Conduct an inspection of the mine to confirm there are no omissions.

Yu Ke returned to the surface along the original path and temporarily sealed the entrance of the cave with vines to prevent others from discovering it.

Although no one should approach the junction in a short time, let alone such a hidden place, the black copper vein is too important, and proper precautions are essential.

As a strategic mineral resource, one cannot be too careful.

Without staying at the junction for too long, Yu Ke crossed the Rongshu District again without stopping and sailed into Jinghu Lake.

The existence of Xuan Tong Yu Jue means that Yu Ke does not need to rush back to the temple to replenish energy. It is more important to investigate the origin of Zhong Ling's dirty blood.

These contaminated spiritual blood containing divine power are affecting the ecology of the border area on a large scale. The hidden crisis is even worse than the original Pandora incident. If this situation is allowed to continue, no one can know what the border area will become. predict.

What's more important is that the black copper veins are at the junction.

In order to carry out large-scale mining, the situation at the junction must be stabilized.

It is precisely because of this that Yu Ke needs to confirm whether the guy at the bottom of the underground cave is related to Zhong Ling's dirty blood.

On the way to the secret realm of the cave, Yu Ke sorted out the images taken during this trip.

In order to gain experience in the profession of forest patrol hunter, Yu Ke has undoubtedly benefited a lot from the habitual filming of actions in the Jinghu Forest. At least he will not miss some key information, and it will also facilitate the subsequent transmission of intelligence.

In fact, this operation has allowed [Forest Hunter] to gain a lot of experience, and it is still about 15% short of reaching a bottleneck.

After thinking about it, Yu Ke did not choose to report the information about the Xuancopper vein immediately, but decided to inform Fang Xuanhe of his discovery first.

the reason is simple.

Most people in the Disaster Prevention Bureau may not even know about the existence of disaster energy and disaster beasts, nor can they understand the importance of black copper veins. If you rashly send the video you captured, it will attract attention, but it will also easily cause disasters. Leakage of information.

After all, the ore veins are at the junction, and if you want to mine the ores there, you will need to consume a lot of manpower and material resources.

With Yu Ke's current status, it is not difficult to promote this matter, but it will take time to explain to the Disaster Prevention Bureau, and he is really not interested in this. It is better to pass the news to Fang Xuanhe, and then the latter will come forward.

On the one hand, Fang Xuanhe has been busy strengthening the seals against the beast tide in the ruins during this period. Yu Ke does not need to waste words. As long as he tells him that the bronze tripod is made of black copper as the main material, he will immediately realize the black copper veins. How important.

On the other hand, as the governor of Beijing and Hangzhou and the "Fang Tianshi" among most people, Fang Xuanhe's influence on the Beijing-Hangzhou Municipal Government and the General Administration of Disaster Prevention is not comparable to that of Yu Ke now.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the area where the crypt secret realm was located.

Although it has been less than half a month since Yu Ke posted the video, a lot of hot news has happened during this period. For example, the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade incident in Shanqing City has attracted the attention of the whole people. However, in the circle of hunters, the underground cave The development of Secret Realm has just begun.

As the results of the first round of exploration of the secret realm of the cave were exposed one after another, the group of hunters who had previously been skeptical about the content of the video became completely excited. Not only the Beijing-Hangzhou area, but also many hunters from the surrounding Shanqing and Minwan areas participated.

Located near the entrance and exit of the underground cave secret realm, the bustling hunter camp is the best proof of this.

The last time Yu Ke saw it, there were only dozens of temporary tents set up. Now, due to the influx of a large number of hunters, the expanded camp has covered the originally flattened giant vine forest, and is even expanding outwards, covering the entire area. The campground was still brightly lit at night.

I don’t know but I thought I was visiting a campsite at some tourist attraction.

To a certain extent, this also allows the vicious beasts that were originally wandering nearby to choose to stay away, creating a safer environment.

Where there is demand, there will naturally be supply. Today, the function of camps is no longer just a tent for people to rest.

Equipment repair, material replenishment and even secret realm information exchange, etc. Basically, all the services that hunters need can be found in the corresponding shops here.

A considerable number of them are branches of major shops in Transit Station No. 3.

Currently, the Forestry Protection Bureau is responsible for the main management here.

After Anseli left, special management personnel were sent to plan the construction of the camp and maintain order.

This is to avoid some bullshit conflict accidents, turning secret exploration into a life-and-death battle.

