Jiang Yi walks in the cosmic sky, observing the spaceship slowly rising from the blue star.

It was an amazing scene that ordinary people could not imagine, from different land plates and different powerful countries, there were extremely huge spaceships mounted by rockets.

The raging tail flames tore through the atmosphere of Blue Star.

I want to rush into the dark and unknown starry sky.

What kind of ending will be ushered in by wandering in the starry sky, everyone does not know, but they know that if they continue to stay in Blue Star, they will undoubtedly die!

"What an amazing wisdom."

Jiang Yi looked at several cosmic starships and once again praised Chu Xuan's high IQ.

In one breath, the space technology of human beings has been raised to the point where it is enough for space navigation, except for this wise and demon-like Chu Xuan, there is no other person in the world who can do it.

[The spaceship plan is proceeding smoothly, all starships carrying a large amount of materials have sailed to the distant and unknown dark deep space, leaving a large number of ordinary people on the earth, and the order of human civilization has completely collapsed]

With the sound of the system, the world in front of Jiang Yi divided into two screens, one showing the flight status of the starships and the other showing the conditions on the blue star.

It can be seen that after confirming that the starships have left the earth, everyone on the blue star has completely fallen into madness, and the order of human civilization has collapsed in an instant.

But this madness did not last long, and it was completely buried by the third mega-earthquake.

[The tragic situation on the blue star is seen by everyone in the starship, and everyone is filled with happiness and confusion in their hearts, they don't know where else they can go, where is the home of human beings in the vast starry sky? ] 】

[Human beings have completely turned into a wandering civilization, taking starships as their home, repeating their daily life in the universe]

[Chu Xuan calculated everything, including the design of the starship, the future development of mankind, and the destination of the starship, but he miscalculated one thing, not everyone can ignore the boring starship life like him; The calm life like backwater and the repeated liquid food day after day caused a commotion inside all starships, which could be suppressed at first, but as time went by, this commotion grew bigger and bigger.

The narration of the system came to an abrupt end.

In the painting, in the interior of several starships, most of the human race is restless because they are too bored.

They shouted, beat and did things that were forbidden but were broken again and again by restless people.

Every time it is broken, people will get the pleasure of decompressing in their hearts.

"This is human nature," Jiang Yi shook his head.

The humans in the starship are all selected human elites, and their minds and self-control are far superior to ordinary people, but even so, the boring starship life almost makes them forget their hearts.

Except for Chu Xuan, almost no one could endure the tedium day after day, year after year.

Before reaching other planets, humans could only stay in the starship, eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

From the heart.

Even Jiang Yi himself felt that he could not bear this kind of life.

[Time is three years later, the blue star at this time has long exploded, in the observation of astronomical telescopes, the direction of the earth has changed into a large light curtain, which is a large amount of material that has been thrown out, and seawater evaporated by the sun]

[In order to replenish the energy of starship navigation, humans plan to travel to Jupiter, where Jupiter has a near-unlimited nuclear fuel and is the best place to study controlled nuclear fusion]

[However, just as the starships were about to arrive at Jupiter, an accident suddenly appeared. Due to the explosion of the earth, the operation of the celestial system in the solar system has almost been affected, and an extra meteorite belt has been created out of thin air on the starship route originally planned by humans, which means that it will take at least 1 more year for humans to bypass this meteorite belt]

[This news became the last straw that crushed mankind, and countless people who were expecting to finally have something to do, their inner dissatisfaction completely broke out at this moment. Violence, seizures of power, disputes... The ugly side of human nature is completely revealed, the materials inside the starship are trampled and taken at will, and the fire of civilization is infinitely endangered]

[In the light of the sun, mankind ushered in the final doom, leaving only a lone starship adrift in the starry sky]

"It seems that this deduction ends here," Jiang Yi let out a soft breath while listening to the narration of the system.

In this deduction, Chu Xuan can be said to have succeeded or failed.

He designed a spaceship with enchanting wisdom, and also successfully escaped space with human fire, but unfortunately people's hearts are changeable and cannot go on perfectly according to plan.

[This is the end of this deduction, do you want to archive it?] 】

With the sound of the system tone, the entire universe was at rest, and all the escaping matter and rays stopped moving.

"Archive, this save is named the Big Bang Space Grave."

Jiang Yi nodded and said, and immediately after, the whole world began to collapse.

By the time it returned to normal, it was back to the real world.

[This deduction reward began to be distributed, congratulations to the host for obtaining a design drawing of a space starship and ten bags of space liquid food]

【Get deduction points: 120000】

[All rewards are stored in the system by default, and the host can be taken out at any time]

"Blueprint for a spaceship starship?" , Jiang Yi's heart moved.

This is an absolutely good thing, if it is handed over to any country in the real world, it can definitely make it the world's number one power in an instant.

The technology contained in it is at least twenty years ahead.

"It's a pity it's not a real starship, so you can feel the feeling of traveling in space," Jiang Yi lamented.

Although the starry sky race like the Devouring Behemoth can also cross space, if it is not a starry sky race like the Devouring Behemoth, it will not be able to support it in the universe for a long time.

"After the accumulation of deduction in the past few days, plus the deduction points provided by the real world moments, now I have hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I only need to wait two or three days to gather millions of deduction points."

Jiang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

As long as he gathered a million deduction points, he would not hesitate to expand the scope of deduction, expanding the scope of deduction from the small solar system to the territory of other civilizations.

At that time, even if he becomes a star-level martial artist or a star-level martial artist, it is only a matter of time.

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