Then Liu Yang ignored the so-called star, and instead came to the dining table with Tang Mengting and He Yushi, took out the food and began to distribute it.

Each person has a sausage, a bottle of milk, and a piece of bread.

This is the lunch for the three of them today.

Since there is a shortage of food now, we must eat sparingly.

However, although there was not much food, Tang Mengting and He Yusheng had expressions of great anticipation on their faces.

When they carefully opened the package of the bread and took a bite of the soft bread, they had a look of satisfaction on their faces.

tasty! It’s so delicious! In the last days, even ordinary bread seems to be a rare delicacy in the world!

The smell of bread also floated into Lidya Su's nose along the air.

She couldn't help but sniff.

"Sisi!" It smells so good!

I want to eat it!


Her stomach couldn't help but growl.

As a female star, she has strict control and plans for her daily diet.

Especially since she recently took on a new drama, she is controlling her weight and dieting.

This resulted in her being hungrier than others, and her body's fat reserves were even smaller.

Now that she could smell the aroma of bread, she felt like she couldn't help it anymore.

There was unbearable pain in my stomach, as if there were countless ants biting me.

She looked at the people eating with longing eyes, but found that no one paid attention to her.

A big star was actually left aside in the cold.

Lidya Su couldn't accept such a gap all of a sudden, she felt aggrieved, and her eyes instantly turned red.

Liu Yang ignored the star who was secretly crying.

After finishing his meal, he began to deduce again.

This is his last chance to perform today.

We must make good use of this opportunity and go looking for food after the deduction is successful.

Otherwise, if the deduction fails again this time, he will not be able to find food all day long.

Liu Yang is a cautious person.

Without deduction, he would never leave the villa.

After all, he now has a system to add to his system, and sooner or later he will reach the top and become a Transcendent Level powerhouse.

There are several beauties around, but I haven’t really enjoyed it yet.

If there was an accident and he died in the cradle, wouldn't he suffer a big loss?

The deduction begins.

Liu Yang came to the door of the villa again, secretly opened a crack in the door, and then used ice needles to kill five zombies.

After the 15-minute cooldown, he killed 5 more.

After killing all 20 zombies, 45 minutes had passed.

Since the deduction can only extrapolate one hour into the future, Liu Yang only has 15 minutes of deduction time left. He must complete the food collection and return to the villa within 15 minutes.

Of course, the convenience store is very close to the villa. Normally, as long as there are no accidents, 15 minutes is absolutely enough, or even 5 minutes.

Liu Yang rushed out of the villa, straightened up, and rushed to the convenience store as fast as possible.

There were no accidents along the way, and he successfully entered the convenience store.

However, after entering the convenience store, Liu Yang discovered something was wrong.

Obviously, there was a lot less food in the convenience store. He and Tang Mengting had already entered the convenience store once. At that time, the shelves were full of food and no one came. Liu Yang remembered how much food they took.

There is much less food now, which means that other survivors have also come to the convenience store!

When he thought of this, Liu Yang frowned instantly.

"It seems that driven by hunger, some people have taken the risk and started looking for food. Next, this convenience store may be visited by more and more survivors. We must find a way to get more food!"

Liu Yang immediately started stuffing the food on the shelves into his backpack.

What he took this time was still easy to take and high in calories.

After a minute of collecting, Liu Yang's backpack was so full that the zipper could hardly be closed.

He just went out.

After leaving the convenience store for more than ten meters, he turned around, picked up a stone on the ground, and smashed it against the glass of the convenience store.

"Pa!" The sharp sound instantly attracted zombies from a distance, and three zombies ran directly over and rushed to the convenience store.

Liu Yang returned to his villa with satisfaction.

There are three zombies guarding the store for him, and other survivors may not dare to go in to get food.

The three zombies are not difficult for him to deal with. With Liu Yang's current strength, he can kill them easily.

So this is making it more difficult for other survivors.

"The food in the convenience store belongs to me. If you want to take it, you have to kill those three zombies first!" Liu Yang thought in his heart.

After successfully getting the food, Liu Yang ended the deduction.

Then start taking action according to the progression of the deduction.

After he finished searching for food in the convenience store and entered the villa, he poured out all the food in his backpack.

When He Yushi and others saw him pouring out so much food, their eyes suddenly lit up.

He Yushi asked Liu Yang with wide eyes:

"Ah? Liu Yang, are you looking for food again? Aren't there a dozen zombies outside the door? How did you get out?"

"Can't we go out after we kill them all?" Liu Yang said matter-of-factly.

"Do...get rid of them? That's a dozen zombies!" Tang Mengting and He Yushi both stared. Even the female star next to her, Su Xiao, began to show an incredible look.

"Is it difficult?" Liu Yang said incredulously, then ignored the surprised and admiring looks of the girls and began to count the food.

After counting, she said to everyone:

"I collected a total of 12 breads, 58 ham sausages, and 21 packages of beef jerky this time. From now on, I can give you two an extra package of beef jerky for every meal."

"Wow! Can you add extra food? That's great!" He Yushi's face showed a happy and surprised look!

"Thank you, Liu Yang, you are so kind to us!" Tang Mengting also said happily.

In the past, she was a superior class monitor and looked down on Liu Yang, but now she found that Liu Yang was completely different from what she had imagined before.

He is a Transcendent Level strong man with a careful mind and a brave mentality. In the end of the world, he will definitely be a very good man!

Therefore, her disdain slowly began to turn into love and admiration.

Su Xiao in the distance looked at this side with a complicated face.

My heart is still struggling.

Could it be said that I really want to give in to this little security guard?


He is just a security guard!

I'm a big star!

However, if I continue to be so hungry, I will starve to death sooner or later.


What on earth should I do?


Lidya Su started sobbing again, covering her mouth.

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