The end of the world: mountain and sea disasters

Chapter 220: Something That Has Not Changed for Thousands of Years

Prioritize things.

Yu Ke really wanted to know what secret was hidden in Qingming Mask, but obviously this matter could not be resolved in a short time.

The disaster of the meteor is coming, and everything must be put on the back burner.

The defensive arrangements in the camp were carried out step by step.

Those who can be sent for reinforcements at this time are without exception the elites of the Special Service Section and the Patrol Team. This aspect of work does not require a layman like Yu Ke to worry about.

After explaining the situation to Anseli, Yu Ke took the wind chime to the mountain peak that had appeared in the illusion.

Observing the surrounding environment along the way, the mountainous area is relatively calm at the moment.

The feeling of oppression coming from the storm affects not only humans.

Many ferocious beasts have chosen to return to their nests and lie dormant, instead of wandering around again, trying to avoid disasters in this way.

In just over half an hour, Yu Ke climbed a mountain nearly a thousand meters high.

Although the height has been reduced a lot after thousands of years of evolution, it is still enough for Yu Ke to overlook the vast mountainous area.

Yu Ke believed that none of the warnings given by God Zhongshan were redundant, because they were the divine power that the latter had worked hard to retain.

In other words, Zhongshan God should have some considerations in choosing the location where he appears in the illusion.

It took quite a while to find where the summit was.

Yu Ke jumped to the top of the narrow and steep peak. As soon as he stood firm, the oncoming strong wind blew his coat loudly.

Frankly speaking, the scene in the illusion does not match what Yu Ke sees now.

Due to the passage of time and the environmental changes in the Cataclysm Era, the mountainous area has long since changed.

Looking around the surrounding mountains and forests, Yu Ke tried to figure out why Zhongshan God chose this place.

The result was unsatisfactory.

No matter how Yu Ke tried to sense, he couldn't find anything special except the nearby environment.

‘Could it be that the timing is wrong and we have to wait until the meteor shower comes? ’

Recalling his experience in the illusion, Yu Ke frowned and guessed.

Having already arrived, it would undoubtedly be a wasted trip to turn around and go back. After a brief thought, Yu Ke decided to stay here temporarily. Anyway, there is a satellite phone. If an accident occurs in the camp, Anseli can contact him at any time.

With the help of natural energy and vine seeds, a temporary windproof tent was built on the peak, and Yu Ke stayed at the peak.

This may be difficult for ordinary people, but in the eyes of Yu Ke, who has the imprinted space, it is not too easy.

Unfold a special mat on a slightly sloping ground, place a speaker and a light that can be hung on the top of the vine tent, and let the wind chime lie behind you to act as a temporary pillow.

Time passed while Yu Ke played with his mobile phone.

Every half hour, he would get up and spread his senses as far as possible to explore the surrounding environment.

By 5:30 in the evening, there are still more than four hours before the meteor shower arrives.

Yu Ke put away his mobile phone and power bank, stretched, and walked out of the vine tent with some disappointment.

Throughout the afternoon, he did not notice anything unusual. On the contrary, the sky became darker and darker.

I don’t know when thick gray clouds will gather in the sky, casting shadows over the mountains and forests, and night will fall soon.

‘Can we see a meteor shower in this kind of weather? ’

His thoughts were flying unconsciously, and the cell phone he just put in his pocket rang, a communication request from Axelius.

"In half an hour, there will be an internal meeting here in the camp. Do you want to come back to attend?"

There was not much time left before the meteor shower came, and the atmosphere in the camp where the ruins were located gradually became solemn. However, nothing happened in the surrounding area, which made most people in the camp feel depressed and confused.

The unknown is always the most worrying.

"I will stay outside for a while. There are some things that need to be confirmed. I will return before the meteor shower comes."

We have been waiting for this moment, and Yu Ke doesn’t want to give up halfway.

At this moment, the voice of the forest spirit sounded in his mind.

"The earth veins in the mountainous area are undergoing abnormal movements, and energy is converging towards the north of the ruins."

Not long ago, Yu Ke asked the forest spirit to set up a defense line outside the camp, while paying attention to the state of the mountains and ground.

Is it finally time to start?

Standing on the top of the mountain again, Yu Ke took out his telescope and observed the direction indicated by the forest spirit.

Since he didn't know where the specific location was, he could only conduct a large-scale search. But when he was concentrating on finding the place where the energy of the earth's veins gathered, a special energy suddenly emerged from under his feet and integrated into his body.

Yu Ke's body trembled slightly, his eyes felt hot, and a vague feeling of déjà vu came to his mind.

In an instant, the scene in front of him gradually became illusory, and then double images appeared. As time passed, Yu Ke was shocked to realize that these illusions were clearly the scenes in the mountainous area that he had seen in the illusion, and he did not know how many years ago!

There is no doubt that this is Zhong Shanshen’s backhand.

Yu Ke's guess was correct. His location did contain some of the power of the Mountain God, and only he, who had personally experienced the warning illusion, could trigger it.

