"The Martial Artist family of the Shenlong Empire?" Liu Yang was stunned.

In the past, in peaceful times, he had never heard of any Martial Artist family in the Shenlong Empire.

The so-called Martial Artist, he had only seen in movies.

Even Taozi from the Xiaori Empire knew that the Shenlong Empire had the so-called Martial Artist family. Liu Yang, as a member of the Shenlong Empire, had never even heard of it.

Sure enough, my previous level was too low-end, and I couldn't get in touch with these powerful people at all.

These powerful people should have their own unique circle, which ordinary people cannot fit into at all.

They even deliberately block their information from ordinary people.

But now...

I am already one of these strong men.

The superpowers from the Xiaori Empire have already come to the door, and the people from the Shenlong Empire will come sooner or later.

You can then ask for more information.

Liu Yang asked: "How strong are the so-called ninja clan of your Xiaori Empire?"

Taozi shook her head and said: "The ninja clan is also the most mysterious race in the Xiaoni Empire. They usually do not appear in everyone's field of vision. They seem to be a higher level race.

Even Higami Yamada has probably never seen a real ninja clan. In the eyes of the ninja clan, people with super powers are no different from ordinary people.

So even though I am a superpower who ranks high on the earth rankings, my level is still not enough.

All I know is that even the president of the Japanese Empire must show enough respect to the ninja clan. "

Liu Yang nodded: "Okay. Although your strength is the strongest in this villa area besides me, it is probably still a bit inadequate in the team of superpowers, that is, at the level of a squad leader. The information available is limited.

Forget it, I won’t ask you anymore. You go down. "

Taozi said to Liu Yang with a hesitant look on her face: "Um... Mr. Liu Yang... do you need me to serve you... and get some sleep?"

Liu Yang shook his head: "No need."

"Oh!" Taozi replied with some disappointment, then left Liu Yang's room and walked downstairs.

Think about it, there are so many beautiful girls in Liu Yang's villa.

It's not easy to stay overnight in Liu Yang's room!

It seems that I am overthinking it.

"Oh, by the way, I'll give you this dagger. This dagger is very sharp and I believe it can improve your combat effectiveness." Liu Yang said, directly handing Tao Zi an ice dagger.

That's what he did with his Eternal Freeze ability.

This dagger looks crystal clear and has a transparent scabbard.

Very delicate and beautiful.

"Transparent dagger?" Taozi was stunned.

Then he took the ice skate from Liu Yang's hand and felt the coolness of the ice on his hand. She said with an even more surprised expression on her face: "Is it made of ice?"

Liu Yang nodded: "Yes, I have prepared an extremely sharp ice dagger for each of you. Don't underestimate it, this dagger is very sharp."

Taozi doubtfully took the dagger and tried it on another weapon on her body.


The two weapons clashed together.

The ice dagger cut her weapon in half in an instant.

Then Taozi showed a surprised expression on her face, and said in surprise and joy:

"It's really sharp! This weapon of mine is the famous forger of the Xiaori Empire, and the master personally forged it for me! I didn't expect it to be cut in two by the ice dagger!"

As a powerful superpower user ranked high on the earth rankings, Taozi's own strength is very outstanding, but because the person she met was Liu Yang, she was defeated without any performance.

If he met ordinary superpowers like Ma Feiyun and Scar Rat, Taozi would be like a god of war.

You can kill them casually without taking any damage.

Now with this sharp ice dagger, her strength can reach a higher level.

And women naturally like good-looking things.

This ice dagger is crystal clear and very in line with female aesthetics.

However, Taozi still had a question. She said to Liu Yang: "Master Liu Yang, this weapon won't melt by itself, right? Does it need to be kept in the refrigerator when not in use?"

"Pfft!" Liu Yang laughed out loud. Said: ""You can use it with confidence, just keep it like an ordinary weapon. ""

"Haha. Okay, I understand. Thank you Master Liu Yang for giving me such a good weapon!" Taozi also showed an awkward smile.

"You're welcome." Liu Yang waved his hand and said.

After Taozi left the room, Liu Yang had a thoughtful expression on his face.

It seems that this world is not as simple as I imagined at the beginning, and superpowers did not appear only after the outbreak of the apocalyptic war.

In the past, Liu Yang was just an ordinary citizen, so his information was delayed by at least a few months.

Superpowers were originally the result of the Japanese Empire's research on genetic viruses.

If you succeed, you will become a superpower; if you fail, you will become a zombie.

And some people are immune to airborne transmission.

But no one is immune to blood-borne infections.

As zombies evolve, becoming more and more intelligent and more like humans, it is actually difficult to say that zombies are not new humans.

Maybe the difference between zombies and superpowers is not that big.

There is only a difference in the mutation process between the two.

Will they reach the same destination in the end?

Zombies and supernatural beings are new humans?

Liu Yang shook his head, forget it, let's stop thinking about those long-ago things. The first goal now is to find out how strong the Xiaori Empire is.

People with super powers don't have to worry. The former number one on the Heavenly Ranking, Hinakami Yamada, only cleared the 10th level in the stone tablet.

The strength can be imagined, they are just chickens and dogs.

The only thing that worries Liu Yang is actually the ninja clan.

He originally thought that the ninjas of the Koni Empire were just legends, but he didn't expect them to be real.

Could it be that the ninjas of the Koni Empire are really as powerful as those in the anime?

The ninjas in the anime can summon meteorites, drive Gundams, and even build the moon!

If that's the case, it probably wouldn't be enough to go head-to-head with my current strength. I still have to continue to develop obscenely...

And the Dragon Empire also has a Martial Artist.

I don’t know how strong Martial Artist is…


Liu Yang can deduce this power in the future, even if he meets a strong person, he can deduce it first. Even if the ninja is really as strong as in the anime, Liu Yang will not panic.

Originally, as Liu Yang's strength improved, he would rarely use this skill in future deduction. He thought it was just a useless skill, but now it seems that he still thinks too much.

When an unknown strong man appears, future deduction is Liu Yang's trump card, his life-saving ability.

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