Angry and angry!

It's really angry and angry!

The failure of the attack is just that, and

it is ridiculed on the spot as a waste, a thin dog....

It was just a small dog that was ridiculed, and

it was said by the other party that

one person surrounded their eight million Iron-Blooded Star Clan warriors?!

The most important thing is that

the person who said

this was standing in front of them at this time,

but the Iron-Blooded Star Clan couldn't do anything about Ye Mo!

The iron-blooded star family has always bullied others, and

for the first time in his life,

he tasted the feeling of being bullied on his face.

I'm so angry....

That is, the Iron-Blooded Star Clan is under strong pressure, otherwise the Iron-Blooded Star Clan


will definitely be pumped over by Ye Moqi.

Without them having to breathe over,

Ye Mo directly took a deep breath and

spat towards the Iron-Blooded Star Clan fleet in front of him!

Golden Superman's Frozen Breath skill!

The frozen breath skill that Ye Mo spit out

was like a snowstorm tornado that appeared tens of kilometers in space, and

all the iron-blooded star clan fleets attacked by Ye Mo's frozen breath directly

turned into ice sculptures

, and the iron-blooded star clan on the battleship

, as long as it was contaminated with a little cold qi, was

immediately killed in seconds, and

the dead could not die anymore!

Ye Mo's sparse and ordinary move

actually killed 100 Iron-Blooded Star Clan warships and 400,000 Iron-Blooded

StarClan warriors at once!

With just one move,

he lost one-twentieth of the Iron-Blooded StarClan warriors?

This kid is poisonous!


"Ding! Congratulations to the professional Ye Mo, who killed 400,000 Iron-Blooded Star Clan warriors and gained three times the experience value of 100 trillion!

"Ding! Congratulations to the professional Ye Mo for killing 400,000 Iron-Blooded Star Clan warriors! Get 3 billion gold chests! Advance to the Chest and get 3 billion Diamond Chests! "


Ye Mo heard the prompt sound of this reward, and

saw the 300 million diamond treasure chests in the treasure chest space!

It's developed!

I just made a slight shot

and got 100 trillion experience points and 3 billion diamond chests!

This harvest

was more than all Ye Mo's previous accumulation!

Ye Mo's eyes lit up when he looked at the Iron-Blooded Star Clan!

Where is this Iron-Blooded Star Clan, this

is the Fortune Boy!

Walk chests one by one!

Ye Mo's hungry

eyes made the iron-blooded star clan shiver

, what does this kid

want to do, his eyes are so strange

, shouldn't he have a strange proclivity,

want to be strongman lock man?!

"Can't let him shoot! This kid is poisonous, highly poisonous! "

It's obviously just a sparse and ordinary freezing skill, how can any Iron-Blooded Star Clan warrior who was attacked by his frozen breath die all of a sudden, this is very unscientific!"

"Is this move a trick against Lord Andrew!"

"Leave him alone, just let him strike again!"

"There is something wrong with this kid, no one can withstand the attack of our millions of Iron-Blooded StarClan warriors and can't break the defense!"

"One more push, I won't believe it! Can't break through his defenses! Be sure to destroy him the next time he strikes"


After the defeat of the first attack, the morale of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan was still strong,

even if the strength shown by Ye Mo refreshed

their cognition again and again.

But the iron-blooded star family is a fierce star family, and

it is also one of the few star races in the universe that is not afraid of death.

In the eyes of the warriors of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan,

death is a kind of destination!

Fighters should be on the battlefield!

If you die at the hands of a powerful opponent,


is an honor for them!

There are thousands of star families in the universe

, and each star family has its own unique ideas and beliefs,

which cannot be understood by human cognition.

Moreover, the Iron-Blooded Starclan is still very optimistic now.

They have an absolute superiority in numbers, and

if they fight a war of attrition,

they will definitely win.

Ye Mo smiled and said nothing

, he wanted to attack

, I gave you this opportunity,

just quietly watch the Iron-Blooded Star Clan performance.

Ye Mo wanted to see if these iron-blooded star clans could

exhaust themselves alive in the end.

The third round of attacks came in the blink of an eye

, and this time the intensity of the attack was even more ferocious than the first one, and

it could be seen that every Iron-Blooded Star Clan used the strength to eat.

But after ten minutes of ferocious attack

, looking at Ye Mo,

there was still nothing at all.

Millions of Iron-Blooded Starclans were dumbfounded,

did this attack

break the opponent's defenses.

How high is this kid's defense!

"Okay, little dogs! Once again, I give you a chance, but you still don't use it!

