The starry sky filled with chaotic colors.

It made this world seem to be in another world.

Another round of bombing approached, and dozens of missiles flew towards the raging sea of ​​blood rising from the hills.

However, before these missiles hit the target, they exploded in mid-air as if they hit an invisible force field barrier.

The environmental changes caused by the meteor disaster provided the proud insect with excellent external conditions to control the mountain veins.

Now it no longer needs to hide, and facing the suppression of the army, it completely exposed its most terrifying side.

The remains of the insect beasts that were originally scattered around the hills were swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, and the dark blue soul lines transformed by the soul-eating insects shuttled through it, using the power of the mountain veins to build a new body.

As time passed, the nearly 100-meter-tall giant beast gradually revealed its true form.

It was like a hybrid formed by combining the characteristics of many creatures and undergoing mutations.

The centipede-like lower body wrapped around the hills, and hundreds of long and thick limbs inserted into the hills in the opposite direction, not only to stabilize the human-like body that seemed to be magnified hundreds of times, but also seemed to be transmitting some energy into the mountain.

If Yu Ke was here, he would find that its appearance was quite similar to the half-dragon Zhongshan God, but it was transformed from an insect beast. Not only did it not have the divine power of Zhongshan God, but it looked particularly evil and disgusting.

The arrogant insect couldn't wait to control the new body, standing on the mountains, roaring at the starry sky

It was announcing its rebirth to this world!

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this? Keep bombing and destroy it!"

Looking at the terrifying beast in the mountains through the cockpit, the pilot felt his scalp tingling and shouted with a broken voice.

But at this critical moment, a series of harsh warning sounds rang out inside the fighter.

Somehow, the fighter that was running smoothly a second ago suddenly became abnormal, and both the dashboard and the intelligent operating system were in chaos, and the cockpit was filled with red light symbolizing failure.

It wasn't just one or two fighters, but the entire fighter formation was affected, and after continuous shaking, it fell out of control.

After a series of failed attempts to repair, the pilot had to choose to eject, and just after he left the cockpit, he finally realized why the fighter suddenly lost control.

In fact, it was not just the fighter that lost control in this area, but everything was out of order!

With the giant beast controlled by the arrogant insect as the center, within a radius of nearly one kilometer, the branches and leaves of the trees, the stones, and even the beasts living in them were all controlled by some force and took off into the air, eventually forming a chaotic vortex surrounding the arrogant insect.

The out-of-control fighter was also pulled, and turned into a huge fireball after the crash. It was even more difficult for long-range missiles to break through this barrier. Even if they were not blocked by the debris flying in the sky, they would lose control the moment they entered that area.

Obviously, as the mountain veins gradually fell into the control of the arrogant insect, the range it could affect became larger and larger.

The situation became more and more critical.

The Air Force colonel who had just completed the parachute jump and was still floating in the air tried to contact the Disaster Prevention Bureau.

In this situation, ordinary missiles are of little use. More powerful weapons must be used to at least prevent the mountains from falling completely into the control of the terrifying beast, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

His idea was undoubtedly correct, but just when he wanted to report the matter, the "rustling~" sound in the communication channel made his heart sink, and then the whole person began to drift forward.

The parachute could not resist the gravitational vortex released by the proud insect at all, and it was even more difficult to escape because of its own large size.

Not far ahead were high-speed moving branches and rocks. If they were hit, there would be no possibility of survival.

The colonel had to stretch his hand to the buckle on the side of the backpack. Instead of being crushed in mid-air, he would rather try free fall, maybe he could use the lush tree canopy below to stabilize his body.

However, the colonel's landing position was still too far away from the hills. Before he could untie the parachute, the influence of the gravitational vortex intensified, and the parachute rope entangled his body first, making it difficult for him to make more self-rescue actions.

Just like the wood and stones stirred by the whirlpool, the colonel who was entangled by the parachute soon lost control of himself and could only watch himself being swept into the chaotic vortex created by the terrifying beast.

The fighter plane crashed into the forest and caused a violent explosion. The long-range missiles could not get close, but the colonel had no time to care about anything else.

Various debris passed by his side, his shoulder was hit by a piece of gravel, his combat uniform and the skin underneath were torn open, and his left leg was scratched by a half-branch. The continuous stinging pain made the colonel curl up as much as possible to relieve it.

Realizing that sacrifice was inevitable, he gave up resistance and turned on the recorder on the top of the helmet, trying to film what was happening on the hill, at least to provide intelligence for the follow-up actions of the Disaster Prevention Bureau.

The situation in front of him once again exceeded his imagination.

The "reborn" arrogant insect was not in a hurry to start destruction.

On the contrary, it occupied the hill and created a barrier with the gravitational vortex, just to prevent the outside world from disturbing its next plan.

