"The Black Tiger Base is about 20 kilometers away from here, which is not too close. We walked for three days to get here!

I am a freshman female student at the police academy, and my brother is a retired special forces soldier. We were both survivors in the Black Tiger Base, but because of me, we had to leave the Black Tiger Base..."

Zhang Jingyu said to Liu Yang.

"Police academy female student? Such a beautiful police academy female student will at least be a police beauty when she graduates, right?" Liu Yang became interested and said to Zhang Jingyu with a smile on his face.

Although he already has several beauties, he has never come across a stunning policewoman!

"No...no..." Zhang Jingyu's face turned red instantly after being praised by Liu Yang.

"Why did you come out of the base? If you had stayed at the base, you wouldn't have been in danger, right?" Liu Yang continued to ask.

"It's all...all because of me. Black Tiger, the leader of Black Tiger Base, has taken a liking to me and wants me to obey him. However, he is dark, old, and ugly, and he already has thirteen wives. I definitely can't agree. .

My brother was angrier than me and fell out with them on the spot, so he took me away from the Black Tiger base. If it weren't for me, my brother... he wouldn't... wu wu wu. If I had known earlier, I would have just followed Black Tiger! Woohoo! "Zhang Jingyu cried again when he mentioned the past.

"Who is stronger, the leader of the Black Tiger Base or your brother?" Liu Yang asked looking for the key question.

"The leader of the Black Tiger Base should be stronger. He is ranked higher than my brother on the yellow list. But if it is a matter of life and death, even if my brother is killed by him, he will not be easy, at least he will be seriously injured.

Once he was seriously injured, others would definitely want to take over, and his losses would be even greater, so he didn't dare to stop us too much when we left the Black Tiger base. "Zhang Jingyu said truthfully.

"Huang Bang? What is that?" Liu Yang was stunned.

"It's the ranking list of superpowers. It is said that only superpowers who have passed the test on the test stone can be on the list. I'm not a superpower, so I don't know too much.

I only know that every time a person passes a test, a person with a superpower can get a stone tablet as a reward. This knife is the reward my brother got for passing the test. " Zhang Jingyu replied.

After hearing what the other party said, Liu Yang felt a little shocked.

He had never heard of these things before.

Didn't you expect that just a few days after the zombie outbreak, there would already be something like a ranking list of superpowers?

And you can get rewards by passing the test of the stone tablet?

No wonder Liu Yang felt that this knife did not look like it was made by man. It turned out to be the product of the so-called stone tablet!

"Where is this stone tablet?" Liu Yang continued to ask.

If he could get a reward every time he passed the test, Liu Yang would also like to test it.

“It is said that stone monuments have appeared all over the world, and the Black Tiger Base was built around this stone monument, so there is a stone monument in the center of the Black Tiger Base.

But I don’t recommend you go there. The people in the Black Tiger Base are too bad and powerful. You might as well find a new stone tablet and build a base yourself! "Zhang Jingyu said to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang nodded: "I see. Forget it, forget about that for now. Let's collect supplies now."

During the conversation, the two of them had arrived at the entrance of the supermarket.

Before preparing to go in, Liu Yang reminded Zhang Jingyu:

"When a disaster breaks out, there should be a lot of people shopping in the supermarket, so there may be a lot of zombies now. Don't be nervous or scream after you enter, you know?"

"Yeah, no problem. My brother and I have encountered a lot of zombies these days, and I'm not so afraid anymore." Zhang Jingyu nodded quickly.

"That's good." After hearing the other party's answer, Liu Yang walked ahead with the knife and entered the supermarket door.

As expected, there are many zombies wandering around the supermarket.

But this time Liu Yang is no longer what he used to be. His strength and speed have reached several times that of ordinary humans. Now with the blessing of a peerless sword, he rushes into the zombies and is like an invincible Mars!

"Brush!" The dark Martial Warrior sword swung forward, and the zombie in front of him was instantly cut in half.

