Under everyone's gaze, a zombie in the distance suddenly fell into the ground! The entire zombie was stuck underground, with only a Tianling Cap exposed!

The other three zombies saw their companion stuck underground. They didn't know what happened, and they still stood there stupidly.

Then came the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th!

Less than 10 seconds.

All four zombies were stuck on the ground.

At this time, Scar Rat came out of another hole.

He pulled out one of his machetes and slashed at each Tianling Gai.

Killed 4 zombies instantly!

Those four zombies didn't even know what happened, and they died without even seeing what the enemy looked like.

When everyone saw this scene, they ran over quickly.

I couldn't help but give Scar Rat a thumbs up:

"Damn, Master Shu is so awesome! I didn't expect Master Shu to have a trick like whack-a-mole!"

"As expected of Master Shu!"

Scar Rat also had a somewhat proud expression on his face.

His skill is indeed not a combat skill, but a hole-drilling skill, but he is short in stature. If he doesn't want others to enter the hole he drilled, then others will not be able to enter.

Same goes for zombies!

You only need to dig a hole under the zombie's feet that is inaccessible to normal people, and then pull the zombie down, and the zombie will be stuck in the hole!

Zombies that cannot move can only be slaughtered by others!

This is a method that Scarrats found out after thinking for a long time. It can be used not only on zombies, but even on human superpowers.

Even a person with superpowers would probably not be a match for Scar Rat once he is dragged underground by Scar Rat and becomes unable to move in the narrow tunnel!

Scar Rat said to everyone: "Everyone, be careful, start entering the convenience store, and load supplies as quickly as possible. After everyone fills their backpacks, we will quickly retreat to the base!"

After everyone saw Scarrat kill 4 zombies instantly, everyone admired him very much, so they nodded quickly and said:

"Okay Lord Mouse!"

"We will be careful!"

"Following Lord Mouse out to find food is reassuring!"

"Yes, yes! If we came out and saw zombies, we would definitely not dare to come over!"

After everyone finished speaking, they carefully opened the door and entered the convenience store!

However, the scene in the convenience store shocked them!

There were three zombies in the convenience store. Two of them fell to the ground, most of their bodies had been eaten, but they still kept their eyes open, grinning and roaring.

There is also a zombie that looks many times stronger than the zombies on the ground!

The zombie's muscles were so full that the skin had even burst and was exposed to the air. The blood-red muscles were covered in thick liquid.

The blood vessels on the muscles are very thick and intricately covered with muscles. It looks like countless snakes are constantly squirming, which is extremely disgusting.

When the survivors entered the convenience store, this strong, muscular zombie was actually eating the meat of two other zombies!

Zombies eating zombies?

This discovery simply shocked everyone.

Logically speaking, zombies will not eat their own kind, but will only eat humans or other non-mutated animals!

But what is going on with this zombie with exploding muscles?

Could it be said that it is a Transcendent Level mutant zombie? Not even letting the category go.

Scar Rat was stunned. At the same time, he also felt the danger, so he instantly became vigilant and said to everyone: "Run!"

The other survivors reacted instantly after hearing Scar Rat's words and immediately exited the convenience store. However, it was too late. The zombie had already discovered them and rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Holy shit, it's so fast!" Scar Rat was surprised.

The two men who were running slowly were knocked away by the zombie's claws and hit the wall heavily, making them unconscious.

When Scar Rat saw this scene, he had to grit his teeth and stop. If this continues, I am afraid that except for himself, the remaining ordinary survivors will die!

You have to stop it yourself!

He turned around and launched a flying kick at the zombie.

However, when the opponent was kicked, the opponent did not move at all, but Scar Rat flew backwards several meters away.

"Oops! In terms of strength and speed, the opponent is at least twice as strong as me! This mutated zombie is much stronger than ordinary second-level zombies!"

Scar Rat, who fell to the ground, had a solemn expression on his face.

The zombie was kicked by Scar Rat. Although he was not injured, it pissed him off and he immediately pounced on Scar Rat.

However, Scarrat burrowed into the ground and disappeared directly, leaving only a dark hole on the ground that the mutant zombies could not get into.

"Roar!" The mutated zombie let out an angry roar, and kept pulling at the entrance of the hole with its hands, as if it wanted to dig out the Scar Rat.

However, just as the zombie kept digging the hole, its feet suddenly sank and it was pulled directly into another hole.

It turns out that Scarrat used his old trick again and dug a hole under the zombie's feet, intending to trap the mutated zombie in the hole he dug.

However, the power of this mutated zombie was so strong that it pulled the onion from dry land and actually pulled the Scar Rat out of the hole!

"What a fool!" Scar Rat exclaimed. He immediately let go of the hands holding the zombie's feet. The moment he landed, he dug another hole and disappeared into the ground.

At this time, the survivors had already run out of sight of the mutant zombie. Scarrat thought he was no match for the mutant zombie, so he stopped entangled and simply dug a hole to escape.

But the mutated zombie was still attacking the hole left by Scar Rat.

Not far away, Scar Rat showed his head again.

Secretly observing the crazy zombie.

He was breathing heavily.

The battle just now caused him to secrete adrenaline rapidly, and now he was still excited. The nervous feeling made him feel that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

This was his first time fighting against such a powerful zombie. If he made any mistake in the situation just now, he might be killed on the spot.

Seeing the zombies in the distance still attacking the entrance of the cave, Scar Rat also came to the conclusion in his heart:

"Although this mutant zombie is very powerful and fast, its IQ is not as high as that of the second-level zombies. So he is just physically strengthened?

But even if this zombie has no IQ, he is still very strong. Once he finds the survivor base, it will be like a wolf among the sheep, and no one can stop it. This zombie alone is enough to sweep across the entire survival base! "

"No! We must report to Brother Liu Yang quickly, otherwise, when this zombie really finds the location of the survivor base, it will be over!"

After making up his mind, Scarrat burrowed underground again.

This time, he personally led the team out to search for supplies, but found nothing. Instead, he lost two strong survivors.

Scar Rat blamed himself very much.

He must tell Liu Yang about this quickly and get rid of this mutated zombie!

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