The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 35: Behind the Scenes of the World (part 2 of 4)

"Then again, there should be movement on the official side."

Jiang Yi looked at the time on his phone and couldn't help but think in his heart.

At best, the time to spread the diluted virus is only a few hours, but for the current Blue Star countries, it is enough for them to detect and collect the existence of the virus.

In some areas where the virus concentration is relatively heavy, real ferocious beasts may even be born.

"Oh, it's really exciting, what the future of Blue Star will become."

Jiang Yi's eyes looked into the distance, and from the most advantageous villa in Jiangmen Province, he saw many people running and working like ants below.

They don't seem to have changed compared to before.

But it seems to be a little different.

There is no more propaganda about English on billboards on both sides of the street, because two days ago, the Ministry of Education announced the elimination of English as a test subject.

Now, all the students of the Xia Kingdom must practice the basic martial artist forging method of the wilderness.

If you show unusual talent in the forging method, you will even be specially recruited by the state secret and become the envy of the neighbors as an "iron rice bowl".

"Next, you just need to wait for the cooldown period of deduction to end."

Jiang Yi returned to the house and spent the extra time with cultivation.


At the same time, in the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, the highest authority of the Xia Kingdom.

The old man finished watching the new video with a solemn face, and the whole person was half lying on the chair, his fingers lightly tapping on the desktop, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It seems that our understanding of the observer is still not clear enough... No, His Majesty never said that, but we unilaterally felt that He was kind to humanity. ”

Recalling the brand new video clip he had just watched, the old man's heart couldn't help but sigh.

Human beings are still too small, and in the face of that sublime and mysterious great being, there is no ability to resist, and there is not even the possibility of telling their own thoughts.

The racial continuation or total extinction of human beings is meaningless in the eyes of observers, just two branches with different future directions.

The only good thing is that the current human race is quite interesting to the crowned one.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"Where does the observer who is hidden in the infinite dimension, with the great existence of this person, see in humanity?"

"Chaotic humanity? Diverse emotions? Or...", the old man's voice paused, and a look of jealousy appeared on his face, "I just want to simply see how far and high an ant-like human can go." ”

This conjecture is very bold, but the old man thinks it is very likely.

To the mysterious observer, as great as Him, there is no reason to protect the race and future of mankind; All he enjoyed was a view of the changes in the Blue Star from beyond the world.

Or stupidly play with fire and set yourself on fire.

Or sublime self-sacrifice and evolution.

The observer is like a chess player, manipulating the human pawn, making good or bad moves, in order to obtain the few pleasures of eternal life.


The more the old man thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he only felt that the world view in his mind had completely collapsed.

In the end, it all turned into a helpless sigh.

Whether the observer is good or bad, humans are just one of many pawns in his hands, and unfortunately, the current Blue Star humans do not have the ability to get off the chessboard.

"It's just a matter of improvisation," the old man said with a wry smile.

Fortunately, the real world has an audience network left by observers, which can let people in the real world know the arrival of various crises in advance.

In this way, even if danger does come, the human side will not be too passive.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! ”

Just as the old man was about to close his eyes and rest, an emergency call suddenly rang.

The old man picked up the phone with a frown, patiently waiting for the report on the other side of the phone, and then his eyes widened sharply.

"What do you say, detected the appearance of a suspected meteorite virus? And Araya said that he had a reaction? ”

At the first moment of receiving the news, the old man immediately issued an order to go down, informing the army to block all mountains and forests and close the scenic spots in the country.

Without any consultation, troops were sent directly to blockade.

Quite aggressive.

Soon, the first batch of collected animals and plants were transported to the top biological research institute in Xia Country, where they were collectively analyzed and studied.

Not only Xia Guo, in just one hour, all countries in the world have taken action one after another.

Or send an army to shoot wild animals, or suddenly carry out a concentrated killing of stray cats and dogs, of course, the most important thing is to set up a research institute specializing in genetic agents.

No matter which country, it is very hot for the warriors in the audience network.

Who doesn't want to become heavenly and omnipotent?

In order to win over this Martial Ancestor of the Barren in advance, countries around the world even sent a large number of spies, not hesitating to expose the inner ghosts who had been in ambush for a long time, just to lure the current young Wilderness out of the Xia Kingdom.

Of course, the old man would not allow this to happen, and directly ordered to meet all the requirements of the wasteland.

He even allocated 100 million on the spot to renovate various facilities to the orphanage where he lived before the famine, just to stabilize the heart of this young genius.

For a time, the world was in turmoil and there was an uproar.

Even if nothing is officially revealed, the public still speculates about the undercurrent hidden beneath the surface of calm.

"I thorough! Why did the two ha at home suddenly double in size as soon as he woke up! The home is almost demolished! ”

"Eh, are you like this too, I suddenly feel that my own chickens and ducks have become so big, and my body is suddenly stronger, and my waist is not sore and my back is not painful, as if I have changed someone."

"You say, could it be that a meteorite virus has arrived?"

"This... But the meteorite did not come, where did this virus come from. ”

"I said, are you stupid, who said that the virus will definitely follow the meteorite when it comes to Blue Star!?"

A word awakens the dreamer.

This sentence was instantly recognized by countless netizens.

For a time, countless netizens felt both excited and confused in their hearts.

In the real world, where I have lived comfortably for so long, the rhythm of life is suddenly disrupted, is this good or bad......*

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