Two mountainous areas located at different points in time, guided by some kind of force, overlapped in Yu Ke's eyes at this moment!

What does Zhongshan God want to express with this?

The mountains, rivers and vegetation overlapped, and the differences caused by thousands of years of vicissitudes of life were visible to the naked eye. Yu Ke stabilized his mind and quickly realized that this was a reminder given to him by the God of Zhongshan.

Even if the environment in the mountainous area changes all the time, there are always some things that will not change after thousands of years!

Exploring his own perception to the extreme, Yu Ke relied on his super eyesight to compare the mountainous areas at two points in time.

Until a certain moment, his vision suddenly froze.

It was a giant banyan tree growing on the top of a hill. At first glance, it looked unremarkable, but it was just a little bigger. The most indispensable thing in the era of cataclysm was this kind of giant tree.

What really worries Yu Ke is that whether it is the illusion created by the God of Zhongshan or the scene in the real world, after thousands of years, only the giant banyan tree and the hill where it grows have not changed at all!

There is only one explanation for such a counterintuitive sight.

Zhongshan God protects that area!

Without any hesitation, Yu Ke turned around and started packing his things, preparing to rush over to check before the meteor shower came.

His intuition told him that there was something extraordinary hidden inside.

However, at the same time that Yu Ke was preparing to take action, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred in the northeast of the mountain area.

Yu Ke, who had just dismissed the vine tent, saw only gray-white fog rising from the mountains in the distance. At first, it was just a few smoke pillars, but then it rapidly grew in size and turned into a giant fog wave that was almost like a "tsunami", with an astonishing force. spreading to other areas at a rapid rate.

Yu Ke had seen this scene in the video sent by Anseli some time ago. It was clearly a repeat of the fog incident!

The recent fog incident did not cause too many casualties, but caused chaos in the mountains and ground.

Now that the meteor disaster is approaching, the reappearance of these thick fogs is obviously not a coincidence, and will undoubtedly greatly disrupt the camp's defense plan.

You must know that the dense fog covers an extremely large area and will also affect the airspace. This means that the fighter formations originally deployed at the air force base and the artillery positions set up outside will lose their targets under the influence of the thick fog.

The cell phone rang. As expected, the campground must have noticed the thick fog and contacted Yu Ke urgently.

Yu Ke, who was planning to go to the giant banyan tree, suddenly fell into a dilemma.

With his strength, it wouldn't take much time to get to the banyan tree prompted by Zhongshan God. The problem was that the dense fog filled the area much faster than expected. If he went to where the banyan tree was, the road back to the camp would probably be obscured by the thick fog.

That was all. The trouble was that the sudden thick fog aroused Yu Ke's vigilance.

The illusion created by Zhongshan God was finally interrupted by thick fog and the sound of insects. What the Soul-eating Insect did in the Jinghu Forest made people suspect that it was forming an insect swarm that was completely mutated by the ferocious beast.

From here to the giant banyan tree and back to the camp, due to the thick fog, it would take at least more than an hour, not counting the time he stayed there. If the camp was attacked during this process, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fang Xuanhe was responsible for the safety of the beast tide seal, and Yu Ke promised the former to guard the camp from outside attacks.

After a brief thought, Yu Ke took one last look at the hill where the giant banyan tree was located, noted its specific location, and then turned around and rushed to the camp. At the same time, he connected the phone and asked Anseli and others to make corresponding defense preparations immediately.

The giant banyan tree and the hills on which it is rooted have remained unchanged for so many years, not less than this moment.

If the beast tide seal is damaged, there will be no possibility of repairing it without the bronze tripod.

On the way back, Yu Ke was still thinking about what he had just discovered, and felt more and more that the timing of the dense fog erupting was too strange.

He didn't show up sooner or later, but it happened that when the mountains and ground changed, Zhongshan God's divine power suddenly exploded after being activated, forcing him to return to the camp and participate in the defense of the ruins.

‘As soon as the fog clears, go and check. ’

The camp was not far ahead. Yu Ke looked back in the direction he came from. In less than ten minutes, the peak where he had been stationed had already been shrouded in mist, leaving only a vague outline.

He ran all the way into the camp, where the response was intensive.

Fortunately, the fog incident occurred not long ago, and the camp was not unprepared in the past few days.

Yu Ke immediately found Anseli, who was leading his team to meet the patrol that had just returned from the periphery.

"The situation is not optimistic. The appearance of this fog is too strange. I am afraid it will not dissipate on its own as long as we wait like before."

Taking the headphones from Anseli and putting them on, entering the camp's command channel, Yu Ke said straightforwardly,

"Turn on the biological detectors and be sure to pay attention to the ferocious beasts that may be approaching in the surrounding area. All departments should be prepared for battle."

Yu Ke temporarily takes charge of the camp on behalf of Fang Xuanhe, and he is the backbone of the camp.

The important thing is not how detailed the arrangement he can make, but to let the team members in the camp know that he is here!

As various instructions are conveyed to various departments in the camp through the command channel.

Yu Ke came to the sentry tower erected in the center of the camp to check the operation of various places.

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