Liu Yang went back to his room to rest for a few hours.

Just when he was thinking about which beautiful girl he should choose from among the 30 girls tonight for the 28th time.

At Base No. 2, which is more than 30 kilometers away, the team of superpowers from the Japanese Empire came here again.

Outside the base, Taozi continued to take out the telescope, stood on a tall building, and observed the situation inside.

Nakata asked: "Captain Peach, how are you? Is there anything unusual?"

Taozi shook her head solemnly: "It's nothing, it's just that there are a lot less survivors in the abnormal survivor base. They probably found out that we killed their leadership, so they ran away."

After saying that, she raised the telescope and continued to check. This time she frowned and found something wrong:

"There is an extra guard at the entrance, sitting up straight and motionless. Logically speaking, when there is no one to supervise, even the guard at the door should not be so serious. What security guard doesn't take advantage of this? Something seems wrong..."

According to Taozi's past experience, the guards guarding the gate are generally not very strong and are just the lowest level gatekeeper survivors.

Not even a superpower.

Because people with superpowers usually occupy high-level positions in ordinary bases like this.

But the watcher he observed through the telescope was sitting motionless, as if he was a statue.

Those who didn’t know better thought he was a dummy.

"Oh? There's an extra guard? Let me take a look." Nakata also showed a puzzled look, took the telescope from Taozi's hand, and started observing.

He also saw the watcher.

Wearing a suit, sunglasses, and a mask, he sat upright.

After watching for a whole minute, the other party didn't even move!

If it weren't for the fact that the other person was wearing sunglasses and couldn't see his eyes, he would have even doubted whether the other person even blinked?

Nakata asked doubtfully: "Could it be that the other party directly sent a superpower to guard the door because of our invasion?"

Taozi shook her head and said: "Even the superpowers in our regular army cannot achieve such discipline."

But Inoue beside him couldn't stand it and said directly: "Tsk! Isn't he just a gatekeeper? I'll kill him!"

After saying that, he rushed directly to the survivor base.

Taozi quickly shouted: "Hey! Don't be impulsive, Inoue!"

However, it was too late, Inoue had already jumped into the gate with a few jumps.

Taozi gritted her teeth and ordered everyone to follow her.

When they also jumped into the survivor base, Inoue had already sneaked behind the security booth.

He took out his sharp dagger, rushed towards the guard from behind, and then slashed hard with the dagger!


The watcher's throat was instantly slit.

A proud expression appeared on Inoue's face, and he whispered: "Isn't it done now?? After struggling outside for a long time like you did, the day lily will be cold!"

However, he saw the shocked expression on his companion's face.

Then he felt a violent sound of breaking wind coming from his ears.

Taozi shouted: "Be careful!"

Inoue suddenly felt like the hair on his head stood on end, and he felt a danger that he had never felt before.

He ducked subconsciously.

However, it was too late. The guard wearing a suit, mask and sunglasses grabbed Inoue.


Inoue's arm was instantly scratched with five bloody marks, and even the specially made black agent clothes were scratched.

He covered his arm and said in disbelief: "I've already cut his throat, how come he's not dead?!"

Taozi has already seen the clues: "This is a zombie! The attack speed just now is at least that of a third-level zombie! Your arm has been infected with the third-level zombie virus and must be chopped off! Nakata!"

"Yes!" Nakata dodged and came to Inoue's side, swung his sword and chopped it down.

"Ah!" Inoue's arm fell down and he let out a painful cry.

Taozi immediately took out a bandage and tied his broken arm to stop the blood from flowing out.

At the same time, Nakata and the other two superpowers began to rush towards the third-level zombies.

They are all top 1,000 masters on the earth rankings, and they are all level two superpowers.

The three of them worked together to kill the level three zombies in an instant.

At this time, Liu Yang, who was far away in the villa area, had also noticed the situation here.

He frowned and said: "These guys really turned back? And the level 3 zombies were killed so easily by the opponent. It seems that the opponent is not weak! It's time to meet them!"

After speaking, Liu Yang rushed towards the location of Base 2 at supersonic speed.

The sound of fighting in Villa No. 2 attracted the survivors in the villa.

Lin Dong, the only superpower, had already rushed out with several strong survivors.

When he saw Taozi and the others, as well as the level 3 zombies that had been killed, he suddenly showed a surprised expression, and then his face began to change from surprise to anger. He pointed at Taozi and the others and asked:

"It's you people who killed 4 of us with superpowers?!"

Seeing Lin Dong, Taozi's face turned cold. Said: "Is this the third-level zombie you control? Are you Liu Yang?"

"Super your mother! I am your father!" Lin Dong cursed, then turned around and ran away.

The third-level zombies are very powerful, but Lin Dongcai is only a first-level superpower. He is no match for the third-level zombies.

But the powerful level three zombies were instantly killed by these people, which is enough to show how powerful these people are.

If he fights with them, his fate will be even worse than that of a level three zombie!

So he remembered Liu Yang's words, just turn around and run away when encountering a strong person, just to delay it.

Seeing Lin Dong running away, Taozi and others frowned.

If the opponent really has the ability to control a third-level warrior, then his own strength should not be weak. Now he turned around and ran away. Could it be that he deliberately lured us deeper?

Nakata said: "Captain Peach, chase him quickly! He is almost gone!"

Taozi nodded and said: "Chase, but be careful! There might be an ambush ahead!"

Their entry into the survivor's base this time was not as smooth as the first time.

He never expected that the doorkeeper would be a level 3 zombie, so Inoue lost an arm and his strength was reduced by half.

It can be said that it was a bad start and suffered heavy losses in the first place.

So Taozi and others immediately chased Lin Dong in the direction of escape, but they did not dare to rush too fast for fear of an ambush and were always vigilant.

But even so, the speed of the masters on the ground list is not something Lin Dong can escape.

Soon, these five superpowers from the Little Sun Empire blocked Lin Dong in a house.

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