After driving for nearly two days in the depths of the Jinghu Forest, coupled with a fierce battle between the same disaster beasts, even Yu Ke was a little overwhelmed. Considering the special nature of the secret realm of the underground cave, he had no intention of dwelling on it. Drill in.

We have all arrived here, and there is always time for a short rest.

Yu Ke took the wind chime and followed the peripheral road signs deep into the camp.

Previously, he only felt busy outside, but now that he was inside, Yu Ke found the environment in this large camp to be extremely interesting.

Due to the special environment deep in the Jinghu Forest, the facilities and style in the camp are more primitive.

Hunting groups can be seen everywhere on the dirt road that is simply paved with wooden planks. The heavily armed hunters discuss the magical encounters in the action; in front of a private stall on the right, there is a buzz of people, with hunters holding products from the secret realm of the cave and suits. The buyers in leather shoes argued endlessly; the temporary wires stretched above their heads shuttled back and forth between the tents, and even the store's publicity and task announcements changed from holographic projection advertisements to the simplest loudspeaker announcements.

The depths of the Jinghu Forest at night should have been a nightmare for ordinary people, but the current situation was completely the opposite.

Yu Ke even saw a film crew running back and forth in the camp carrying a camera, and female reporters wearing pink OL uniforms were interviewing everywhere. They obviously regarded this place as a new source of hot news.

Yu Ke, who had just returned from the border area, was enjoying the lively fireworks and randomly found a tent with a restaurant sign.

The moment the curtain was lifted, the sound of stir-frying and the aroma of food hit your face.

Behind the stove on the side of the tent, a couple was cooking in a tacit understanding. There was a sign hanging in front of the wine boxes piled next to it, which said the menu and the processing fee for processing the ingredients. After all, they were outside the secret realm of the cave, so it was the least likely place. What is missing is the flesh and blood of various ferocious beasts.

The hunting group returning from the secret realm of the caves is in urgent need of filling their hungry bellies, and this type of store is specially prepared for them.

This was also the main purpose of Yu Ke's coming here. He was also very tired after a day's journey, and he had sent a message to Anseli not long ago, telling him that he had returned and that he had something to discuss with her.

Taking out some of the ferocious beasts he hunted along the way from the mark, he gave them to the couple to deal with. Yu Ke found a plastic seat and at the same time sent a message to Fang Xuanhe, saying that he had discovered something in the junction area and hoped to find time to follow him. Chat with him.

The message did not receive an immediate reply. Fang Xuanhe should be busy repairing the sealing array in the ruins.

Yu Ke was not in a hurry and raised his hand to gently stroke Feng Ling's forehead.

The latter squatted obediently on the plastic chair, immediately attracting the fiery gazes of other hunters around him.

There is no hunter operating in the Jinghu Forest who does not want to obtain a ferocious beast companion, and only a handful of people can truly realize this dream, let alone a ferocious beast cub with such a special appearance.

Yu Ke got himself a can of iced drink and walked around beforehand. His legs under the table couldn't stop shaking.

Logically speaking, that should appear at this time, right?

It's like the scene where the rich kid who came to explore the secret realm of the cave, saw the wind chime and wanted to pay for it, but was slapped in the face by himself. Yu Ke occasionally wanted to pretend to be a tyrant, just to relax his mind.

It's a pity that until a few meat dishes were served, there was no drama about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. The only person who came forward was a slightly famous hunting group leader. After signing up, he wanted to invite Yu Ke to join the hunting group.

It's not that the wind chimes are unattractive, but that Yu Ke is too scary.

Even if his appearance was not recognized, any hunter with a little bit of brains would know that Yu Ke was not someone to be trifled with if he dared to wander alone with a ferocious beast cub and could easily take out a large amount of high-level ferocious beast ingredients.

Not to mention that within ten minutes of Yu Ke sitting there, Anseli found him through the message he sent. The uniforms of the hunting center were easy to recognize, and he suppressed some hunters who were ready to come up and befriend Yu Ke.

"What exactly did you find in Rongshu District that prompted the Disaster Prevention Bureau to mobilize satellites for full-time monitoring?"

As soon as he sat down, Anseli asked in a low voice,

"It won't be another special event like the Giant Devouring Vine Forest or the Secret Realm of the Catacombs, right?"

Anseli has been busy getting familiar with her improved extraordinary abilities recently. As soon as she received Yu Ke's message, she rushed from the hunting center to the Forestry Protection Bureau's office here, waiting for Yu Ke to come. Come join us.

