Jiang Yi doesn't have much to do with the Big Bang timeline.

Or maybe there's no need to go so far.

Just a little dial on Chu Xuan, with the ability of this strongest human sage, sooner or later he will be able to come up with a way to truly break the situation.

If after one deduction, you can't really break the game, then deduce it a few more times.

Accumulate success rates by number of times.

If even Chu Xuan, a BUG-level genius, couldn't solve it, then the others on Blue Star couldn't count on it.

"Let's take a good look, what kind of solution will you, who have the highest wisdom of mankind, come up with a solution, Chu Xuan."

Jiang Yi muttered, the figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already above a hidden building somewhere in the Xia Kingdom.

[Chu Xuan said goodbye to his parents since he was a child, and was officially arranged by the Xia Kingdom to study in the National Children's Palace, which has the top academicians and doctors in the whole Xia Kingdom, and the state specially arranged to teach genius children like Chu Xuan]

[When he was 12 years old, Chu Xuan had already learned all the knowledge of the Children's Palace, but he did not choose to return to his original 17 family, but continued to live in the Children's Palace]

[Since there are few activities in the outside world, except for the staff of the Children's Palace itself, almost no one in the outside world knows Chu Xuan's name]

"At the age of 12, you are already proficient in such multidisciplinary expertise?"

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows, good guy, this is not another son of luck.

I don't know who has more luck than Chu Xuan compared to Huang Xuan.

"In this way, the more enchanting Chu Xuan's talent is, the greater the possibility of successfully solving the Blue Star dilemma."

Jiang Yi took a step forward, directly penetrated the security, and came to Chu Xuan's room.

Compared with his appearance five years later, Chu Xuan at this time was slightly younger.

But that cold, indifferent, emotionless face has hardly changed, as if it has lost all the interference of desires and emotions.

"Gee, absolutely sane."

"It seems that the possibility of breaking the game is a little greater"

Jiang Yi pointed at the young Chu Xuan who was busy researching, and instilled all the memories that belonged to Chu Xuan in the last deduction, and nothing else.

For a wise man like Chu Xuan, knowledge and information are the most important help.

Jiang Yi believes that even if there is nothing, just based on the memory of the last deduction, Chu Xuan can create an incredible future.

Perhaps it is to transform the moon, install a planetary engine on the moon, and bring the entire human civilization to wandering space.

Or maybe it is to build a spaceship, break through various technical difficulties with a BUG-level IQ, and escape from Blue Star with the vast majority of human beings to avoid being affected by Blue Star's self-explosion.

These things that are unimaginable to ordinary people, after being placed on Chu Xuan, everything seems so possible.

"It's really exciting...", the corners of Jiang Yi's mouth rose slightly.

Before leaving, he glanced at Chu Xuan, who had fallen into a coma because of instilling memories.

As if remembering something, he struck again to affect Chu Xuan's cognition, making it easier to believe in the authenticity of the instilled memory.

Otherwise, this genius scientist with great wisdom and demon may be very suspicious.

You may even suspect that you have been hypnotized.

After doing all this, Jiang Yi sat high above the sky dome and continued to overlook the changes in the world.


Two hours later.

In his personal room, Chu Xuan opened his calm eyes, obviously looking like a teenager, but restrained with indescribable maturity and steadiness.

He looked at his surroundings and looked down at his hands again.

Both familiar and unfamiliar.



"Or hypnosis?"

Chu Xuan was silent, and the huge memory that suddenly welled up in his mind made him feel unknown and puzzled for the first time.

Reason told him that human beings could not know what the future would happen out of thin air.

But that incomparably real memory, as if it were a real experience, even every human face is so clearly visible.

More importantly, Chu Xuan could be sure that all the actions about himself in his memory were in line with his own action ideas, as if he was really his future self.

"If this memory is real, it's another one I've experienced."

"So why do I have this memory?"

Chu Xuan thought, but after all, he didn't come up with a reason.

But one thing is clear, if these memories are true, then he will never sit and wait for Blue Star to self-detonate and destroy the entire human civilization.

At least it won't let Xia Guo be destroyed.

[Chu Xuan, who has the memory of "The Big Bang - Lonely Watcher", immediately used all kinds of methods to verify the memory in his mind, and he was surprised to find that whether it was people, things, and things were perfectly matched, the authenticity of this memory can be called 100%! ] 】

[After coming to this conclusion, Chu Xuan immediately pushed off all the research projects in his hand, and in the confused eyes of everyone, he began to study geology, as well as the technical difficulties related to space starships day and night]

[As soon as he detected the unknown fluctuations in the earth's core, Chu Xuan reported this information to the top level of the state, but the vast majority of people simply could not believe the remarks of Blue Star's self-explosion. ] It wasn't until Chu Xuan revealed the future information he had that the national level really paid attention to this issue, rather than treating it as a joke. 】

[But even so, there are still many people in Xia Guo who are half-convinced of this and do not believe in the future prophecy of Blue Star's self-explosion]

[Only that old man overwhelmed the crowd and allocated Chu Xuan a large amount of research funds and scientific research personnel, and at the same time purchased a large amount of steel to really prepare for the manufacture of super-large space starships; Xia Guo's action of purchasing a large number of various materials has attracted the attention of Blue Star countries, but before they reacted, Xia Guo had already purchased a large amount of materials from All Blue Star]

[Until this time, the Foreign Education Department of Xia Guo really issued a notice, announcing the results of Chu Xuan's multiple detection of the earth's nuclear movement, and at the same time notifying the fact that Blue Star was about to self-detonate, and the world was in an uproar]

"That old man is still as decisive as I remember," Jiang Yi's mouth raised slightly.

If you want to successfully build a large space starship, the basic materials needed are astronomical, so Xia Guo will suddenly buy it around the world.

As for the relevant news to inform the rest of the countries, it was just the fear that the dog would jump off the wall, and the compassion of the same Blue Star human being.

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