On the second day, it was already past 10 o'clock in the morning when Liu Yang woke up, and the sun was already rising high.

Liu Yang stretched his male dog's waist and felt that this kind of life where he slept until he woke up naturally every day was not bad.

When I was in school, I had to get up every morning to go to class. Even on weekends, I had to get up early and stand guard in the community as a security guard.

I can't sleep a few times a year.

Where can I sleep every day like now?

Moreover, there are several peerless beauties living downstairs, which is simply more enjoyable than the ancient emperors looking for brands.

After getting up, washing up, having breakfast, Liu Yang started today's plan.

Who knew that at this moment, Liu Yang received a system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host, you have killed a total of 22,000 zombies and gained 2,200 attribute points!"

Liu Yang was surprised:

"Huh? Two thousand two hundred attribute points?!"

Then he came to his senses and said: "I'm afraid the ten dormitory buildings in the school were burned down overnight. More than 20,000 zombies were directly burned to death! It's so exciting!"

At this time, all of Liu Yang's basic attributes are 325 points.

2200 divided by 4, each basic attribute can add 550 points.

Adding them all together is 875 attribute points!

At this time, Liu Yang's basic attributes have reached 16.5 times that of ordinary people!

Definitely the Superman among Superman!

"The dark space has been upgraded again. It is simply a waste to have such a large space unused, so we must seize the time to collect food from large supermarkets."

"And as time goes by, the survivors are getting hungrier and hungry, and they may search for food. Therefore, if I arrive late, it is possible that the large supermarkets have been raided and there is not much food left. .”

"Moreover, my basic attributes are 16.5 times that of ordinary people. With such strong attributes, it's time to go out of the community and test my combat power!"


Liu Yang started the first deduction today.

This was the first time he walked out of the villa area and onto the street, so he had to be more cautious.

After all, those five sports students in school almost made him fall over.

It might be more dangerous on the streets, maybe.

The deduction begins.

Liu Yang jumped directly and climbed out of the three-meter-high villa gate. The road outside the villa was full of cars, blocking the entire road.

Some cars even hit the roadside and even caught fire, turning into a pile of coke.

The car owner inside was also burned into a black skeleton.

In some cars, the owners had no time to escape and were chewed to pieces by zombies inside the car.

Looking at these miserable corpses, Liu Yang felt a little emotional.

How many people can't afford a luxury car worth hundreds of thousands in a lifetime of working? It used to be a pretentious capital for these rich people. Unexpectedly, it has now become a mobile coffin, becoming the final place of their death.

Liu Yang continued walking forward. The supermarket was only about 1 kilometer away from the villa area. Liu Yang found no zombies on the way.

But the closer you get to the supermarket, the more zombie corpses fall on the roadside.

And when Liu Yang got closer, he discovered that all the zombies had been cut in half. Some had their heads chopped off, and some were chopped directly on the waist. The upper body of the zombies who were chopped in half was even still alive, and they kept crawling on the ground with their hands. .

Some even cut it vertically, cutting the head and body in half evenly!

Seeing such a scene, Liu Yang was completely surprised.

"Good guy, who did this? Could it be someone with other powers? Not long after we walked, we found the corpses of more than a dozen zombies. Isn't this guy too strong?"

And what shocked Liu Yang the most was the opponent's weapon.

Every zombie is cut in half by the opponent. Whether it is slashed horizontally, vertically or diagonally, the zombies can be cut open like tofu.

Liu Yang looked at the battle-hardened fire ax in his hand and immediately felt that it no longer smelled good.

Although this fire ax has the ability to break armor, it will get stuck in the head of a zombie every time it hits it.

How is it like other people's weapons that can be cut in two directly?

So Liu Yang became vigilant.

If the opponent is really a superpower, this will be the first superpower Liu Yang has encountered. Liu Yang doesn't know how strong the opponent is.

Therefore, it must be treated with caution!

As Liu Yang continued to move forward, the closer he got to the supermarket, the more zombie corpses he found.

Finally, under a big tree in front of the supermarket, a dozen zombies who were chopped to death appeared.

At the same time, a dark sword was inserted into the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yang was stunned.

"What's going on? The corpses of zombies end here. At the same time, that weapon is covered with the blood of zombies. I'm afraid that person used it to chop zombies. Obviously the zombies are all dead, why did they drop the knife? On the ground? Could it be that there was an accident? "

Liu Yang walked over and wanted to check it out.

I want to pull out that knife.

After all, this is an extremely sharp sword, don't give it up for free.

At this moment, Liu Yang heard a weak cry for help: "Help...help!"

"Huh?" Liu Yang was startled and immediately looked around, but he didn't see any survivors.

"Help!" The weak voice came again, and Liu Yang finally heard the direction of the call this time.

He looked up suddenly and was shocked!

A woman is hanging in the air with her hands and feet tied up, and next to her is a man who is unconscious.

At this time, the woman was tied into a "big" shape.

The man, on the other hand, was tied into a "tai" shape.

At the same time, there were dozens of zombies tied up in the air next to this man and woman!

Some of the zombies have turned into mummies, while others are still struggling, indicating that they were tied up at different times!

Liu Yang instantly became alert, took a few steps forward and asked the woman, "Who tied you up there?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a vine quickly stretched out, tied his feet directly, and then threw him into the air. Liu Yang felt that the world was spinning for a while, and when he reacted, his hands and feet were already tied. , also fell in the air.

It becomes a "wood" shape.

Liu Yang was shocked.

What a powerful enemy!

He was tied up by the other party without even realizing where he was!

This is definitely a powerful Transcendent Level psychic!

Unexpectedly, the woman next to him said in a weak voice:

"This big tree has mutated and has learned to use vines to grab prey and absorb nutrients. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I hadn't asked you for help, you wouldn't have been arrested."

Big tree?

Liu Yang was immediately surprised after hearing what the woman said.

He originally thought that only humans would turn into zombies when the apocalypse broke out, but didn't he expect that even plants would start to mutate?

And this big tree not only catches humans, it even catches zombies. Isn’t this too fierce?

Just when Liu Yang was thinking this.

But a more delicate, tentacle-like vine began to stretch out from the big tree. It was aimed at Liu Yang's heart and inserted directly into it!

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