"Stand and let you fight, not even a single hair hurt... Just this ability also came out to shame, if I were you, I would directly find a piece of tofu to kill it! "

What makes the Ironclan have tears in their eyes?

It was angered by Ye Mo!

Every Iron-Blooded Star Clan was angry, and

some even bit their own battle armor angrily.

Too insulting to humanity!

And scolded them as thin dogs!

If he hadn't been able to beat

this kid, he would have torn this kid to pieces a long time ago!

"Do you know what I like about you?"

"I like the way you guys want to kill me but can't do anything about it!"

Ye Mo smiled and said, "With your little ability, I'm not in the mood to play with you!"

"Remember to pay attention in the next life, don't look for trouble to find us humans!"

"Whoever offends my humanity will be condemned from afar!"

Ye Mo condensed the qi in his hand, which

was the qi wave attack of the ancient Saiyan.

Under the blessing of the professional skills of the 'Great Priest

', if the professional does not reach 50% of Ye Mo, it is impossible to break Ye Mo's defense, and for opponents who do not reach 50% of Ye Mo's attributes, Ye Mo also has the ability to kill in one hit

, to put it bluntly

, these millions of Iron-Blooded Star Clan professionals

, it seems that the number is quite large,

but in front of Ye Mo

It's no different from an ant waiting to be slaughtered.

A few more moves of kung fu,

send them to the Immortal Mountain!

After the gas wave condensed,

Ye Mo launched directly towards the Iron-Blooded Star Clan fleet.

The powerful air wave energy ball shot into

the camp of the Iron-Blooded StarClan fleet like a shooting star across the sky.


The expected explosion did not appear

, but a black hole appeared halfway

, sucking Ye Mo's gas waves into it, blocking Ye Mo's

attack this time.

It was the powerhouse of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan who made a move!

"Let's all stand down!"

"You are no match for him!"

It was the King of Killing who struck.

He couldn't turn a blind eye to Ye Mo's slaughter of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan, and the

Killing King spoke

, "Obviously, he has mastered some powerful defensive skill! Can be immune to damage below a certain amount!

"Your single damage value is not enough, and it is for nothing to continue attacking!"

"As for the previous attack that could kill the Iron-Blooded Star Clan in seconds... It should also be some kind of killing skill, as long as it is less than a certain amount of health or attribute value, it will be killed in seconds if it touches your attack!

"I'm right!"

Seeing the Killing King coming step by step,

Ye Mo had long noticed this iron-blooded star clan wearing red iron-blooded battle armor.

Don't look at this Iron-Blooded Star Clan's body is only one meter six, belonging to the Iron-Blooded Star Clan's warriors, short in stature

, but full of momentum,

far more powerful than ten generals!

According to the survival rule that the strong man

of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan is king, if the guess is correct,

the person in front of

him should be the leader of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan this time.

The Killing King is worthy of being a person who has experienced hundreds of battles,

and his guess is not

far from ten!

"The powerhouse of the Human Star Clan, given your previous performance, is qualified to know my name!"

"My name is Northo, the Killing King, one of the four kings of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan!"

"Human, what's your name?"

King Northio asked

, when King Northo said this

, he still sighed a little in his heart, when

the Iron-Blooded Star Clan encounters an opponent worthy of a battle

, it will exchange names

, one is to express recognition of the opponent's strength, and

the other is that the Iron-Blooded Starclan wants to know what the name of the prey to be killed is.

A powerful professional is a high-level prey in the eyes of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan!

Each kill will write a glorious mark for the Iron-Blooded Starrace's conquest career, and will go down in Valhalla.

I don't know the name of my opponent,

but it's a pity!

It's a pity that the strong people in the universe are worth fighting

, he has encountered too few kings

, some strong people are actually difficult to match

, kill and kill, it is not worth him to report names to each other,

when was the last time he reported names?

It seems that three years ago, he dealt

with the great professional of the Void Star Clan...

"Ye Mo."

Ye Mo also said his name.

This time he came to take a bright route to grow up

, and this group of iron-blooded star clans took advantage of his absence

, and planned to steal their home,

which must not teach the opponent to be a good person!

The person who killed you is

me Ye Mo,

what can you do with me?

"You are Ye Mo!"

The Killing King showed a meaningful smile

, Ye Mo's name

, in fact, he had already guessed it.

Andrew reported to him and

asked him to come over,

the name of the strong man of Blue Star mentioned was Ye Mo.

In fact, the main purpose of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan this time

is to fall out of Ye Mo's fish and

destroy the human race, but it is only incidental.

