Phantom continued, "Regardless of whether it's bragging or not, the apocalyptic forbidden zone has been dealt with, which is the main reason why we came.

"When negotiating with the high-level of the human race, the high-level of the Star Covenant said that without our help, the human race will not be able to deal with the forbidden land of the end times, isn't this a slap in the face!"

"We must show the strength of the Universal Star Alliance! Let the humans know that what they can only accomplish by sending a million-level army, we can do it with a few people sent by the Star Alliance!

Doro chuckled, "That's! This must be done!

"That's 10% collective profit!"

Doro knows the urine nature of the Universal Star Alliance

, and signing protection agreements with other Star Clans is not for nothing

, and will sign a profit contract with that

Star Clan, and the contract stipulates that

they will get 10% of all rewards obtained by any profession of this Star Clan!

The 10% rake is not much,

but it is valid for all professionals of a Star Clan!

Over the years, it adds up to an astronomical amount!

Many star families who have just entered the end of the world

, suddenly a powerful alien star alliance came to help

, thinking that they had grasped a life-saving straw

, thinking that if they signed a protection agreement,

the star alliance would protect their safety from

persecution in the end times.

But they would never have thought that

the big pie they thought was

actually a big pit!

This they thought was strong, and the alliance composed of several powerful star families was

actually just composed of some alien wanderers who had been destroyed and had to wander in the universe.

For example, Doro, the Universal Alliance where the Phantom is located.

It sounds high-end and domineering,

but it is actually a small group of alien wanderers with an overall number of no more than a thousand people.

Packaging the high-end atmosphere

to the top, claiming to be a doomsday mutual aid organization composed of thousands of incomparably powerful

star races, specifically to help shelter those star races who have just entered

the end times, with their protection,

the safety of any star clan entering the end times is not a thing!

Once the profit distribution contract is signed, the

entire Universal Star Alliance disappears and runs away collectively!

Anyway, this profit contract belongs to the last S-class item

, with a strong contract power

, even if they run away

, the materials obtained by the professionals on Blue Star will

reach their hands

according to the proportion stipulated

in the contract, which is a profitable, stable and unlost business!

With this method, the Universal Alliance

has already deceived several Star Clans who have just entered the end of the world and are not affected by the world...

"Not 10%, it's 30%!"

Phantom corrected.

Doro gasped,

"Fog grass!"

"So ruthless!"

"A profit of 30% at a flat price, this is to make the fat sheep bald!"

I didn't expect that the high-level of the Star Covenant had such a big appetite and

wanted to sign a 30% profit distribution agreement with the

high-level of the human race, and was the high-level of the human being not happy to make up the story of a professional destroying a strange forbidden area in fifteen minutes....

Alien professionals are celebrating

, and if this order is sold,

they will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Only an alien professional whose whole body was like ice crystals condensed, like an iceman, tightened his eyebrows.

His name is Bing Lu, and he is from the Ice Spirit Star Clan.

"Do you have a conscience that you have to go to other Star Clans so much?"

Bing Lu directly expressed his dissatisfaction, but his


were quickly refuted by other teammates.

Doro snorted coldly and laughed

, "Hey~ Isn't this the righteous messenger of the Ice Spirit Star Clan, Bing Luo?"

"You mean we're wrong? But don't you think about it, don't pit other star families, what do we eat, what do we use, how to upgrade?

"The planet has been destroyed, cutting off our path to promotion!" All cosmic wanderers, even if they kill monsters, can only get experience, but cannot get supplies! And be hunted down by the Apocalyptic Hunters! Sooner or later we will be finished!

"In this apocalyptic era of the whole universe, it is itself the law of the jungle! Blue Star is weak, and deserves to be harvested by us! If we don't come, there will be other Star Covenants coming to harvest!

"We are all liars, what are you putting on hold to clean yourself?!"

As soon as Doro finished saying this

, he found that his feet like tree roots could not move, and I don't know when they were covered with white ice crystals!

Doro's heart jumped

, not good

, too happy to say,

forget that this hypocrite is a level 200 alien race professional!

It is the strongest of their squad!

The Ice Spirit Star Clan where Bing Lu is located has

experienced 39 apocalyptic crises before it collapses, and

it is also the most experienced apocalyptic crises among these alien races


According to common sense

, the more apocalypse you experience, the stronger

the comprehensive strength of the Star Clan!

Doro is right in saying that

the current universe

is a world of the jungle!

Because he is weaker than Bingwei

, he should not be so provocative

, and if the other party is unhappy and has to kill him, he

can't help it.

Fortunately, after Bingru's anger, he calmed down.

He hated

the way the Universal Star Alliance, but he had to agree with Doro's statement

, the Star Clan was destroyed, cutting

off the way out for these Star Clan exiles!

