The End Of The World: Many Children, Many Blessings, Starting From The Cold Class Flower

Chapter 4: With Attributes Far Ahead, Start Searching For Food

Seeing that his strength has been strengthened, Liu Yang is full of confidence at this time.

On the second day after the apocalypse broke out, he had already acquired such a powerful superpower and had his basic attributes enhanced by 40%. Compared with ordinary people, he was already far ahead.

This will allow him to survive better in the last days.

At this time, Tang Mengting was still curled up on the bed, looking aggrieved.

To be honest, Liu Yang was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Tang Mengting hadn't experienced Fengyue yet.

He turned out to be the other person's first man.

That Zhao Ming has been dating her for several months and often brings her to the villa to play. Do they all play Ludo in the villa?

Or is that guy Zhao Ming not good at all?

This was a big bargain for myself.

Liu Yang glanced at her and said: "Okay, get up quickly and get ready to go find food! Why are you pretending to be wronged? Didn't you scream happily just now?"

Tang Mengting got up with dull eyes.

Follow Liu Yang. Because she had just been baptized by Liu Yang, she still had some pain and discomfort somewhere, and it was a little inconvenient to walk.

Before setting off, Liu Yang deduced the future direction.

A movie-like scene instantly appeared in his mind, and it was very real.

During the deduction, there were no accidents along the way. They successfully obtained food and could officially set off.

Before setting off, Liu Yang warned Tang Mengting: "Everything will follow my arrangements. Don't make any noise, otherwise it will attract zombies. When searching for food, try to get food that can fill your stomach. Don't Take some unnecessary things, got it?”

"Understood." Tang Mengting nodded.

So the two of them found a backpack and put it on their backs, and started going out.

At this time, the villa had returned to calm, there were no screams, no sounds, it seemed like it had become a deserted place of death, and no sound could be heard.

There were no zombies outside the door, there were only a few gnawed skeletons on the ground, and the stench could be smelled from a long distance away.

Liu Yang checked his surroundings and found that there were no zombies nearby, so he went out and walked straight to the mini fire station.

As a security guard in this community, Liu Yang is very familiar with this community.

There is a fire ax in the mini fire station, which is a good weapon and can split the skulls of zombies with just one move!

Soon, Liu Yang came to the fire station, took out the fire ax, and then started to go to the convenience store in the community.

It is the only food store in the villa area, and it has a lot of food.

If you can find a backpack of food, it can last you at least a week!

The two came to a convenience store, where several zombies were standing and wandering outside the store. At the same time, there were several corpses that had been chewed up on the ground.

Liu Yang rushed over with a fire ax in hand.

At this time, his basic attributes had increased by 40%, and he didn't pay attention to just a few zombies.

When the zombies saw Liu Yang, they roared instantly, then bared their teeth and rushed towards him.

Liu Yang directly hit the head of the front zombie with an axe, instantly piercing his head. He pulled out the ax and hit it again, and another zombie fell to the ground.

He killed three zombies in less than 10 seconds!

Tang Mengting was shocked when she saw this scene.


It's just too fierce.

Liu Yang was even more powerful at killing zombies than when he was in bed!

Was this guy born to kill zombies?

Tang Mengting was still very aggrieved at first and felt that it was very humiliating to be treated like this by a security guard.

But now that she sees how strong Liu Yang is, she doesn't seem so aggrieved.

In the last days of the apocalypse, isn't it true that a Transcendent Level powerhouse who kills zombies without any hesitation and without blinking is an excellent figure?

As long as you hold Liu Yang's thigh, there is hope of living!

"We're going to search for food. Don't be stunned. The sound of the fighting here may attract other zombies to surround us. We must hurry up!" Liu Yang saw that Tang Mengting was still stunned, looking at her with a dumbfounded expression. Tang Mengting reminded.

"Oh...oh, I got it." The two of them walked into the convenience store.

There was a zombie sitting idle at the counter in the convenience store. He was the owner of the convenience store. Liu Yang used to come here often to buy water and was familiar with the owner, so he recognized him.

Unexpectedly, he was not spared after the zombie outbreak and turned into a zombie.

Liu Yang hit him on the head with an ax to help him free himself, and then began to stuff food from the convenience store into his backpack.

At the same time, he reminded Tang Mengting: "Only take foods that are high in calories, can fill your stomach, and are easy to carry, such as sugar, milk, sausages, vacuum chicken legs, etc."

"Yeah, I understand." Tang Mengting nodded.

Within a minute both men had filled their backpacks.

Then he started to leave the convenience store, and at this time, zombies in the distance were already surrounding him.

Liu Yang took a look and saw that there were more than a dozen!

"Run! There are so many zombies, even I can't deal with them!"

Tang Mengting was instantly frightened when she saw so many zombies surrounding her. He quickly ran away.

Chased by the zombies, the two of them ran into a villa closest to the convenience store, and then closed the door heavily. The zombies were locked out and no one could be seen, so they stopped chasing.

In the villa, the original owner had turned into a zombie. Liu Yang took an ax and killed him directly. Tang Mengting asked in confusion:

"Liu Yang, why don't we just hide in the convenience store and close the door? If so, wouldn't there be endless food?"

"We are not the only survivors in this villa area, and the convenience store is the only place with food. Now maybe they are afraid of zombies, so they dare not go out to look for food, but the hunger in their stomachs will always urge them to go out.

Eventually they will venture to a convenience store. If we stay inside the convenience store, we might be discovered by other survivors and killed. "Liu Yang replied.

Although his strength has been enhanced, he does not consider himself invincible.

If you stay in a convenience store with a whole store of food, you will definitely be attacked by other survivors.

In the face of hunger, even the weakest person will take risks.

Liu Yang's current strength is not enough to make him a public enemy.

So it's better to find a villa close to a convenience store. It won't cost you more than searching for food a few times, but it's safer than staying in the convenience store directly.

After pouring out the food from his backpack, Liu Yang said to Tang Mengting:

"Next, food needs to be distributed uniformly. We can only eat a certain amount every day, otherwise we won't be able to survive for a few days. The battle just now attracted more than a dozen zombies surrounding the convenience store and our villa. It will be even more difficult to find food next time. Dangerous. So you must eat sparingly.”

"Yeah." Tang Mengting nodded.

She has seen Liu Yang's strength, and now she doesn't dare to have any objections to Liu Yang.

ps, guys please add bookshelves, please

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