At the same time, in the Black Tiger survivor base.

A middle-aged man with a long scar on his face returned to the base panting.

As soon as he returned to the base, he ran straight to Black Tiger's residence.

When he arrived outside Heihu's room, he immediately collapsed on the ground and shouted: "Boss Black Tiger! Boss Black Tiger! Something bad has happened! They have been killed, all of them have been killed!"

"What's the rush? Has Zhang Jingyu brought it back? Where's the giant bear?" A greasy, wretched middle-aged man with a big belly, dark skin, and a mustache came out and looked at the Scar Rat lying limply on the ground. Hei Hu was a little surprised by the scene.

What happened to make the mature and steady Scar Rat look like this?

"Lao Da! The giant bear is dead!"

"The yellow dog is dead too! All of them are dead! If I hadn't drilled into the ground quickly, I would have died there too!"

Recalling what happened at that time, Scar Rat had a look of fear on his face.

"What? The giant bear has been killed?!" Upon hearing this, Black Tiger's face instantly showed a look of disbelief, and then his eyes were filled with anger. He said in a voice full of murderous intent:

"Is that guy Zhang Jinglin so strong? A dozen of you secretly followed them. Didn't you know how to attack them when you found them? And he killed them all? Are you trash? Did an accident happen? "

"'s not Zhang Jinglin. When we got there, Zhang Jinglin was already dead. It was another young man who was very powerful. He took Zhang Jinglin's knife and hacked to death more than a dozen people in an instant. He had super powers from beginning to end. It was no use, and he just killed everyone with melee combat.

Even the giant bear didn't react and was instantly killed by the opponent! If I had run slower, I would have been dead! "Scar Rat said with lingering fear.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! In terms of close combat, my third brother, the giant bear, is invincible! Even I may not be his opponent without the use of superpowers! How could someone kill it without using superpowers?" Hei Tiger obviously didn't believe it.

The giant bear used to be a professional mercenary in peaceful times, and he was very powerful.

In the last days, he awakened the ability to transform into a giant bear and possess the power of a giant bear.

It can be said that without the use of superpowers, the strength of the giant bear is top-notch among all first-level superpowers!

How could he be killed instantly?

Black Tiger's eyes showed suspicion.

Is this Scar rat deliberately exaggerating the enemy's strength because he is afraid of blaming him for failing in the mission?

"It's true, brother! I didn't lie to you, brother! Zhang Jingyu was also taken away by that guy. He also killed hundreds of zombies, all with knives. He was so powerful! Until In the end, we don’t know what his superpower is!” Scarrat said excitedly.

When Heihu heard that Zhang Jingyu was taken away by that guy, he immediately became angry.

"You guys, more than a dozen people can't even defeat one of them! If you can't bring back even a woman, what use are you!

When Falcon comes back, I will ask him to check the situation first. Then I will personally meet this so-called superpower to see how strong he is!

If you let me know that you are exaggerating, I will look good on you then! "Black Tiger said fiercely.

"I'm not talking nonsense! Brother, what I said is the truth! If you don't believe it, just let Falcon see it! That man is really strong! If you don't believe it, forget it!" After Scar Rat finished speaking, he became a little angry. left here.

He had just escaped from death. He was afraid of being overtaken by the opponent along the way, so he didn't dare to walk on a flat road. He always used his supernatural powers to dig holes to get back, and he dug holes for more than 20 kilometers!

This took a huge toll on his physical strength, and he was now very tired.

Who would have thought that he had just come back and was scolded by Heihu again, so he was naturally in a very bad mood.

Leaving Black Tiger's residence, Scar Rat cursed as he walked: "I lost a dozen brothers for one woman! Not even a word of concern, but you still scolded me! You're a bastard!"

If I couldn't defeat him, I would have killed him long ago! Damn it, why did I awaken the ability to dig holes? What if I awaken a combat ability? "

After cursing in his mind, Daoba Shu also calmed down quietly and began to think about his future retreat.

"Now Black Tiger has lost its two right-hand men, Giant Bear and Yellow Dog, and its strength has been greatly reduced. It is estimated that the entire survivor base combined is no match for that young man. In order to get Zhang Jingyu, Black Tiger will probably fight with that young man." Young people are fighting to death, so if I stay here, am I waiting to die?"

"Rather than wait for death, it's better to leave as soon as possible! Heihu doesn't respect his brothers as human beings. There is no future in following him!"

Daoba Rat made up his mind.

Prepare to return to your own place, then start packing your things and leave secretly.

Although his power is not a combat power, it is still very useful for escaping. He is short in stature and the holes he makes are small. Others cannot get in. As long as he wants to run away, basically few people can chase him. Get on.

Walk inside the Black Tiger Survivor Base.

The civilians in the base saw Scar Rat and came over to say hello.

"Hello Lord Mouse!"

"Master Mouse, you had a good harvest today, right?"

"Okay, okay!" Scar Rat smiled at everyone.

A little girl with a gray face and a thin body ran over and came to Scar Rat. She raised her head and asked with big innocent eyes:

"Master Mouse, where did you go on adventure today? Did you encounter any scary zombies?"

Seeing the little girl's cute appearance, Scar Rat felt a soft feeling in his heart.

Although he is a superpower, due to his awakened burrowing power, he can be said to be very useless.

He is not popular among people with super powers, and everyone looks down upon him. Let him take the lead every time we go out for action. Go explore dangerous areas.

But the civilians respected him very much when they saw him.

People with super powers call him Scar Rat, but these common people respectfully call him Lord Rat.

Therefore, Scarrat treats these civilians better than other superpowers.

The other superpowers all looked aloof. If civilians dared to provoke them, they would just kick them away. How could they talk to them?

Scar Rat squatted down and said to the little girl:

"I went to a place far, far away. Master Shu, I killed dozens of zombies! It was very majestic! Come on, Master Shu, I'll give you a candy." After saying that, he took one out of his pocket. The candy was handed to the little girl.

The little girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

Endless light seemed to bloom instantly in his eyes.

In the last days, even the calories of a piece of candy are extremely precious.

The little girl took the candy and held it tightly in her hand like a treasure. He kept saying thank you to Scar Rat: "Thank you, Lord Rat, thank you, Lord Rat!"

When other children saw the little girl get a candy, they immediately gathered around.

"Master Mouse! You are so handsome!"

"Master Shu, you are the most handsome person in this base!"

"Master Mouse! Do you have any more candy?"

"Hahaha! I just like children like you who love to tell the truth. There are many! Everyone has one!" Hearing the children praising him for being handsome, Scar Rat smiled like an aunt and gave everyone one. sugar.

The children suddenly became happy.

"Candy! White Rabbit Milk Candy! Mom, I have candy again! Woohoo!"

The child burst into tears of joy.

"Master Mouse is so great! Long live Master Mouse!"

The children jumped away.

In the distance, their parents also cast grateful glances at Scar Rat.

A piece of candy may not be a big deal to a person with super powers, but for civilians, it is very difficult for them to survive every day. How can they still have a luxury like candy?

Seeing this group of survivors looking at him as if looking at a savior, Scar Rat gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

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