All the star races whose original planet perished in

the apocalypse, even if the aborigines took a spaceship or used other methods to escape

, they would find that

even if they killed monsters on other apocalyptic planets in the future or cleared the apocalyptic copies

, there was no way to obtain any materials, only experience....

Without material support,

it is difficult to survive!

Bing Lu is not the only survivor of the Ice Spirit Star Clan, there

is a large group of fellow tribesmen who fled with him

, and without material support,

they will starve to death sooner or later...

Even if he looked down on the means of the Universal Alliance,

this was the fastest way he could think of to obtain materials.

Conscience and the interests of his own star clan

, after the entanglement

, Bing Lu sighed, and could only choose the latter.

"It's arrived! Attention everyone! "

The alien professional team entered the new team

, saw a rusty iron

fence, and inside the fence, black fog filled

it, ten alien professionals entered it, and

immediately found something wrong.

The fish-headed Neptune professional Fisher Tooth shouted, "Not normal! My property values were directly compressed by 30%! There is a special law power suppression!

Phantom quickly responded, "Don't panic!

"As a forbidden place, there are certain restrictions, isn't that normal?"

"This is just the second round of the end times, how difficult can it be?"

"Those present are professionals with a level of 120 and above! The elite of the best among each StarClan professional! What kind of big scene has not been seen! "

Even if we compress the attributes by 30%, for a forbidden land that the second round of apocalypse comes, our ten professionals are more than wrong!"

"Don't forget that in the second round of the apocalypse, the highest grade monster appears, and it is only the tenth order! Which of our professionals does not have the ability to single out a tenth-order monster?! "

What Phantom said makes sense!

This is just

the forbidden land of the second round of the last days, and it is not the forbidden land of the twentieth round of the last days,

what are they panicking?!

A few alien professionals were chatting casually

, and suddenly heard a rustling sound in front

, the sound was many and dense, so

soon the apocalyptic strange inside detected that they entered?

"Here it comes! The number is not a few!

"All show their housekeeping skills, and fight quickly!"

The speed of the apocalyptic monster is very fast

, it is coming from the direction of the central church

, but in half a minute

, it is in front of the ten-person alien professional squad

, Phantom and others are also proud to see the face of these apocalyptic

monsters, that is, they are five meters tall, the whole body is bloody, like muscles exposed, humanoid monsters on all fours

, a pair of blood-red eyes, A mouth is a sharp mouth full of fangs.

The number is huge

, and at a glance there are all over the mountains

, let alone more than 4,000!

"Apocalyptic Weirdness: Blood Servant Weird

" "Weird Rank: Sixth Order"


"It's a power-type monster, can you deal with it?"

"A group of sixth-order weirdness, you ask me if I can deal with it? You're kidding me! "


Between the words of the alien professional, there was some ease

, obviously finding that it was just a group of sixth-order monsters to deal with, and his self-confidence increased greatly.

The end of the sixth order is weird, which is a nightmare for twenty or thirty

level professionals, but for their level 120 and above professionals,

it is no different from delivering dishes!

Even if you suppress 30% of your attributes, dealing with a group of sixth-order weirdness is simple!

"Wow puppet~ baby, did you attack the wrong person? Don't know me? The

phantom said delicately to the blood servants who rushed over

, more than a hundred blood servants were listening to the phantom's words

, and one by one, their eyes turned into love,

as if they had met true love at this moment!

Even if they are weird, it

doesn't matter if the Phantom is an alien race



regardless of race!

Phantom is a professional of the Shadow Killer Star Clan, hiding the profession 'Enchanting Catwoman'

, and anyone who hears her seductive words, a low-level monster will be instantly controlled and reduced to a slave under the skirt.

Seeing that the 'Words of Enchantment' skill was successfully controlled,

Phantom pointed to the uncontrolled blood servants behind and said strangely

, "They seem to be coming to kill me~ I'm so scared~ For me, you know what to do!"

The controlled blood servants heard strangely

, one by one, like beating chicken blood, angry fangs grinned, daring

to offend their goddess,

they would have to pay the price of blood!

As soon as he turned around

, he rushed towards the surrounding companions

, and between the blood claws, the move was fatal!

Those attacked blood servants looked strangely confused,

what is going on with this gang of second goods?

Even their own people to beat?

A bunch of pig teammates!

Doro stood in place, like an old tree, allowing the surrounding blood servants to attack strangely

, those blood servants obviously caused wounds on Doro's

body, but in the next second,

those injuries appeared on the blood servant's strange body.

Moreover, there were strange branches in that wound that quickly took root and sprouted

, and while absorbing the power of the blood servants,

they wrapped them up and turned them into cocoon-like plants.

Advanced skills 'Damage Transfer' and 'Parasitic

Tree', as a hidden class 'Ghost Tree Spirit' professional, Doro can transfer any damage to the other party in a certain proportion

, and if you receive Doro's skill damage, you will be parasitized by a plant called the Tree and sucked dry of energy and die!

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