They originally thought that Liu Yang didn't want to collect things from them, so they came to the end of the street from the street. Now after seeing Liu Yang's actions, they instantly understood.

It is Liu Yang who has taken away everything from other stores. This is the last store!

It’s just that they really can’t imagine how Liu Yang did it. There are at least thousands of tons of materials in this wholesale street.

All of them disappeared in just a few minutes? !

Liu Yang said to everyone: "I'm sorry. You are still a little too slow, and your backpack is not even full. I have taken away all the supplies in this street. You can search elsewhere."

One of the survivors had a frustrated expression on his face: "This wholesale market has the most supplies nearby. We have already exhausted all other places. Without this wholesale market, how will we, the more than 100 survivors, survive!"

After the apocalypse broke out, the survivors nearby united and formed a survivor gathering place with more than 100 survivors.

They were led by the strong man with supernatural powers.

It won't be long before I believe they can develop a survivor base around this wholesale market.

It's a pity that all the food in the wholesale market has been collected. With more than 100 of them, it's still a problem where to find food, let alone form a base!

Another survivor also said: "Yes, yes, it seems we are going to starve to death! Among the more than 100 of us, only Brother Wang is a superpower and is relatively strong. The others are basically old, weak, sick and disabled." There are all of them, they are no match for zombies! We are finished!"

"Within a radius of more than ten kilometers around here, only this wholesale market has the most food and few zombies. It took us several days to clear out the zombies here.

Other supermarkets are too crowded with people, and there must be a lot of people turning into zombies now. With our strength, we don’t even dare to go in! "Another survivor said helplessly.

They cleared out all the zombies in this wholesale street, and lost many companions during this period.

But he didn't expect that Liu Yang would come here and take all the food away, which was like reaping the benefits.

It's a pity that Liu Yang is too strong, and all of them dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

I can only complain here.

The strong man named Brother Wang said to everyone: "If you want to blame us, you can only blame us for being slow, but you can't blame others, so don't talk nonsense!"

It's not that he doesn't understand the gap between himself and Liu Yang. They are both superpowers, and he knows even more how strong Liu Yang is.

Just the feeling of oppression on the body is frightening.

I'm afraid that the other party can kill everyone here with just a move of their fingers. These people dare to complain. They are simply seeking death!

And in the end times, there are no rules.

Food is always about whoever is stronger gets more.

People have the ability to collect all the food, of course, as much as they can.

Put yourself in my shoes, if you had this ability, wouldn’t you want to take away all the food from a street?

Do you still want to leave it to others?

Unless you have a problem with your head!

Otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to leave food to others.

So this strong man understands the current situation very well.

There was no look of anger on his face.

There was only an expression of resignation.

Liu Yang listened to what everyone said, thought for a moment, and said to them: "There are more than 100 people in your survivor gathering place?"

"Yes." The strong man quickly replied respectfully.

Liu Yang said to them: "Well, you must have heard of the Jinxiu Garden Villa area about 20 kilometers away from here, right?

That is my survivor base. You can go there to seek refuge. As long as you enter there, food will not be a problem. "

The strong man's eyes lit up after hearing Liu Yang's words: "Splendid Garden Villa District? I know, I used to be a taxi driver! I've been there, it's a rich area!"

Liu Yang said: "That's right. Now it has become a survivor base. It is very safe and no zombies can break through it.

And I am the owner there, and I will give you a promise. As long as the survivors you lead there, you can get ten kilograms of food for free!

You can promote the survivor base in this area and on the way there. The more people you bring, the more rewards I will give you. For every person you bring there, I will give you a pound. If you can bring 1,000 rice, I will give you 1,000 kilograms! "

After listening to Liu Yang's words, the strong man's face suddenly showed an expression of surprise!

At this moment, there are already more than a hundred survivors in their survivor gathering place.

If all these 100 survivors were brought to Liu Yang's base, wouldn't they be able to get more than 100 kilograms of rice directly? !

In the last days, these more than 100 kilograms of rice would be enough for a person to survive for three months!

