The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 49: Unity of the Human Will (part 4 of 4)

"Beyond human limits?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yi's eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance.

After so many deductions, in countless deduction worlds, only one human being can exceed the limit, that is, waste.

But even the wilderness of strong talent and martial arts talent is the first in the world, and it is only after experiencing several life and death crises that he can step into the extraordinary level.

How can this group of regular humans who have taken the alienation agent type II step into the extraordinary?

Under Jiang Yi's observation, all the alienated warriors gathered together, with a fearless look on their faces, determined and putting life and death on the line.

Jiang Yi looked grim.

This look means that the world's only remaining humans are ready to sacrifice.

"Could it be..."

Vaguely, Jiang Yi already understood what the last humans were going to do.

[The surviving humans know incomparably well that Blue Star, which has been corroded and infected by the faceless behemoth, is no longer that suitable home for habitation. Homes destroyed, compatriots killed, former comrades corrupted and polluted into distorted evil things, everything turned into deep anger, suppressed in the heart of every human survivor]

[At this moment, it is the time to burn the heart and burn the enemy's body]

[All the survivors who took the alienation potion type II used the devouring ability together, but this time it was no longer the evil creatures that swallowed, but the partners around them; All human beings have gradually fused together because of the ability to devour, genes, bodies, wills, souls... All of this comes together perfectly in this moment.

"What a bunch of crazy people, respectable madmen."

Jiang Yi, who overlooked the sky and observed, gave this assessment.

Under his gaze, all the alienated warriors devoured each other, turning into twisted and hideous flesh and blood, mixing and stirring, and fusing into one piece in an extremely strange manner.

Genes are evolving.

The soul is sublimating.

The flesh is shattering and reorganizing.

Finally, a giant composed of flesh and blood stood on the earth, absorbing a large number of evil things around it and forcibly growing its body size.

Until as large as the Faceless Behemoth.

It has a mouth and a nose, eyes and ears, and has all the external characteristics that humans have.

But every time I look at the face of a flesh-and-blood giant, I can see different faces, old or young, male or female, as if there are countless faces and countless souls existing inside the giant.


Suddenly, the flesh and blood giant let out a harsh scream, which spread through the sky.

Too much consciousness makes it mad, unable to discern its identity and memory, but the instinct in the body tells it that it is human and the faceless behemoth in front of it is the enemy of humanity.

Even if you risk your life, you must kill this enemy of mankind!

Because...... This is the last will of mankind!


The two transcendent level behemoths collided head-on, and this time, the faceless behemoth, which was a dependant of a high-ranking evil god, was finally injured.

Maybe it's being fried too weak by mushroom eggs.

Or maybe the giants of flesh and blood after the fusion of humans are too powerful.

For a time, the faceless giant beast was actually pressed and beaten by the flesh and blood giant, and the body that had endured hundreds of bombardments was all blood mist, and it was blasted into blood beads in the sky and turned into a downpour.

This blood falls on the earth of Blue Star, rapidly corrupting everything.

But for the flesh and blood giant, it is a different kind of nourishment.

Under the excitement, the attack of the flesh and blood giant became more and more ferocious, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of punches bombarded the past, directly bursting a small part of the body of the faceless behemoth.


The faceless behemoth struggled and roared, its furious will forcibly supporting its body to move.

Thundered! Thundered!

The heavenly dome shattered, the earth was in turmoil, and the entire Blue Star became shaky and trembling because of the battle between the two extraordinary creatures.

It interprets the terrifying divine war of mythology.

The wailing of the planet's will has hardly subsided.

And Jiang Yi also became the most patient audience, taking in the whole of this fierce battle, and did not let the deduction system speed up the time flow and skip this long battle.


I don't know how long it has been, maybe days, maybe months.

With the body of the faceless behemoth completely exploded, this protracted battle finally came to an end.

A rather obvious smile appeared on the face of the flesh and blood giant, with a bit of relief, and then the whole body collapsed, covering the earth with a thick layer of flesh and blood.

"The human will ... It's really unbelievable, it was a state of running out of oil, and it was able to hold out until the faceless giant beast completely collapsed. ”

Jiang Yi's figure descended to the surface and gently grabbed a handful of thin flesh and blood with his hand.

I have to say that this deduction brought too many surprises to Jiang Yi.

Alienation Elixir Type II, Flesh Giant, Human Will... The appearance of each thing made Jiang Yi deeply feel the charm of deducing infinite possibilities.

"It's a pity that this deduction didn't give humans a good ending."

Jiang Yi looked at the barren land around him and shook his head with emotion.

Perhaps, in the timeline of the invasion of the evil god, from the moment it is noticed by the breath of the evil god, human beings have no so-called good luck to speak of.

The power of indulgence pollution descends, and humanity is corrupted and eroded.

Stop the invasion of evil gods, and humanity will be colonized by alien civilizations.

Unless it is oneself, the observer, who personally ends up and guides mankind forward with every step, it is difficult to change the tragic outcome of mankind.

"System, just speed up the time flow rate of deduction," Jiang Yi said with a wave of his hand.

Now that the situation in Blue Star has been decided, and both humans and evil things have been destroyed at the same time, there is nothing to deduce.

As long as the alien spacecraft arrives at Blue Star and goes through a scene, this deduction can usher in a real end.

[According to the host's order, the time to deduce the world quickly passed a hundred years]

[In these hundred years, the ecological environment of Blue Star has not changed, full of polluted and exploded land plates, and the ocean has been eroded by filthy substances all year round]

[The alien spacecraft passing through Blue Star noticed the broken planet, and after the owner of the spacecraft landed on the ground and briefly observed, it returned directly to the interior of the spacecraft and left Blue Star]

[However, the owner of the spacecraft did not notice at all that a small piece of flesh and blood slime attached to the bottom of the spacecraft and followed him out of Blue Star and the solar system.]

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