The coordinates observed in advance can clarify the direction.

The assistance of Sen Ling allowed Yu Ke to avoid the dense forests and shrubs that were difficult to move in advance.

The time came to 9:10.

There were only 50 minutes left before the meteor shower fell on the earth.

Yu Ke finally arrived at the hill where the banyan tree was located. Looking at the fog lingering above his head, he began to climb the mountain without stopping.

The long-range artillery reinforcements of the Disaster Prevention Bureau were ready, and Ye Yingtong was on the way.

The jagged rocks and the branches could not stop Yu Ke's pace. The hill was not high. In about five minutes, he could see that the mountain lines above became flat, and the dark brown roots of the banyan tree exposed on the surface were looming.

"There must be a reason why the Zhongshan God used his divine power to guide me to discover this hill and banyan tree. Sen Ling, help me check the surrounding situation."

Yu Ke's perception could not penetrate the mountain, so he could only rely on Sen Ling to do further detection.

Came to the top of the hill more than 300 meters above the ground.

The ground was covered with yellow and green weeds, and the cold wind stirred the gray fog.

I didn't feel anything on the top of the mountain before, but now I see from a close distance that the banyan tree is much bigger than expected, even bigger than the giant trees in the banyan tree area at the junction.

Looking around, Yu Ke wanted to wait here and find a suitable ambush location.

He bet that the arrogant insect would definitely come here to destroy the traces left by the Zhongshan God!

'What exactly is the thing that the Zhongshan God left here thousands of years ago.'

This place can be blessed by the Zhongshan God for thousands of years without changing, so Yu Ke naturally hopes to find something hidden here before the arrogant insect.

Maybe it is a treasure to deal with disasters, which can play a key role in the next action.

However, just when Yu Ke spread his perception and waited for the forest spirit to feedback information.

The breath that suddenly appeared on the other side of the hill made Yu Ke pause, his expression suddenly solemn, and his eyes cast towards the fog in front.

In an instant, the rolling fog in front of him seemed to have encountered an extremely terrifying thing, and it scattered on both sides in a hurry.

"It's coming, I will help you fight."

The reminder of the forest spirit sounded in Yu Ke's mind, and he rarely took the initiative to ask to join the battle.

"My guess was right, but I just misjudged the opponent's speed."

Taking out a handful of seeds from the imprint space and sprinkling them on the grass on the top of the hill, Yu Ke raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice,

"It seems that the monsters in the mountains are not only eroding the earth veins for it, but also found this abnormal area. There is no time to do anything else. Since there is no way to avoid it, then fight!"

With the Leviathan battle axe in hand, Yu Ke strode towards the central area of ​​the hill.

At the same time, a vague figure also emerged on the other side of the hill, and after a short delay, it began to approach the central area.

There was no prior greeting, and there was no communication between each other.

Only the momentum continued to rise, and the fierce collision on the top of the hill caused the wind to whistle and the grass leaves to fly.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew across the grass. The dense running sound and the piercing roar reached Yu Ke's ears, causing him to frown. However, his body did not move at all. He was still mobilizing the dragon bloodline and accumulating strength.


The ferocious insect beast smashed the fog and showed its sharp claws.

All the insect beasts that it brought here were its masterpieces. Without any orders, these terrifying monsters that could be called killing machines surrounded Yu Ke and launched a surprise attack from all directions.

Yu Ke twisted his neck and made a "click" sound. He glanced at the insect beasts that had arrived in front of him, and his eyes looked beyond them and into the distance.

At the critical moment, dozens of giant vines rose from the side of Yu Ke and rolled these insect beasts aside. The arrow bamboo that had been ambushed underground pierced their limbs, and the carnivorous flowers that looked like hippos opened their mouths and swallowed them into their sacs, killing them with fierce poison.

On one side were the insect beasts that kept coming one after another, and on the other side were the plants that were growing vigorously.

Two completely different creatures were fighting frantically on the top of this hill that was not spacious.

The insect beasts were indeed strong, but the plants were also controlled by the forest spirits themselves, and the strength they could exert was also extraordinary.

Yu Ke, who was in the middle of it, gave up the idea of ​​calling for artillery support.

The enemy was right in front of him, and he could not withdraw anymore. His sight was fixed on the thick fog spreading in front of him.

The culprit who caused all this finally showed up.

A human figure wearing a torn red robe came into view, and the scarlet cloak that seemed to be condensed from blood fluttered in the wind.

It looked quite similar to the insect demon that Yu Ke had seen in the camp before. It was taller and stronger, and there were two identical heads on its neck. Two pairs of gray eyes stared at Yu Ke, as if curious about how the latter appeared here.

The collision of momentum became more and more intense.

The might displayed by the Jiaochong's true form was enough to make Yu Ke sure that the guy in front of him was the true form!

