When Liu Yang went inside to test, White Fox, Scar Rat and others were outside. They also started to discuss.

Scar Rat said: "With Brother Liu Yang's strength, can he at least enter the Xuanban?"

With Scar Rat's strength, he couldn't even get into the yellow list.

He felt that anyone who could be ranked on the yellow list was already very strong.

It is even more unimaginable for people to enter the Xuanbang.

Because each list can only display 1,000 people, it does not mean that there are only 1,000 people on each list. There may be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who cannot be on the list.

Just like Scar Rat, it's not that he has no ranking, but he is ranked over 15,000 on the yellow list.

There are no qualifications shown on the stele.

Therefore, the difference between No. 1 on the Yellow List and No. 1,000 on the Mysterious List is not just 1,000 people, but maybe tens of thousands of people!

Therefore, Scar Rat believes that if Liu Yang can be on the Mysterious Ranking List, and if he reaches the rank of less than 1,000, and his ranking is shown on the stone tablet, he will already be a Transcendent Level expert.

Those on the Earth Ranking and the Heavenly Ranking are simply peerless powerful beings, existences that cannot even be imagined.

Bai Hu smiled and said: "I don't think so. Liu Yang's strength can be said to be the strongest among all the survivors I have seen, so I think he should be able to enter the earth ranking test. As for whether he can If I can’t get a ranking, I’m not sure.”

Scar Rat was a little surprised and said, "Sister-in-law, do you recognize Brother Liu Yang's strength so much?"

Bai Hu smiled confidently: "Of course, how could the man I selected not even enter the ranking list?"

"I think he can enter the Heavenly Ranking! He is the strongest, and maybe he can get the first place!" At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded. The speaker was Black Tiger's daughter Wang Feifei.

After listening to Feifei Wong's words, Bai Hu smiled. Said: "What do you, an ordinary person, know? How can you still understand things about people with superpowers?"

Feifei Wong said undeniably: "I am indeed an ordinary person, and I do not understand things about people with superpowers, but I understand Liu Yang. I have had in-depth exchanges with him. In my opinion, he He is the most powerful man in the world, so he will definitely get the No. 1 spot on the Heavenly Ranking!"

Bai Hu chuckled lightly and said: "Haha, you are indeed an ordinary person! You don't understand the difference between people with super powers. You speak with confidence and ignorance."

"Hmph! Let's wait and see! Anyway, I believe Liu Yang is the strongest!" Wong Feifei said unconvinced.

White Tiger smiled confidently and said: "Are you so confident? How about we make a bet. If you lose, you will be my follower from now on, and you will do whatever I ask you to do. If you win, then I will Your follower, I will do whatever you ask me to do, how about that?"

"Just bet! I won't lose!" Wong Feifei said with her mouth raised.

Although she didn't know anything about superpowers, nor did she understand the ability gap between superpowers, it didn't matter because she had absolute trust in Liu Yang after having an in-depth exchange with Liu Yang.

As long as you are Liu Yang, there is nothing you can't do!

While everyone was discussing outside, Liu Yang's test had reached the tenth level.

The zombies that appear in level 10 are no longer simple second-level zombies.

Ten level three zombies appeared, and each level three zombie led 100 level two zombies, a total of more than 1,000 zombies!

And there is command, discipline, and cooperation.

Liu Yang was shocked when he saw level 3 zombies for the first time.

Level three zombies are very similar to humans in appearance, except that their skin is a little pale. They no longer grin and salivate. From a distance, they just look like normal people.

And when Liu Yang saw these level 3 zombies, they were actually communicating with each other!

In other words, level three zombies can already talk!

Is this level of wisdom too high?

Liu Yang looked at one of the female Level 3 zombies and found that not only could she speak, but she was also very beautiful. Her pale and snow-like complexion added to her aloofness and beauty. Unfortunately, her lips were also pale. If she wore lipstick, If so, she is definitely a beautiful woman.

I don’t know what’s the difference between this zombie and a normal human woman…

It made Liu Yang want to try the feeling of a zombie.

Then Liu Yang shook his head.

Damn it, damn it.

I am finishing the test now, what are I thinking about?

Liu Yang continued to attack the zombie army.

And these zombies, led by level three zombies, have become more organized and disciplined, and even besieged Liu Yang!

1,000 zombies surrounded Liu Yang.

"It looks like we need to kill those 10 level 3 zombies! As long as 10 leaders are dead, the remaining zombies will become a mess!"

Liu Yang raised the sword without hesitation and rushed towards the ten zombies.

He started fighting directly with level three zombies.

The strength and speed of level three zombies are four times that of ordinary people. At the same time, they are intelligent and know how to use weapons.

Unfortunately, compared to Liu Yang, their strength is still too poor.

In less than 10 seconds, Liu Yang killed 10 level 3 zombies instantly.

Each one is a direct beheading!

The remaining level 2 zombies were leaderless, so Liu Yang rushed in and started a one-sided massacre.

After passing the 10th level, Liu Yang finally understood.

Since the apocalypse broke out not long ago, all superpowers are basically still in the state of first-level superpowers. Even S-level first-level superpowers are only the difference between superpowers compared with low-level superpowers. The difference is that the basic physical attributes are actually the same, about twice those of ordinary people.

If you don't use your powers, the S-level powers are actually about the same strength as those of other powers.

Therefore, in the Tianbang test, when dealing with level 3 zombies, if they use their basic attributes, they are actually no match for level 3 zombies.

You must use superpowers to defeat level three zombies. However, using superpowers consumes a lot of mental energy and cannot be used indefinitely.

Therefore, it may not be easy for S Level superpowers to pass the 10th level in the ceiling test and defeat so many zombies.

Those who can pass the 10th level should be at least in the top 1,000 on the Heavenly Ranking!

That's why these clearance tests will increase the number of zombies in each level.

The increase in the number of zombies means an increase in difficulty for ordinary superpower users.

However, Liu Yang is an anomaly.

Due to the blessing of the system, killing zombies can strengthen his own attributes. His attributes at this time are 16.5 times that of ordinary people. Even in the test of the Tianbang, he can become a one-sided massacre. You don’t even need powers!

This means that no matter how many zombies there are, it is useless to Liu Yang, because he does not need to use powers at all, and he will not be mentally exhausted. With the bonus of a sword, he can kill a zombie with one sword. , cutting zombies is as easy as chopping vegetables, only the number of vegetables is increased. How difficult is it for the vegetable cutter?

Liu Yang is like a bug in the program.

Even the stone tablet probably didn't expect that someone could have basic attributes that were more than ten times that of ordinary people in the early stages of the apocalypse!

This so-called Tianbang test is too simple for Liu Yang.

He said confidently:

"If I continue to pass the next levels to increase the number of zombies, then even if I reach level 100, I can pass it easily!"

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