After explaining Lin Dong's matter.

Liu Yang said to Ergou: "Next, I am going to return to Base No. 1, let's go together."

Ergou recalled the feeling of being in the sky when he came here. It was 10,000 times scarier than a roller coaster!

It almost cost him his life.

He didn't dare to go through it again.

He immediately shook his head and said:

"No, no, I plan to stay with Brother Dong! If those enemies turn back, how will Brother Dong deal with it alone?"

After hearing what Ergou said, Lin Dong was so moved that his eyes turned red and he said excitedly: "Ergou!"

Ergou shouted: "Brother Dong!"

The two faced each other and held each other's hands, looking at each other lovingly...

Liu Yang looked at this scene and was speechless.

What a brother with deep love and full of love...

He had no choice but to nod his head and said: "Okay, since you are not going to go back to Base 1 with me, then I will go back by myself. You guys should be careful here.

If there are really powerful enemies, try not to fight them head-on, just find a way to hold them back. I'll come over as soon as possible. "

"Okay boss, we know!" Lin Dong and Ergou nodded quickly.

At the same time, Liu Yang was thoughtful in his heart.

The superpowers in this base were killed and their strength was greatly reduced. Any skin-shedding person or level 3 zombie can probably come in and kill them randomly.

Originally, Liu Yang saw that Ma Feiyun was pretty good and thought he might be useful in the future, so he didn't kill him.

It now appears that this decision was the right one.

You can transfer him to this base as a thug.

Ordinary level three zombies and molters were probably no match for Ma Feiyun.

In this case, Liu Yang wouldn't have to come in person every time something happened.

After thinking about it, Liu Yang jumped up and flew into the sky.


There was a loud noise and a sonic boom appeared in the sky.

Liu Yang flew to Base No. 1 at supersonic speed.

He turned into a fleeting black shadow in the sky.

In a small town more than 30 kilometers away from Base 2.

The team of superpowers from the Japanese Empire happened to arrive in this small town, and they happened to see Liu Yang when he was flying at high speed in the sky.

Taozi looked up at the disappearing black shadow in the sky, with a surprised expression in her eyes:

"Did you see what that thing was? A human?! Or a mutated zombie?"

Inoue's mouth also opened wide, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground:

"Both humans and zombies are unimaginably powerful. His speed just now exceeded the speed of sound, right?"

Nakata said: "Isn't that direction the direction where we killed the four supernatural beings three days ago?"

Taozi tilted her head and thought for a while, pointed her beautiful chin with her white fingers, and said thoughtfully:

"Could it be that because of what we did, we attracted this strong man? He is the official force of the Shenlong Empire?"

The ability to fly at supersonic speeds has long been beyond the reach of ordinary supersonic users! At this speed, not even bullets can catch up with him! Not to mention ordinary attacks!

It's impossible for any superpower from the Shenlong Empire to be so powerful! It’s impossible even for regular troops!

Therefore, maybe that person is the legendary number one on the Heavenly Ranking! "

After hearing Taozi's words, everyone showed shocked expressions.

Nakata said: "Number one on the heavenly list?"

Inoue said: "He is number one on the heavenly list?"

Another superpower user said: "The Shenlong Empire is so big, are we really so lucky that we found the number one spot on the sky list in less than half a month?!"

They looked at each other and saw shock and a little surprise in each other's eyes.

Finally, they asked Taozi:

"So, should we just chase after him?"

Taozi shook her head and said, "No, the opponent is supersonic. How can we catch up?"

Nakata said: “Survivors with the ability to fly can ignore obstacles when rushing, so they should reach their destination by the shortest route, and the shortest straight line between two points.

Therefore, he shouldn't be able to turn, so we only need to chase him in the direction of his flight, and we can always find him. "

Taozi nodded and said: "What you said does make sense. But what if he is just searching for supplies, and after searching from one place, he goes to another place, and then to another right after?

You don't know how many search locations he went to. Don't even know where his base camp is. "

Inoue said without any trouble: "Then what do you think we should do? You are the captain, make a decision quickly! They fly so fast, every time they hesitate, they may fly hundreds of meters!"

Taozi's face darkened, and then she said firmly: "Go back! Go back to the survivor base we invaded last time. Maybe we can get some information this time!

Inoue, I warn you, don’t kill anyone again this time! It was because of you last time that you killed everyone before asking for any information from the other party! "

After hearing these words, Inoue's face suddenly showed an expression as if he was looking at a fool, and he laughed at Taozi:

"Go back? Oh my God, your brain has been invaded by a virus, right? We just walked for three days before we came back from that place. You let us go back again?

And it was flying in the opposite direction to that of the superpower just now! It's okay if you don't chase him, but you go in the opposite direction? "

Taozi's face turned cold and she said, "Inoue, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will cut off your tongue first!"

Looking at Taozi's gloomy face, Inoue suddenly felt his heart tremble.

He could only say: "Okay, okay, you are the captain, you have the final say! But this is the first time for us to be so close to the person who may be the number one in the sky. If we lose this opportunity because of your decision , when I go back, make sure I don’t read your book in front of the colonel!”

Taozi said: "I think you will have to go back to your father to cry! Don't think that because your father is a colonel, you can be arrogant. If you continue like this, I'm afraid you won't even pay attention to General Yamada." ?”

"Tch!" Inoue said disdainfully.

Then Taozi took these four superpowers and continued to rush to the location of Liu Yang Base No. 2.

It took them three days in total to get from the base to this small town.

But that's because when they left, they were looking for a new survivor base and looking for clues about Liu Yang, so they were so slow.

Now when I go back, I am familiar with the road, and I can arrive there in one day at most!

On the other side, Liu Yang returned to Base 1.

Finally I can take 30 beautiful girls back to my villa area.

But this time he no longer chose to walk with the beautiful girl.

Because the beautiful girls are ordinary people, their speed is too slow.

It took them almost a day to walk 20 kilometers.

Liu Yang doesn't have that much time to waste on walking.

Ever since he got the cloak of darkness, his number of steps has never exceeded a thousand steps!

Out of base number one.

Liu Yang put the beautiful girls on a bus that was abandoned on the road.

Immediately afterwards, he put his hand directly on the bus and flew back to the villa area with him...

During several flights with people, Liu Yang had already discovered the secret of the dark cloak.

The Dark Cloak does not take Liu Yang to fly, but gives Liu Yang and the people and objects he touches the ability to fly.

In other words, it is effortless for him to fly with people and the same with flying with objects.

If you want.

He can even directly lift a mountain and fly it tens of thousands of meters into the air, and then smash it down again.

It causes huge power like a meteorite falling!

You can even destroy a city at once!

The ability of the dark cloak is not just for traveling.

Even if it is used for fighting, it is very powerful.

It's just that the enemies Liu Yang encounters now don't require him to use such powerful skills.

Three minutes later, the tour bus stopped safely in the villa area.

All the beautiful girls had shocked expressions on their faces.

They knew Liu Yang was strong, but they didn't expect Liu Yang to be so strong!

The 10-ton tour bus was actually lifted at the drop of a hat!

Isn't this strength too incredible?

At this moment, the girls' hearts were filled with admiration for Liu Yang.

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