The earthy yellow energy surged from the dark brown bare feet, turned into streams of light and poured into the Jiaochong's body. The pairs of round pupils on the forehead opened, and the skinny arms expanded like blowing air. The complete bone armor covered the Jiaochong's whole body. The power of the Zhongshan God outlined mysterious patterns on it. The wings of the insect spread out on the spine, and the mouthparts like insect spray guns were hung on the shoulders. The narrow bone blades popped out between the skin and flesh on the outside of the arms.

The Jiaochong vented its power wantonly.

The two heads and dozens of eyes looked in different directions, blocking the direction where Yu Ke might take action.

A monster from a thousand years ago, a terrifying pressure like a mountain pressing down on the head.

Facing an unprecedented strong enemy, Yu Ke was glad that he did not rashly use his trump card in the camp before.

Blood Dragon Transformation!

The dragon's blood surged in his body, and his eyes turned into dark gold vertical pupils in the blink of an eye. Yu Ke took off his coat and exhaled a dragon's breath, and his figure skyrocketed. Dragon scales appeared on his body, and the horn between his eyebrows condensed the power of his blood. The divine dragon The mind automatically activated, and the violent dragon roar echoed over the hills, shattering the surrounding fog.

Pinning the Qingming mask on his right waist, the dragon-headed warrior emerged from his side. Yu Ke raised the Leviathan ax that had completely transformed into a one-handed ax in his thick palm, and pointed it at the arrogant insect in front of him.

They are only eight meters apart.

Even without any substantial contact, a large number of cracks still appeared on the ground on the top of the mountain.


Another insect beast was killed and fell to the ground from a height with a muffled sound, which was a signal for battle.

The two inhuman figures disappeared instantly.

A terrifying storm rolled up on the grass in front of the banyan tree, and the air waves caused by the aftermath of the battle surged in all directions.

The unreserved confrontation between the two sides made the battle intense from the beginning.

The bone blade collided with the battle axe, making a roar like thunder. The friction caused by the stalemate caused sparks to fly into the air; the tentacles on the waist of the arrogant insect wrapped around the purple flame sword that the dragon-headed warrior had chopped down; the spray gun on the shoulder shot out yellow The green venom was predicted by Yu Ke's calculation analysis before it hit him. He dodged sideways, and then roared back with another mouthful of dragon's breath.

The two sides came and went, fighting around the banyan tree and on the top of the hills.

The mist within a radius of a hundred meters was crushed, and the rocks scattered everywhere were shattered with their movements. Other plants except the banyan tree were uprooted, and the ground could not withstand the impact and kept collapsing into deep pits.

Fierce collisions occur every second, and strength and skills are fully displayed in this battle beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, as the battle continued, Yu Ke's heart continued to sink.

The blood dragon transformation that was once unstoppable can now barely keep up with the fighting rhythm of the arrogant insects!

Heart of the Wild, Blood of the Dragon plus blue quality recovery enhancement.

Yu Ke, who was in the wilderness, should have had the upper hand in a protracted war.

But this time he faced the arrogant insect who controlled part of the power of Zhongshan God, and the mountains were also its home field.

The intimidation of Shenlong's mind was ineffective against it, and the dragon-headed warrior's offensive was unable to break through its defense.

The combination of the two qualities of checking for omissions and calculating and analyzing allows Yu Ke to predict the actions of the arrogant insect. The latter's two heads and more than a dozen eyes are also not in vain, and any small and opportunistic moves cannot succeed.

[Sage]’s endless new traits gained after advancement are of a auxiliary nature and are difficult to help in frontal battles. The advancement of [Forest Hunter] is another opportunity.

Frankly speaking, this was the first time Yu Ke had encountered a monster that was vaguely beyond him in every aspect.

To gain the upper hand, activating the Hunting Seal is Yu Ke's only option.

The problem is that the battle situation is now at a stalemate. Jiao Chong obviously knows Yu Ke's Hunting Seal through his clone, so he strictly guards against it during the battle and does not give Yu Ke a chance to exchange injuries for injuries and activate his skills.

What this monster that has been dormant for thousands of years needs most is patience!

The arrogant insect in the mountainous area has enough strength to fight Yu Ke, and it is easy to maintain a fighting posture. On the other hand, Yu Ke cannot maintain the blood dragon transformation for a long time.

Once the state ends, the subsequent side effects will make him immediately lose the ability to resist, leaving him at the mercy of the arrogant insects!

Chi Mei, who has occupied Ye Yingtong's body and is rushing here, may be able to help, but the problem is that the battle here breaks out too quickly, and Chi Mei has no forest spirit to guide her. It is impossible to rush to the scene before the blood dragon transformation ends. impossible.


His clothes were torn apart by the bone blade, and the dragon scales underneath were torn apart. A wound of nearly ten centimeters opened on Yu Ke's chest.

Distraction is the most taboo in high-intensity battles.

