"The Torol civilization is a star-level scientific and technological civilization, in addition to the star system to which its parent star belongs, it also unifies several neighboring star systems, and the owner of this alien spacecraft is only one of the inconspicuous clansmen."

"There are many people like this who have suffered death because they have explored the unknown starry sky, but there is nothing to worry about."

Jiang Yi lay on his back in his chair and casually threw the corpse of the five-clawed evil dragon to the big eye to devour.

Although the Torol civilization knows nothing about Blue Star, it may not even be interested.

But Jiang Yi has a very strong idea of the Torol civilization, and intends to use this star-level civilization as a springboard to make the blue star human officially enter the big stage of the universe.

Enter the era of the sea of stars.

"There are too few timelines now, only two timelines, evolutionary frenzy and evil god invasion, and the next deduction will carry out a new third timeline deduction."

"After that, we will temporarily slow down the deduction speed, fully accumulate deduction points, and expand the scope of deduction when it accumulates to one million deduction points."

Sitting in his luxurious villa, Jiang Yi has far-reaching vision.

The spiritual power of the star warrior shrouded most of the blue star, taking in everything in the real world, and it could be seen that under the pressure of the unprecedented fierce beast tide, all human countries were unprecedentedly united.

No possibility of infighting is considered.

All weapons and troops are deployed in areas infested by ferocious beasts to prevent the attacks of ferocious beasts from spreading to human society, and then causing the order of all mankind to collapse.

At this moment, apart from Jiang Yi himself, the most powerful individual in the human race is undoubtedly Arashi.

In perception, Ara was in the encirclement of countless ferocious beasts at this moment, coping alone.



The roar of the beast rose and fell one after another, rushing towards the place of the wilderness at an astonishing speed.

But the figure of Ara is like a ghost, shuttling through the gap between the fierce beasts, controlling the dodging range of the body to a very small range, and killing these fierce beasts with the smallest movements.

This Martial Ancestor, who is good at creating martial arts, is exercising his body and spiritual power, and breaking through the upper limit of human beings step by step.

Without his own knowledge, he subconsciously approached the realm of extraordinary creatures.

"Perhaps, I should put some special pressure on the wilderness of the real world," Jiang Yi casually picked up a bottle of fat house happy water and poured all the carbonated liquid into his throat.

If there is no extraordinary bloodline, it is difficult for a regular creature like a human to step into the extraordinary level.

Arashi's talent is buggy, enough to give him a glimpse of the transcendent realm, but if he wants to fully step into that level, he needs a little push.


Taking a sip of the fat house happy water, Jiang Yi burped contentedly.

The special perception of the famine was canceled.

It's true that Arashi's talent is awesome, but it takes time to accumulate, and it's not worth paying attention to him every day.

"What needs to be considered now is to accumulate millions of deduction points to expand the scope of deduction through deduction again and again."

"Plus the real world will give a wave of deduction points from time to time, it shouldn't take long."

Jiang Yi rubbed his swollen temples and went straight to sleep.

As for the pet with big eyes, it is allowed to hunt freely in the blue star, and as for whether humans will be scared when they see this devouring demon dragon, it is not Jiang Yi's business.


The next day, the sun rose.

After Jiang Yi woke up, he made himself a simple breakfast, and then patiently waited for the end of the cooldown.

As soon as the time came, he immediately pressed the button of [Heavenly Deduction].

[This deduction will open a new timeline, it will cost 100,000 deduction points, will the host continue?] 】

"Go on."

[The instruction is confirmed, the number 003 timeline has begun to be deduced, and the host can archive and save the progress at any time]

【Welcome to the world of deduction】

As soon as the mechanical sound of the system fell, the [Heavenly Deduction] button in Jiang Yi's mind emitted a magnificent light, and the stars were dotted, and all the world in front of him was occupied at once.

It was as if countless stars exploded in front of them at the same time.

It's all about it.

When the light dissipated, what appeared in front of Jiang Yi's eyes was a new, peaceful blue star.

"Is it the beginning of this peace again?" , Jiang Yi raised an eyebrow.

After going through countless deductions, he has understood that the deduction system will not give a completely normal timeline at all.

Or rather, such a world has no deduction value at all.

A world like this, which started with peace and beauty, is often destroyed in a short time.

[Just when the host is arranging the system in his heart, everything in the deduction world is going on as usual, and time goes back little by little]

[In this timeline, Blue Star was neither selected by the Torol civilization to become a breeding farm, nor encountered the sudden gaze of the evil god, Blue Star as a whole maintained its original trajectory, continued to climb and improve the original technology tree, and occasionally carried out friendly friction between large and small countries]

[Five years have passed, a genius scientist in the territory of Xia Kingdom was born, his name is Chu Xuan, in his short and limited youth, he has won the reputation of the most outstanding scientist of mankind, and obtained the doctoral title of theoretical physics, high-energy physics, astrophysics, quantum physics, astronomy, materials science, mechanical engineering, computer theory and other disciplines]

[People are accustomed to hearing the news that he won the Nobel Prize, and they are used to playing his news on TV, and even people's daily travel is incomparably close to this genius scientist]

[Under Chu Xuan's enchanting wisdom, countless technical problems have been completely overcome, and Xia Guo has caught up with the world in the field of cutting-edge technology and has become the number one power in All-Blue Star. ] People's lives have gradually become intelligent and mechanized, and in just a few years, they have undergone several technological upgrades. 】

With the sound of the system's narration, Jiang Yi's scene quietly changed.

Like watching flowers, it shows Chu Xuan's life.

Since school, this indifferent genius teenager has shown an unparalleled talent for learning, which surprised and delighted the parents of ordinary people.

Not long after, Chu Xuan, who was only 7 years old, was picked up by the state secret and arranged for special education in a special state institution.

He is like a sponge that is greedy and has no absorption ceiling.

The top knowledge in the major disciplines arranged by the state can be absorbed and understood freely, and even can talk with the big bulls in the field, without being weak. *

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