Very tacitly, neither the Torol civilization nor the wanderer civilization chose to fight near the home planet, but gathered in the middle area between the two old nests, gathering all the high-end combat power of both sides.

Energy cannonballs, high-energy laser cannons, particle beam weapons...

Gravity weapons, sublight attacks, extraordinary life...

Both civilizations took out their own hole cards and prepared to completely destroy each other's civilizational combat power in one go.

The situation has reached this point, and it has long been impossible to take into account the rules set by Taihao civilization.

Hatred between civilizations can only be washed away with blood!


In the roar of countless devouring behemoths, the starships of the Torol civilization took the lead in attacking, activating the spaceship energy shield while launching an energy beam salvo.

This energy beam is extremely destructive and can easily penetrate meteorites and penetrate the armor of corroded star-level spaceships.

Countless sub-light weapons followed, turning into stars in the sky.

There was a gleam in the cold.

"That alien spaceship that turned Blue Star into a breeding farm does not represent the level of the Torol civilization at all! The starships of the Torol civilization are far more powerful than that spaceship! ”

Jiang 500 Yi had such a thought in his heart.

No wonder even the star-level wilderness can be easily destroyed, it turns out that it is not the mainstream starship of the Torol civilization at all, maybe it is only a civilian version.

At this time, the wanderer civilization also showed its hideous fangs.

The endless wanderer starships circled in a semicircle, releasing the fully charged main ship gun, and the terrifying torrent of light swept everything in the sea of stars, even the star-swallowing behemoths were not immune.

A large number of meteorites and asteroids were annihilated in this wave of attacks.

This is a terrifying scene, the boundless star sea seems to be torn apart, evolving into the extinction of everything, and a large number of Torol starships are directly exploded.

That layer after layer of energy shield could not resist the attack of the wanderers at all.

"It actually has a small group of devouring giant beasts, although the bloodline has been diluted, but it is still a good gift!"

In the flagship of the Wanderer Starship Group, a terrifying strong figure flew out of it.

As soon as it appeared, an invincible momentum swept across the universe, overwhelming all the planetary-level life present and unable to start, which was the instinctive fear of the strong in the depths of the genes.

Jiang Yi recognized that this was a star-level powerhouse of the Wanderer civilization.

In the last deduction, he single-handedly strangled the powerful life form of the wilderness, and there were rules imposed on his body in every move, like a moving blazing sun.

"Is that the rule..."

Jiang Yi observed the actions of the star-level wanderer, only feeling vaguely grasped something, but not anything.

Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, indescribable.

[When the host frowned and thought, the wanderer civilization launched the most rapid attack, and the main guns of countless starships began to charge and sweep the Torol civilization, and those star-swallowing behemoths and Torol starmen looked extremely weak in the face of star-level wanderers, and were instantly burned to ashes]

[The Torol civilization, which appears to be extremely powerful in the face of human civilization, has become the plaything ravaged by the wanderer civilization, and the energy shields and attack weapons of all starships are inferior to each other]

[But what is really deadly is that the star combat power of the Torol civilization side has all been wiped out, and he died instantly in front of that star-level wanderer, which is the real reason why the balance of the battlefield is tilted]

Jiang Yi listened to the system's narration while watching the battlefield change.

It can be seen that the star-level wanderers targeted the remaining starships after destroying the extraordinary life on the side of the Torol civilization.

Every punch.

The energy shield of a Torol starship was directly burst, and the majestic mighty power even collapsed along with the hull.

This is transcendent, omnipotent, transcendent.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the metal battleship, which seems extremely hard, looks so fragile and unbearable in the face of real extraordinary life.

Soon, the combat power of the Torol civilization was wiped out.

And the source of all this is that stellar wanderer.

"It seems that even scientific and technological civilizations cannot patronize the development of science and technology, otherwise the bulky starship is too bulky in the face of extraordinary life."

Jiang Yi looked down on the entire battlefield from a god's point of view, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"System, speed up the deduction progress."

[Okay, host]

[Under the will of the host, the time flow rate of the entire deduction world began to accelerate, and the wanderer civilization quickly swept the battlefield, ensuring that no Torol Starman survived]

[Subsequently, this huge fleet of wanderers did not choose to return, but sailed directly to the star system where the Torol civilization was located, blocked the entire star system with lightning speed, and began to extinguish all Torol Starmen to prevent someone from escaping and telling the Taihao civilization of everything]

[The operation of the wanderer civilization was very successful, and the distress signals and escapees of the entire Torol civilization were intercepted, and not a single fish that slipped through the net appeared]

[The starships of the Wanderer civilization wantonly looted the heritage of the Torol civilization, taking away a large number of rare resources and devouring giant beast eggs, as well as some of the Torol Starmen used for experiments. Due to too many resources, the Wanderer Civilization had to dispatch all the starships, carrying them back and forth several times before completely ending the operation. 】

[After obtaining all the resources of the Torol civilization and capturing a large number of Torol Starmen as experimental materials, the scientific and technological level of the wanderer civilization began to show explosive growth, and even the research on the stuck human gene potion has made very obvious progress. ] All the wanderers cheered, feeling that they were blessed by fate, and although they had failed to escape from their home planet, they had a new harvest]

[However, at this moment, in a place unknown to the Wanderer Civilization, the patrol ship from the Taihao Civilization is wandering in the galaxy, patrolling the back garden under its control every day, and happens to find the abnormal situation of the Torol civilization]

The entire process of deducing the world suddenly accelerated, and one picture after another flashed in front of Jiang Yi.

He saw the extinction of the Tolore civilization and the re-emergence of the Wanderer civilization.

At last.

Frozen in the empty Torol star system, a patrol ship from the Taihao civilization stayed, seemingly detecting something.

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