The pungent smell of blood hit his face in the room, and the ground was covered in blood.

Four powerful superpowers all died in the room at the same time, and there were no traces of fighting, indicating that they were killed instantly by the opponent.

The only person with supernatural powers who survived was because he led the team out to look for food and did not come back.

Now that I came back and saw this scene, I was completely frightened.

The few ordinary survivors behind the superpower were even more frightened.

They used to be ruthless people.

But seeing such a miserable scene still made them feel a little frightened.

It’s not that they don’t understand how strong their boss is as a level two superpower who ranks over 800 on the yellow list!

Even the second-level zombies can be killed instantly in front of the boss.

But now, the boss was killed without even having the strength to fight back?

The enemy's strength is unimaginable.

A survivor said to the superhuman:

"Brother Dong, what should we do? Even the boss was killed instantly. Should we run away too?"

"Other civilians in the base have not died, and the resources in the base have not been taken away, which means that the other party is here to kill people! Could it be that the boss has provoked some ruthless people who should not be provoked?"

Lin Dong shook his head and said: "Don't be stupid! Even if he really provokes some ruthless person, he will definitely take away the food after killing the boss, because in the end of the world, no matter which base he attacks Say, food is very important!”

The other survivors showed puzzled expressions and said: "Then why? Could it be that the mutated zombies killed the boss?

It's impossible. The zombie kills humans in order to eat them. It's impossible for him to keep the corpses here, and he doesn't attack other civilians. Why only kill people with superpowers? "

Another survivor said: "What should we do? Brother Dong, we don't even know who the enemy is, and the opponent is so strong. He wants to kill us, and we can't stop him at all. How about we run away!"

They were really scared.

A total of 4 people with superpowers were killed here. The leader of the base was a level two superpower, and all of them were killed instantly.

Moreover, the opponent used a dagger to slit his throat, not a conspiracy such as poisoning. Even under such circumstances, he had no ability to resist, which is enough to show that the opponent's strength is overwhelming.

Now the entire base is in danger. If they stay here, they don't know when they will die. Of course they want to escape.

Lin Dong shook his head and said: "If we also run away, this base will be really finished. Any level 2 zombie that comes in can kill ordinary civilians!"

Other survivors said: "Brother Dong, if we don't run away, we may all die here. It's already the end of the world. If we all sweep the snow in front of our own house, who can care about the frost on other people's tiles?"

Come with us! The worst we can do is find a new base and start over! "

Lin Dong thought for a while, his eyes full of struggle, and finally shook his head:

"Forget it. Young and strong people can walk, but what about the old, weak, sick and disabled? Can they withstand the long journey?

My boss and I built this base bit by bit, from more than 100 people at the beginning to more than 1,000 people now.

With so many survivors, without the protection of superpowers, they are no match for the second-level zombies.

You can help me bury the bodies of the boss and the others. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. If anyone wants to stay with me, I welcome them. "

Several survivors gritted their teeth and nodded.

Buried the four dead superpowers with a heavy heart.

Then they began to pack their things and prepare to leave here, and told everyone in the survivor base about this, allowing them to choose to stay or leave.

The number of people who finally chose to leave reached 500.

Those who choose to stay are basically the old, weak, sick and disabled, who dare not travel far away.

This small base, which was originally quite powerful, now only has half of the old, weak, sick and disabled people left, and its strength has dropped by at least 90%.

500 people left the base.

Several survivors came to Lin Dong before leaving and said to Lin Dong:

"Brother Dong! We are all brothers who have died. When we find a good place, we will definitely come back and report to you!

When the time comes, let’s take everyone with us!

This survivor base has been targeted, and if you stay there for another day, there will be more danger. "

Although they have only been together for less than a month, during this time, they went out to search for food together, fought against zombies together, and helped each other countless times in life and death.

It can be said that each of them has a life-long friendship.

Now they couldn't bear to see Lin Dong staying here alone.

But they also understand Lin Dong's character.

Lin Dong is the kind of person who believes in one thing and the other in his heart.

Since he can't let go of the survivors in this base, he will definitely not leave.

As long as he is alive, he will protect this base from zombie invasion.

Lin Dong said with a complex expression: "I wish you a safe journey."

Then he watched these survivors disappear from his sight.

Time returns to the present.

Liu Yang has successfully developed all 15 beautiful girls in the villa next door.

In order not to interrupt his killing streak, Liu Yang came to the survivor base.

It's time to find a new beautiful girl...

That's the benefit of having a survivor base.

In the past, Liu Yang always searched for food outside and looked for beautiful women. The speed of finding beauties in this way is very slow, and if one day does not find the beauties, it is easy to interrupt one's killing streak.

It's different with a survivor base.

The existing beauties have been successfully spread out. In the future, we only need to go to the base to select some.

Moreover, as time goes by, the girls inside are becoming more and more mature.

I’m 16 this year, won’t I be 18 in two years?

There is no girl who is 18 years old forever, but there will never be a shortage of 18-year-old girls!

With the base as a backing, Liu Yang's kill streak will never be interrupted again.

In the survivor base.

The moment Liu Yang fell from the sky, everyone's faces showed excitement.

Liu Shen, it’s been almost half a month since he came!

Scarrat, Lao Wang and others came over with excitement on their faces.

Lao Wang said: "Boss, you are here!"

Scar Rat said: "Boss, I haven't been to the base for so long, I thought you forgot about us!"

"How could that be? I've been busy lately." Liu Yang said casually.

In the past ten days, he has been searching for supplies during the day and working overtime at night, which is indeed quite busy.

Scar rat said quickly: "Of course, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Boss, the things you are busy with are unimaginable in our realm. It's already great to be able to come to our base occasionally to take a look. It’s rare.

Boss, let me take you to see the potatoes planted in our villa area. They have all sprouted. We should have a good harvest in three months!

The survivors were very happy, and the entire base seemed to be full of hope. This has never happened before! "

Scarrat became more and more excited as he talked.

I used to follow Black Tiger in this base, but there has never been such a grand occasion.

Black Tiger only thinks about exploiting civilians.

How can you think about sustainable development?

The civilians were also exploited by the Black Tigers, and their lives were getting worse day by day. Everyone's face looked lifeless.

It's completely different now.

Seeing the green potato seedlings growing bigger and bigger, everyone’s faces were full of hope and expectation.

Liu Yang nodded and said, "Okay. Let's go and have a look."

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