It's just that what the Iron-Blooded Star Clan didn't expect was that

Ye Mo was fished out

, but where is this fish, this is

a shark!

Directly kill all ten generals!

Also blocked in front of the fleet and called them thin dogs....

The Killing King was excited about this,

wasn't this the powerful opponent he was looking for!

What about sharks?

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!

This kind of opponent is

only valuable to hunt!

The Killing King licked his lips,

his tomahawk was already hungry and thirsty!

"One on one!"

"I'll single you out!"

"The Iron-Blooded Star Clan warriors also listen, this is a battle between me and this human warrior named Ye Mo, regardless of whether it is won or defeated, no Iron-Blooded Star Clan is allowed to carry out any retaliation against humans from now on!"

This is the decision of the king of slaughter, and it is also the order of the king of slaughter


After hearing the words of the Killing King, millions of Iron-Blooded Star Clans

immediately stopped the commotion, and

did not intend to continue attacking Ye Mo.

The Killing King is going to take matters into his own hands?

Even though the Iron-Blooded Star Clan warriors had already expected this situation,

they still sighed in their hearts.

As the top combat power of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan

, the killing king has very few opportunities to shoot

, and generally ten generals can get it

, unless he encounters an opponent worth shooting,

the killing king will not be reasonable.

The killing king is too crazy to fight, and

every shot

is a disaster!

"The Killing King is going to strike personally!"

"That human professional is unlucky! He didn't know how powerful the Killing King was! "

The Killing King has given the order, do we want to continue to attack?"

"Nonsense, are you deaf or don't want to live! The king of slaughter has to take matters into his own hands, and we don't have to run far! Once the Killing King goes crazy, I don't want to be affected by the Killing King's attack and die!

"I'm dripping heaven! If the Killing King makes a move, it is estimated that this solar system will be over..." Ye

Mo, who has the bloodline of Krypton, also has

excellent hearing.

These words of the Iron-Blooded Star Clan

were heard in Ye Mo's ears.

Fight and fight without distinction between enemies and friends?

Will the solar system also be affected?

Is this Iron-Blooded Star Clan, known as the Killing King, so strong?

Ye Mo originally did not take the killing king seriously

, but when he heard the conversation of the iron-blooded star clan, he

was also aroused.

Along the way, the


Ye Mo encountered were almost all crushed by

Ye Mo, and Ye Mo also wanted a decent opponent to

test his strength.

This killing king seems

to be good.

Just hope this guy is a nice sandbag!

Don't hit twice and be killed.

"If you want to single out, you can!"

The corners of Ye Mo's mouth raised slightly, and he accepted the challenge of the Killing King.

This is the first time that Ye Mo has competed with the top professionals in the universe, and

there is always an inexplicable tacit understanding between the strong


Even if it's an opponent!

The Killing King brought up the map of nearby galaxies

, locked the centaur galaxy on the side of the solar system, and

pointed to the South Gate two stars in the centaur galaxy.

"That's it! I'm waiting for you at the South Gate Two Star!

After that,

the Killing King flew out first.

The powerful King of Killings does

not need the blessing of a spaceship to travel

between cosmic galaxies at an extremely fast speed.

As an extraordinary class 'Starry Sky Divine Guardian'

, the Killing King has mastered the powerful power of the space system, and

can quickly shift his sight in time and space within a range of millions of kilometers.

This continuous displacement skill

also allows him to single-handedly

leap from one galaxy to another in a short period of time


Become one of the few

professionals who can traverse the galaxy.


is the strength that the King of Killing is most proud of!

The other killing kings did not dare to say that

with this speed alone

, he killed the king second, and

few people in this universe dared to call themselves the first!

Just half an hour later,

the Killer King arrived at the designated planet location.

Looking at this barren planet

, the Killing King sighed with emotion,

"My speed is still so fast!"

"It took less than half an hour to cross the two galaxies! Just ask who else!

"That kid also seems to have the ability to fly freely in space, and he should still be on his way!"

"Forget it, wait for him! It's hard to meet an opponent who looks at the past! I still have this patience!

But just as the Killing King was talking to himself

, a lazy voice came from behind the Killing King,

"You just came!" I've been waiting for you here for twenty minutes!

"Twenty minutes and fifty seconds to be exact!"

The Killing King suddenly turned around and

saw Ye Mo's familiar face.

Foggy grass!

This human professional has arrived, and

he arrived twenty minutes ahead of him!

Did you grow up eating lasers,

so fast!

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