What a sword that can cut through iron as well as clay!

Liu Yang became more and more excited as he fought, and he had killed dozens of zombies in just a few minutes!

It turns out that Liu Yang's speed and strength are more than ten times that of ordinary people.

What he lacks is a peerless magic weapon.

Now this weapon is actually even more powerful for him.

Liu Yang immediately felt that he couldn't put it down, it was such a treasured sword!

This knife is really suitable for me!

"So awesome, so strong! Even better than my brother!" Zhang Jingyu looked at Liu Yang's actions from the side, and his eyes suddenly widened.

You must know that Zhang Jingyu's eldest brother is a retired special forces soldier who has a very strong foundation, much better than ordinary people.

Later, after the apocalypse broke out, he awakened and became a superpower. With the blessing of superpowers, he became even more powerful.

But even so, compared with Liu Yang at this time, it is still incomparable.

Although Zhang Jingyu is an ordinary person, she can still tell clearly who is more powerful and who is faster.

Obviously, Liu Yang completely beat her brother in terms of strength and speed!

Ten minutes later, Liu Yang killed more than 300 zombies and almost emptied the entire supermarket.

He still felt that there was something unfinished.

This sword cuts zombies as easily as cutting fruit, effortlessly and effortlessly.

It's like playing a game like Fruit Ninja.

"These zombies are not enough for me to kill, but after clearing them out, I can harvest resources!"

With a thought in Liu Yang's mind, he instantly threw the food on the shelf in front of him into his own dark space.

"So many chocolates, so many candies! So many cookies, so much food! Take them all away!"

"Milk, drinks, cigarettes, famous wine? Take it away!"

"Bulk rice, mung beans, soybeans, black beans, potatoes? Take them away!"

"Packaged food, all kinds of bread, all kinds of vacuum food? Take it away!"

"Fresh meat, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits? Take them away!"

"All kinds of dry goods, bacon, dried fish? Take them away!"

Soon Liu Yang had almost finished everything in the supermarket.

Zhang Jingyu's beautiful eyes widened when she saw Liu Yang's actions.

"You...how did you do it?"

All the food Liu Yang almost disappeared in place with a wave of his hand, it was like magic.

Where did he get the food?

"This is my secret." Liu Yang said with a smile.

Although Zhang Jingyu didn't know how Liu Yang did it, she was even more sure in her heart that Liu Yang was definitely a powerful superpower.

Much more powerful than her own brother!

Soon, Liu Yang had collected almost everything on the supermarket shelves, including toilet paper, clothes, towels, various dishes, cutlery, daily necessities, etc.

After all, its dark space is a huge space of 30×30×30=27,000 cubic meters.

If all this space was used to hold water, it could hold 27,000 tons!

If all of it is used to hold rice, it can hold almost 27,000 tons.

If there were 27,000 tons of rice, even if Liu Yang saved 1,000 female survivors, he would be able to eat it for at least 100 years!

Even if he packed everything in the entire supermarket, he wouldn't be able to fill up his space.

And when it is installed in a dark space, there is no need to tidy it up or place it neatly, it just needs to be piled together.

When he needs it, he can take out whatever he wants with just a slight movement of his mind. He doesn't have to rummage through each item like in the real world.

So just pile them all inside and pile them high.

Soon, most of the items on the supermarket shelves were raided by Liu Yang, and then Liu Yang set his sights on the supermarket warehouse.

There are more things in supermarket warehouses than on shelves!

I just don’t know where the warehouse of this supermarket is, so I need to look for it.

"Let's go, let's go find the supermarket warehouse." Liu Yang said to the future policewoman Zhang Jingyu.

"Yeah!" Zhang Jingyu nodded obediently and followed Liu Yang.

After she saw how powerful Liu Yang was, she was even more determined to follow Liu Yang. Only in this way could she survive better, so she did whatever Liu Yang asked her to do and was very obedient.

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