"Secret technique - tightrope walking!"

Nioh's eyes lit up with a roar from Marui.

All the eyes of the people around him focused on Marui in an instant.


had never seen such a way of playing tennis, the tennis ball was hit right into the middle net, and then rolled along the middle net for a while, and finally landed on the opponent's position!

It is said that laymen look at the excitement, insiders look at the doorway, and the same is true for tennis, if those who are exclaiming are amazed at the magic and ornamentation of this skill.

Nioh, then, was shocked at how precisely Marui controlled the power of tennis.

That's right

, this force control is simply amazing! It's a ball that flies out of the net, just hits the net, and then it can land on the net! If there is no perfect force control, it is impossible -- just a

tightrope walk can embody the complete technique, and this technical value, how to say, is more than three.

Nioh called out to Ni-chan in his heart: "Little mud, can I see the full five-dimensional?"

[Ni-chan]: Yes. Nioh

: Technology

- [Ni-chan]: Marui Fumita, the current five-dimensional technology is 68, and the final accounting ratio is 3.4. Nioh

said in his heart, 3.4, his current technical value should be around 3.7.

In other words, he can also use this trick to walk the tightrope.

Wait, I don't think I'm right, why would he think if he can use the tightrope to run away? But Marui's skills! But, I really want to use it, Nioh was a little excited, just when Marui used it, he also saw a part of it clearly, the trajectory of the ball, maybe, the strength experiment a few times, if you master it well, you can really do it~ poof!

In the end, because of Marui's


walking, the score was settled at 7:5.

I wanted to compete with the second-year seniors, and in the end, Marui won.


"How's Nioh? My tightrope walker, is it awesome?" Marui said excitedly as he came over to show off to Nioh.

Nioh nodded honestly, "Amazing, I was shocked, I didn't expect you to make such a big progress after not seeing you for a week!" This trick has a lot of connotations, and it seems that there are bells and whistles, and it always makes people ignore the technology in it, which can make Marui hide part of his strength very well!

"These two seem to be facing the same problem now, lack of physical strength!" His

physical strength is 1.8, and it is about 36 when viewed separately, but looking at Marui's state when he grabbed seven games

, he is not optimistic! Barely 30, right

? So his physical strength is 1.5? Although he is 1.8, he is not embarrassed to say that others are 1.5.

It's just, my heart is congested!

" "Alas, I don't know how other people exercise their physical strength, why is it so difficult for the two of us?" and this question, the eyes are small and the heart is tired. Obviously, he trains so hard every day, but his physical strength and strength value just can't go up.

Under the pressure, the technology is slowly growing, and during this time, he finally developed the secret technique of walking the tightrope, although he was very happy to win the game by relying on his own skills, but as long as he looked at his physical strength, he felt unwilling

!" I felt the same way!" Nioh always felt that his physical strength and strength should not be like this, but now, it was like God had closed his two doors, and he couldn't go up anyway!

"By the way, I just saw Yukimura next to you, what is he looking for you?"

"It's okay, just made an appointment with me for a match, and you want me to have a fight with Sanada today!" Nioh said calmly, although it was only after a while, but he was already very calm about this matter. So, the mood is relatively peaceful.

He is peaceful, but Marui is not peaceful. "And Sanada, can you win against Sanada now?" Nioh

frowned and looked at his good friend Marui who didn't hesitate to pierce his heart, "It's still a little difficult to win now..."

And he's only 14.8 even now.

If you don't even reach 15, how can you win

against Sanada? Marui said clearly, "Then why did you agree to a match with Sanada!"

It's not that you can't play if you can't win, but the main thing is that Sanada and Nioh are both four-pointed stars in the middle of the sea.

In front of everyone, if Nioh loses to Sanada by a large score, it will not be good for Nioh's position in the tennis club. If Nioh felt embarrassed and unhappy, and then had a conflict with Sanada, if the matter of discord within the four-pointed star spread, it would not be a good thing for the reputation of the tennis club of Rikai University!

Marui frowned and said unhappily, "Yukimura took the initiative to mention this game, how could he do this?" Marui

felt that Yukimura should not simply think of this trick.

Nioh hooked his lips, "Okay, the matter is not as serious as you think, although you can't win now, but you won't lose very badly, don't worry!"

There is indeed a gap between him and Sanada, but these gaps are not completely absolute on the court, and there are still many factors that can affect the victory or loss of the game!

Of course, the sum of the five dimensions like him and Sanada is directly wrong by more than three, and it is very difficult to win, and frankly speaking, unless God opens his eyes and a miracle happens, it can be said that there is no hope.

However, losing is different!

A 6-2 loss is also a loss.

A 6-4 loss is also a loss.

And losing 7-5 or 7-6 is also a loss.

However, the last one can enter the tie-break between the two sides, and even if they lose

in the end, the nature is different! Now Nioh is very clear about his positioning, he may be able to win, but Sanada, he is not an opponent yet, since he is not an opponent, he must understand his weaknesses and the opponent's strengths.

It's okay to not win, but you can't lose ugly, especially against Sanada, and you can't lose ugly!

That said

, his goal is to keep the score between 7:5 and 7:6.

And Yukimura's purpose for this game is probably to see his true strength.

Seeing that Nioh knew what he knew, Marui soothed his brows, "You people with good brains, you can do whatever you like, right?"

Nioh sneered and tore off Marui's mask, "Come on, it's the same as your bad brain!" In tennis, who has a bad brain, and a person with a bad brain can't develop this kind of tricky skill, so don't pretend here!

Marui blew a bubble and winked his eyes, hehe, as long as I don't speak, I'll never admit that I'm a scheming boy.

Nioh: ... Okay, make a fool of yourself, just be happy yourself!"

"By the way, Marui, can you tell me how much force you used to walk the tightrope just now?"

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