Yu Ke's thinking slowed down his actions, and even in less than a second, he was captured by the arrogant insect and launched a surprise attack.

The forest spirit separated some giant vines to stop the arrogant insects, and Yu Ke temporarily retreated to regroup.

The arrogant insect did not pursue it, but stayed in place and continued to absorb the energy of the mountains and veins, constantly improving the partially shattered armor on its body.

Only one of the insect beasts it arranged to erode the earth's veins was killed by Yu Ke, while the others continued to act as usual under the cover of the mist, and this was its confidence.

The meteor shower will arrive in about half an hour, and time is undoubtedly on the side of the worm.

The human being in front of me is indeed powerful, and there is actually another divine power in his body to protect him, but it is a pity that it is difficult to exert it.

Yu Ke kept breathing heavily as he distanced himself. Even though he was mentally prepared, Jiao Chong's combat power still exceeded his expectations.

A decision must be made!

If this battle cannot be won, and the arrogant insects are allowed to achieve their goals, not to mention the mountains, the entire Beijing-Hangzhou region will face a catastrophe, and it is even less likely that he will leave here alive.

At the critical moment, Yu Ke didn't care so much. He reached out and grabbed the black copper jade hanging around his neck, and said to the forest spirit in his mind,

"Do you still remember what we discussed in the temple when we just came back from Shanqing City? I changed my mind!"

"This is a mountain. It will be difficult to suppress the Seed of Disaster in a short period of time after the seal is lifted. You should know the consequences of being completely eroded by it. The sealing pillar in the ruins may be able to help you, but it will take time for you to rush back. .”

Naturally, Senling knew the implication of Yu Ke's words and gave him a solemn warning.

Back in the fantasy dream space, Yu Ke was plotted by someone from Jinglian Dao, causing the seeds of disaster to enter his body.

In the end, he relied on the power of the dream tapir and the forest spirit to seal it, and then used the black copper and jade to suppress it, allowing himself to return to normal.

When Forest Spirit sealed the Seed of Disaster, it clearly said that this thing could stimulate the potential of the dragon bloodline and make it grow continuously. At that time, Yu Ke rejected Forest Spirit's proposal for his own safety.

"Heh, if you can't beat this bug in front of you, it's useless to say anything. Come on!"

Tearing off the necklace made of vines, Yu Ke gritted his teeth and put away the black copper jade ring, and shouted in a deep voice.

As the voice fell, dark green light burst out from Yu Ke's body, and the seal left by Forest Spirit in his body was completely broken at this moment.

An extremely suppressed roar lingered in his throat, and the disaster energy overflowed from the gaps between the scales and appeared on Yu Ke's body.

He hunched over, and the dark golden vertical pupils in his eye sockets were full of bloodshot, and his momentum was surging, which was even more violent and chaotic than before.

Even Jiao Chong did not expect that Yu Ke could still explode in this situation, especially the appearance of the disaster energy made it feel pressured. It took a half step forward with its right foot to shatter the ground, and flashed in front of Yu Ke, swinging the bone blade to try to cut off its head.

Leviathan's axe fell to the ground, and Yu Ke used the dragon claw to block Jiao Chong's bone blade.

The power that was slightly inferior not long ago is now on par with it, and the strength of the dragon claw can even resist the bone blade!

The dark gold vertical pupils filled with bloodshot showed a crazy and violent aura, staring at the two heads of Jiao Chong. The seeds of disaster that lost their suppression further erupted, and the green and red scales on Yu Ke's body turned into a dark black color, and then blood veins appeared again.

Isn't it just a fight for life? Yu Ke also has the desperate means at the bottom of the box.

Let's see who can't hold on first!

The long and thick tail fell to the ground, and Yu Ke, whose head was about to turn into a dragon head, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed the black dragon breath towards Jiao Chong's face. The latter was obviously a little afraid of the disaster energy and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

The disaster seed that even the ancient beast Meng Mo could seriously injure.

Although Jiao Chong could mobilize some disaster energy, he did not intend to carry it himself.

This dragon breath with added ingredients failed to hit after all, but only crushed a boulder into ashes. Jiao Chong, who had distanced himself again, no longer had the previous calmness on his face, and the round pupils on his forehead trembled constantly, as if he was looking for Yu Ke's flaws, or analyzing his weaknesses.

"Hey ha ~ So you are afraid too?"

Yu Ke laughed strangely and fiddled with the half bone blade in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Jiao Chong was stunned at first, then turned his head to look at his left arm. The mark he had seen not long ago quietly emerged, and a feeling of weakness surged from all parts of his body, forcing him to absorb more earth vein energy to make up for it.

The energy of disaster rushed through his body, and Yu Ke, who was in great pain, raised his hand and crushed the bone blade.

The anger and bloodthirstiness in his heart needed an object to vent!

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