resolutely and gave the order in an attitude that could not be denied.

Even Xia Guo did not block the news, and it is conceivable that other countries will not spread it.

It's not that they don't want to, but because foreign liberalism is prevalent, and if the official blocks the viewer's browsing of the audience by its own users, it will inevitably trigger social fishing boats and protests.

For a time, the whole world was discussing the relevant matters of the audience network, and countless melon-eating people came together to browse the video.

After watching it, I was shocked by the content of the video clip.

There are even many people who have become avid fans of the wilderness, making the phrase "Sacrifice my million heroes in Daxia with dragon blood!" became a buzzword on the Internet.

Not only people in Xia Country use it, but users in the United States, Xiong Country and other countries have even specially learned the pronunciation of this sentence in order to express their fanatical emotions, just to be more suitable for their idols.

It is clear that Jiang Yi's purpose has been achieved.

The whole world is discussing the existence of the audience network, the official government can't cover it up if it wants to cover up, and the word of mouth between the people is enough to make the information of the audience network circulate everywhere.

Everyone believes in parallel time and space, and feels that meteorites carrying viruses will come sooner or later.

Even soon, it will appear in the real world and destroy everything!

Panic, helplessness, fear, ecstasy...

All kinds of emotions appear at the same time, filling the minds of ordinary people, and Xia Guoren will not seem too panicked because they have the content in the video clip as their confidence.

But you know, in the video movies of the audience network, except for Xia Guo, the ending is not very good

Those who can survive the end are basically only some elites and people with special status.

This makes ordinary people how not to panic, how not to panic.

For a while, the Internet was full of heated discussions about the end of the world ... Protests and demonstrations have quietly sprung up, and because the country is the most open to so-called freedom of expression, the country's social networks have almost drowned out such discussions.

This made the president's expression not only not good, but also feel a sense of relief.

"Fortunately, in this world, we have the audience network early warning, so it will not be the same as in the video clip of the audience network, and it will be left behind by Xia Guo and cannot catch up."

The president slowly breathed a sigh of relief, unaware that Jiang Yi had planned to give a small gift to the free country because of his previous attacks on the viewer network. *

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