The centipede-like lower body coiled around the mountain, the upper body stood upright on the top of the hill, the six arms constantly formed various seals in front of the body, and the two heads chanted spells non-stop.

As the arrogant insect's ritual continued, dark purple streams of light fell from the starry sky, covering its entire body.

Countless disaster energies were drawn to its body, and then injected into the mountains and the earth through the lower body's limbs inserted into the mountain.

Eroding the divine power of Zhongshan and occupying the mountainous terrain.

Now it has finally reached the final step. The arrogant insect must use this meteor disaster that has never happened in a thousand years to completely transform the mountains and make them truly the territory it controls, rather than relying on Zhongshan's divine power to reluctantly steal them.

At that time, Jiao Chong will truly become the god of this small world. Even if Zhongshan God is resurrected, he will not be able to take back the mountains from his hands. Being based on the mountains means being invincible!

But before that, it has to overcome one final hurdle.

Just within this hill, just under this huge banyan tree, is the last core of the lost Zhongshan God Queen in the mountains.

The disastrous energy permeating the chaotic starry sky poured into the mountains, and as expected, it triggered a violent counterattack by the earth veins. This was exactly the purpose of the Arrogant Insects. As long as there was a confrontation, the things that had been hidden for thousands of years could no longer be hidden.

Suddenly, the lower body of the centipede entangled in the hills trembled, and the limbs inserted into the body of the mountain even cracked in large areas.

As the main body, Jiao Chongtori roared in ecstasy at this moment, and frantically mobilized more energy to pour into the hills, until the branches and leaves of the huge banyan tree burst out with bright light, and the holes in the mountain formed by the interpenetration of those jointed limbs also glowed.

In just a few seconds, the banyan tree rooted on the top of the hill turned into infinite points of light, condensing into a beam of light rising into the sky. The hill then collapsed on a large scale, as if an ancient artifact that had been silent for a long time was finally revealing its truest side. .

The arrogant insect had obviously expected this, and its six arms approached first, wanting to reach into the light pillar to retrieve the divine object inside.

The mountain veins were mobilized again and covered the outside of the palm.

The restriction that Zhongshan God once set here does not exclude the energy of its body. The arrogant insect easily breaks through the external defense. Its six arms lift the objects in the light pillar. When the light pillar dissipates, the divine object in the palm of the hand is Reveal silhouette.

A bronze tripod with mysterious patterns engraved on its surface and colorful lights flowing around it!

If Yu Ke were here, he would immediately recognize that this was the bronze tripod that appeared in the temple's underground palace murals and the seal of the ruins. It was also the key object that the God of Zhongshan specially directed him to find.

It has never left the mountains, it was just hidden or protected by the God of Zhongshan in this way!

Only when disaster strikes the world again, will the methods left behind by Zhongshan God be activated, guiding humans through illusions to rediscover this divine object dedicated to suppressing disasters and restore order to the world.

This plan is not unsound.

The problem is that the emergence of the variable arrogant insects has subverted everything.

After gaining part of its divine power, it has the ability to control earth veins. It uses this method to find the hills where the bronze cauldron is hidden, and uses the disaster of meteors to defeat Yu Ke who was supposed to obtain the bronze cauldron. It then uses the energy of the earth veins to break through the restrictions left by the God of Zhongshan. Forcibly master the bronze tripod.

This vital artifact that was supposed to be used to suppress disasters was now obtained by the arrogant insects.

For Jiao Chong, the Bronze Cauldron is the last obstacle that prevents it from transforming this world. Only by destroying it can it completely control this world.

Normally, the power of the arrogant insects alone would not be enough to cause serious damage to the Bronze Cauldron, and would even be suppressed.

Even now, the arrogant insect that forced the Bronze Cauldron to appear seems to have no way to deal with this artifact. It simply does not dare to release the divine power of Zhongshan God. Once the Bronze Cauldron detects its abnormality, it will immediately activate its origin. Suppress all disasters.

However, the inability of the arrogant insects to destroy the bronze tripod does not mean that other forces cannot.

He has been lying dormant for thousands of years just waiting for the disaster of the meteor to appear, and his purpose is not just to find the bronze tripod!

Six arms lifted the bronze cauldron high into the sky, exposing it to the chaotic starry sky. The disaster-filled starlight immediately collided with the bronze cauldron. The fierce collision of the two energies caused ripples to spread, and this was the pride of the insect. Want to see.

Jiao Chong wants Meteor Scourge to notice this artifact!

The two heads looked into the increasingly chaotic and distorted starry sky, looking forward to that moment.

Unconsciously, the time has reached ten o'clock in the evening.

The starry sky became increasingly turbulent and distorted.

The meteor shower, which symbolizes the catastrophe of heaven and earth, is about to arrive on this planet.

If you want to destroy the bronze tripod that represents order, you must have a disaster star from outside the sky!

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