In her eyes, it was unusual for Yu Ke to ask for something so urgently, so she couldn't wait to learn about the situation.

"I can't give you an answer yet. I need further confirmation. If the situation is true, the state in the banyan tree area is probably more dangerous than the giant vine forest and the secret realm of the cave. In short, you can treat it as a complete infection of Pandora. Just erode.”

Yu Ke couldn't explain the situation of Zhong Ling's dirty blood to Anseli for a while, so he could only make a simple comparison.

These words made Anseli, who was sitting opposite, widen his eyes, and the disposable chopsticks he just got in his hand were bent crookedly.

As a participant in the Pandora Incident, Anseli knew very well how horrific the former's pollution was to the ecological environment. If it were to reappear in the border area, the negative impact it would cause would never be comparable to that of the Macrophago Vine Forest.

"How can we help?"

"No, I didn't ask you to come here specifically because of things in the Banyan Tree District."

Before the situation of Zhong Ling's dirty blood was found out, it was difficult for Yu Ke to give a solution. He sent a message to Anseli for other matters.

To put it simply, I want to ask the Disaster Prevention Bureau if the current transportation force can help me transport the bronze pillars first.

On the way back, Yu Ke thought about it carefully.

Mining the veins is one thing, those bronze pillars are another.

The former requires digging tunnels, transporting mining equipment in and performing various tasks, while the latter does not require so many complicated procedures.

Yu Ke planned to discuss with Fang Xuanhe later on to find a way to transfer the replica of the bronze pillar and sealing array to the ruins of the sealed beast tide.

If the Disaster Prevention Bureau can do this, it might save a lot of time by preparing in advance.

It's not that Yu Ke is impatient, but Fang Xuanhe previously said that after the fog incident, the seals in the ruins were affected by unknown things and became more unstable and needed to be suppressed urgently.

The bronze pillars in the black copper veins are the most effective method that Yu Ke has thought of so far.

"If you are just transporting a pillar with a diameter of nearly half a meter and a length of nearly three meters from the junction, it shouldn't be a big problem. There is a transport aircraft within the Disaster Prevention Bureau, but why are there pillars in the junction area?"

Anseli was really puzzled by Yu Ke's question and couldn't help asking.

"You don't need to worry about it. Get ready first. It should be used in the next few days. I will send you the address. You will know the reason by then. In addition, I have to go to the mountains tomorrow. I just sent the message to Fang Zhenshu. He didn’t reply to the message, so I have to contact you as soon as possible!”

Yu Ke handed a pair of chopsticks to Anseli, and the two quickly swept away several large plates of meat.

After eating and drinking, Anseli went back to arrange the transport plane. Yu Ke did not stay long and went straight to the entrance and exit of the secret realm of the cave.

As soon as he left, someone recognized his identity from the photos secretly taken by his companions. In just ten minutes, the tent was packed with hunters who had heard about it, and then there were more News spread that new treasures were discovered in the secret realm of the catacombs.

Yu Ke, who had no idea that he had caused a sensation, was already on the elevator leading to the secret realm of the cave.

After less than half a month, the original simple elevators have been renovated, and two more elevators have been added to accommodate the growing number of hunters. Even three elevators are not enough. The hunting groups want There is often a queue to enter the crypt.

Yu Ke's identity does not require queuing.

After showing his identity information to the person guarding the elevator, he was easily blocked.

Returning to the secret realm of the cave, Yu Ke relied on his agility to get rid of those prying eyes and went straight to the bottom according to his memory.

When he saw the dense water network in the mushroom jungle, he decided to let the wind chimes guard outside.

Yu Ke sneaked into the underground river with the will of the forest spirit.

The characteristics of volt waves allowed him to breathe in the water for a long time. When he turned on the lights on both sides of his helmet, the deep water flowed by his side.

In his mind, he roughly estimated the distance he had dived into the underground river last time. Yu Ke soon received a message from the forest spirit.

"The aura of the gods has disappeared!"

Although Yu Ke had speculated in this regard before arriving, his heart still sank when he was actually confirmed by the forest spirit.

If Zhong Ling's dirty blood really comes from this, then its harm may be more serious than imagined.

The restrictions that once hindered the forest spirit and Yu Ke completely disappeared. Yu Ke did not look back, but recalled that he had seen the whereabouts of the Soul-eating Insect and continued to move forward. He wanted to see what kind of scene there was.

Sneaked for about three hundred meters in the underground river.

Senling informed Yu Ke that he had arrived at his destination.

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