"This! This! This! ”

"What the hell is this?!"

Everyone subconsciously widened their eyes and looked at the screen with disbelief, shocked by the slowly appearing nine-ring tower.

It was like confronting the essence of the gods.

All the audience who saw the Nine-Ring Tower felt that it was very difficult to breathe, their hearts were beating violently, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

This is not who the Nine-Ring Tower is deliberately targeting.

It is just the fear and cowardice that comes to mortals after witnessing the immortals with their own eyes.

"Could it be that this is the so-called immortal pursuer, following the trail of the human remnants of the mythical era, and crossed over the wizard civilization?!" , real-world netizens are crazy brain supplements, eyes staring at the screen.

Look at the 9630 ring shining immortal light wheel on the screen.

Everyone deeply felt their own smallness and could not raise any sense of resistance.

I only feel that this high tower that crosses the universe is like a mighty deity blessed with nine brilliant crowns, so powerful and high.


In the video, the Nine-Ring Tower has completely arrived in the material universe.

He was so strong that even if he didn't move or attack himself, the coercion of the immeasurable light wheel of the nine rings crushed the starry sky.

Under this ultimate violence, the physical rules of dozens of galaxies shattered, and they were worn out into the purest matter and energy, turning into part of those nine brilliant and magnificent auras.

This is wizarding civilization.

This is the Immortal.

In front of the great existence of the immortal level, even a huge galaxy is not worth mentioning, and it is wiped out in a snap of your fingers.

Everyone was stunned.

They stared blankly at the picture in the video, watching the nine-ring tower launch an attack on the immortals of the material universe, and some saw the immortals of the material universe give a counterattack.

Whether it's the causal weapon that involves infinite points in time.

It is still the vast claws that cross the sea of stars and destroy the dimensional stars.

All of them made the three views of human beings shattered again and again, shattered into a mess, and severely trampled on the ground and humiliated.

"This... Is it the power of immortality? ”

"The gap is too big"

After a long silence, someone said in a very bitter tone.

The dry laughter was full of paleness.

Although human beings have long known that the immortals are absolute overlords standing at the top of the universe, and have fantasized about their terrifying and powerful, but fantasies are only fantasies after all, far less shocking than witnessing them with their own eyes.

When they saw the immortals playing with time and space in their palms and destroying hundreds of millions of light years with a single blow, humans couldn't help but feel deep despair and suffocation.

It was as if the throat of fate was being choked, leaving everyone breathless.

For the first time, they realized so clearly how small and insignificant they were in this dark and dangerous universe.

Throughout the history of modern human development, the only thing they can be proud of is that they have become pawns of great observers.



But at this moment, human beings feel more fortunate that they can become pawns of observers.

"As long as His Majesty remains interested in human civilization, there will be no day when human civilization will become extinct!" Subconsciously, this idea emerges in people's minds.

His strength and personality are too lofty for a stronger being in the multiverse than Him.

Human beings firmly believe that as long as they do not die, they can rely on his pawn status to make human civilization develop for a long time, and even if civilization is destroyed, there will be a chance to return.

"Perhaps in that distant mythological era, human civilization could not have had any remnants, and it was with the protection of observers that human civilization had a glimmer of life."

The audience sighed and turned their attention back to the video.

They found that the battle between the immortals had subsided, or rather, entered a brief truce.

With the first nine-ring tower issuing an application for help, the wizard civilization directly sent all the high-level combat power to shuttle into the material universe at one time. .......

Four nine-ring towers form four corners and guard the passage to the wizarding world.

It has forcibly shaped a foothold of wizard civilization.

A large number of high-level wizards flocked out and went straight to the galaxy group closest to the Nine Rings Tower, frantically plundering the resources in the galaxy and transporting them back to the wizard world in piles.

Naturally, the galaxy where human civilization is located has also become the target of wizard civilization.

The stars have fallen.

The stars suddenly went out.

Looking at the powerful wizards who rushed towards the solar system, the audience did not see any possibility of counterattack, and some were just desperate.

"Is the human civilization of this world also going extinct..."

Viewers watched the video in silence.

At this moment, there is no hope.

At this moment, there is no future.

Just when everyone was full of reluctance and anger, ready to accept the fact that human civilization was once again extinct, a bright light suddenly lit up from the screen.

"Sword to ——!"

The old man with the negative sword made a move.

He burned all his life yuan, burned all his extraordinary power, and in this way cut out a terrifying sword light that was thousands of times more brilliant than a star, and he did not slash anything.

A sword cut out of the endless abyss, isolating the junction between the solar system and the universe.

This sword was cut out, and the old man with the sword disappeared on the spot, successfully sacrificing himself in exchange for another continuation of human civilization.

He could have chosen to escape alone and use cosmic-level strength to avoid the wizard civilization.

But he didn't want to survive.


A sword.

A miracle.

Traded his death for the future of humanity.


There was no cheering, no noise.

At this moment, the eyes of all the audience turned red and their noses twitched with soreness.

They tried to remain calm, but tears flowed uncontestedly.

(I thought of the deduction of two new timelines, heck, although it has nothing to do with the main line, it is quite interesting.) ).

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