In the timeline of the evil god invasion, the power of the old dominator is too domineering, and the human side has almost no way to resist.

Therefore, in the previous deduction, Jiang Yi once gave a genetic potion, allowing the human side to combine the power of evil things to develop alienation potions, creating a new system in which humans and evil things coexist.

In the final analysis, it is not how powerful and advanced genetic agents are.

It is that the level of human science and technology is too low to threaten the real powerful evil things, and can only put hope in the genetic medicine given by the observer.

"That being the case, I'm going to help the humans who invaded the timeline develop technology this time, and I want to see what the world will become in the end."

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, only feeling that the development of the situation gradually became interesting.

Either the evil thing destroys and occupies everything;

or overwhelmed by an army of machinery that is too large to be measured;

Or 17 the two are entangled with each other, giving birth to a new civilization that is extremely strange.


In a flash of brilliance, many technological items appeared on the system panel in front of Jiang Yi, all of which were rewards accumulated over and over again.

There are controllable nuclear fusion technology, electromagnetic giant cannon design drawings, energy weapon technology, etc...

If these things were to be handed over to the humans of this deduced world, there was no doubt that even the powerful evil creatures that fought against the stars would not be a big problem.

"In this way, the evil side will appear much weaker."

Jiang Yi touched his chin and thought.

Now at this point in time, the breath from the evil god has just descended on Blue Star, and even the evil god believers have not given birth to a few, if you directly give humans so much technology, it is too crushing.

"System, accelerate the time to a year later, and advance to the time when the cultists gather in the economic capital."

[Okay, host]

[Following the order of the Lord of Great Deduction, the time flow of the entire deduction world began to accelerate, and a year passed quietly]

[In the course of this year, more than 100,000 cult believers have secretly developed, and they have come together from all over the world to a prosperous city, where the permanent population exceeds 10 million, and it is the famous economic capital of the United States, only waiting for the day when the stars return to the throne, tens of millions of human beings will be directly sacrificed to the great old dominator to attract his attention]

[But at the same time, the world is also concerned about the strange situation in this economic capital, and the US military quickly sent troops to attack the city occupied by evil creatures, but unfortunately, all the attacks did not usher in the desired effect]

[As the day of the return of the stars approaches, the evil god believers in the economic capital become more and more fanatical, the strange aura on their bodies is extremely rich, and more and more low-level evil things breed from the void, cheering and waiting for the arrival of the old dominators]

At this point, Jiang Yi directly interrupted the time acceleration.

The figure comes out of the dimension of time and space, from the virtual to the real, from the unknowable and undetectable state to the reality.

"Whether it is for the US military to eliminate all evil god believers, or for the evil god believers to successfully attract the attention of the old dominators, this is not the result I want to see..."

Jiang Yi's expression was indifferent, and he spoke terrifying words in a calm tone.

If humans are allowed to successfully destroy evil things with missiles, there will be no enemies to confront them.

But if the ceremony goes smoothly, it will provoke the inexplicable old ruler and destroy the entire blue star at once.


Jiang Yi looked down condescendingly at the economic capital below from the infinitely high sky dome, and raised his arms slightly towards the cult god believers below.

Instilling information into their brains that humans are about to launch missiles.


Inside the economic capital of the United States.

The sudden infusion of information made the fanatical cult believers instantly froze, their eyes were shocked, and then turned into an even more fierce roar.

"Oracle! It's an oracle!! ”

"The great He has sent a revelation that those rotten, foolish two-legged sheep are trying to sabotage this sacred sacrificial ceremony!!"

"Damn, those filthy monkeys actually tried to sabotage this sacred and grand sacrifice ceremony!"

The evil god believers had hideous expressions, and roared together with many evil things behind them.

But after the anger of the crowd, they still retained their human wisdom, and soon understood that this ritual could not wait for the stars to return to their places.

You have to start now! Sacrifice the souls and flesh of thousands of people to the Lord of Lalaye, the Most High!

[Under the guidance of the host, all the evil god believers in the economic capital rioted, and the sacrificial formation that should have waited until a day later to start instantly covered the entire economic capital]

[The souls and flesh and blood of tens of millions of people were chanted and prayed by more than 100,000 evil god believers, sacrificed to the great and supreme ruler of the past, and the terrifying and distorted aura shrouded the sky, forming a thick black cloud that surrounded the entire blue star, and the darkest horror descended! ] 】

[The military high-ranking officials in the United States are all pale, they never expected that the sacrifice ceremony would be opened in advance, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky, the missile launch button in their hands could not be pressed; The sense of oppression that stemmed from the depths of their bloodlines reminded them all the time that launching missiles now would only lead to bad changes.

[Everyone patiently waited for the next development, perhaps because the time was wrong, this ritual involving the sacrifices of tens of millions of people did not attract the attention of the old dominators; But even so, there are still many powerful evil creatures in the starry sky who are attracted by this ritual and come from the void to use this large-scale sacrifice ceremony as a landmark to find the location of the blue star.

"Rip and pull! Rip and pull! ”

Under Jiang Yi's gaze, many spatial cracks once again appeared in the sky of Blue Star.

Unlike at the beginning of the deduction, this time is not just a simple peep, but the evil thing behind it really invaded Blue Star and tore through space and jumped.

There are even quite a few evil things jumping out around them.

Roaring and falling from the sky, landing in the evil city of the economic capital.

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