This is no small sum of money.

They spent several days clearing the wholesale market of zombies, and they finally cleared it out today.

So they started to collect supplies for the first time. They only collected half a backpack, but Liu Yang came and plundered them all. None of them had found 100 kilograms of rice yet!

The strong man had an expression of surprise on his face and asked Liu Yang: "Is everything you said true?!"

Liu Yang said: "Of course it's true. You should have seen my strength. Now that I have taken away the entire wholesale street, can't I still give you that reward?"

The strong man nodded after listening to Liu Yang's words.

That's right. People with superpowers like Liu Yang, who are so powerful that they can even fly, can search for food tens of thousands of times faster than them.

Even the second-level zombies may not have any impact in front of the opponent. He may not need to clear out the zombies when collecting food roots!

No matter how many zombies there are nearby, he can probably grab food at will.

Not to mention how much he had collected before, this wholesale street alone probably has hundreds of tons of rice!

After thinking for a while, the strong man nodded. Said: "Okay, then it's a deal! I used to be a taxi driver nearby, and I'm very familiar with this road.

In the past few days, I have been searching for supplies in this area. I have traveled to many places, and I also know several gathering places for survivors! I am confident that I can convince them and bring at least 1,000 people to your base! "

The apocalypse breaks out.

The displaced survivors outside began to gather together.

Many gathering places, large and small, have been formed.

This strong man is very familiar with this area, and after awakening his powers, he no longer has to be afraid of ordinary zombies, so during this time, he has been to many places to search for food.

Know the location of quite a few gathering places!

There are dozens to hundreds of people in these gathering places.

The maximum number of people will not exceed 200.

They are scattered in various places, like a ball of loose sand, but there is no leader who can unite them to form a surviving base.

The emergence of Liu Yang is a good opportunity.

The strong man is sure to convince these people to join Liu Yang's survivor base!

At that time, the heads he pulled can provide him with 1,000 kilograms of food!

If he is alone, save some food, this food can last at least two years!

"Very good, then I'll wait for your good news!" Liu Yang nodded, and then left the wholesale street that he had already sold out. Start searching for food elsewhere

At the same time, Liu Yang also understands that only by collecting all the food nearby into his dark space will these survivors be desperate and join his survivor base without hesitation!

Now we use ten kilograms of rice to attract them to join the base. A year later, what they will contribute to the base will be at least several hundred kilograms of potatoes!

There will always be a day when the resources outside are exhausted.

Only the survivors who grow and produce their own food can have an endless supply.

20% of all the food produced in the survivor base needs to be handed over to Liu Yang, so the more people there are, the richer Liu Yang will be.

After Liu Yang left, the survivors began to discuss.

One of the survivors asked the strong man: "Brother Wang? Do you really want to do what he said? Is the base he said really that good? He didn't trick us into cutting our waists, right?" "

"Yes, yes! Brother Wang, why do I think it's so fake? There is no zombie threat, and everyone who goes there can even get 10 kilograms of food. He is the savior, so he just gives away food for free?"

Another survivor also said: "How about we go back and discuss it?"

The strong man shook his head and said:

"You know nothing! I am a person with superpowers, and you all know my strength. All of you combined are no match for me alone.

But if my combat power is 100, the opponent's combat power is at least 5,000!

Do you know what this concept is?

Even 1,000 of me are no match for the other party!

If he wants to kill us, he can kill us with just a move of his fingers, why does he need to lie to us?

Don't use your dirty thoughts to speculate on the thinking of a strong man.

Because your strength cannot reach that level, you cannot think about problems in his level.

So, just do as they say.

This is a good opportunity to hug you, so don’t miss it! "

The survivors had never seen such a serious expression on a strong man.

I also realized the seriousness of the matter.

He had no choice but to nod and say:

"Okay, since Brother Wang has said so, then we will listen to Brother Wang!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to Brother Wang these days, we have been able to survive so safely until now! Since Brother Wang said he wanted to join the survivor base, let's go together!"

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