The second day of the cold wave.

The blizzard has lasted for more than twenty hours.

Jinghu Forest is covered with heavy snow, the temperature is stable at about minus 35 degrees, and the environment is extremely harsh.

In the early morning, Yu Ke woke up in a warm mattress.

He glanced at the boiler with charcoal still burning not far away. The thermometer hanging by the bedside showed that the room temperature was still eight degrees.

The materials used when the sentry tower was first built had thermal insulation properties, and they were finally put to use during this cold wave.

After getting dressed and washing up, Yu Ke went to the window and took a look at the deer with horns still curled up in the camp. Even with the camp's reinforced concrete perimeter defense line, their bodies were still inevitably covered with a layer of snow.

Fortunately, the blizzard was blocked at the camp and its intensity was greatly reduced. All they had to endure was the low temperature.

After throwing the remaining snake meat into the porridge pot and heating it on the stove, Yu Ke sat down at the workbench and checked the computer.

The Forestry Protection Bureau sent a new internal email, instructing forest patrol hunters that they do not need to work during the snowstorm. Everything is based on the safety of the forest patrol camp and themselves. If a major accident occurs, they should contact the Forestry Protection Bureau immediately.

In a snowstorm of this scale, even the Forest Protection Bureau would find it difficult to provide help, so they emphasized that only major accidents could contact them. Most emergencies had to be handled by the forest rangers themselves.

For example, a large amount of snow inside and outside the camp must be cleared. Otherwise, in this extremely low temperature environment, it will quickly form thick ice lumps and accumulate, and then all facilities in the camp will be affected.

Fortunately, Yu Ke was prepared for this.

Complete warm-up and morning exercises meticulously in the guard tower.

Let the essence in the python meat be better integrated into the body during this process, further strengthening the body's toughness.

After the morning exercise, Yu Ke put on a full set of cold-proof clothes and left the sentry tower after drinking the snake soup.

The full-coverage helmet came into play again. As long as the exposed neck was well protected, Yu Ke could move normally in the snowstorm with his strong physique and not too bulky cold-proof clothing.

Opening the door, the wind and snow hit my face.

The impact caught Yu Ke off guard and he took half a step back and quickly closed the door.

He looked at the Jinghu Forest, which was still white in the distance.

Yu Ke quickly climbed down from the sentry tower, and first took a close look at the situation of the Scary-Antlered Deer to confirm that none of them had been frostbitten or frozen to death. They were the key to a good relationship between Yu Ke and the Scary-Antlered Deer King, and they had to be protected no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ke began to check the line conditions in various parts of the camp to ensure that everything was normal before turning to the warehouse, carrying two bags of snow melting agent and spraying it all over the camp and inside and outside, especially the snow storage pit, to ensure that the snow could melt as quickly as possible.

During the snow removal process, the Frightened Deer King emerged from the wind and snow with his herd.

Compared with the old and weak people huddled together in the camp to keep warm, although they were all prime-aged hornless deer, they were in no better condition after enduring the ravages of wind and snow for a long time outside.

But even so, they still dragged their tired bodies and carried a considerable amount of hay to the forest patrol camp to provide food for the old and weak in the group.

It’s just that the amount of hay has been reduced visibly.

It is not easy to dig for food under a layer of snow that is often half a meter thick.

The Jinghorn Deer King saw Yu Ke outside the camp and took the initiative to greet him. Then he put a Qingling Fruit into his hand just like yesterday.

This is today’s refuge reward.

Regardless of anything else, the behavior of the Stunning-Antlered Deer King is indeed somewhat regal.

Any kindness must be repaid, and any hatred must be avenged!

Yu Ke was quite surprised to see such a harvest just by opening the camp gate.

You must know that with the changes in animals and plants in the era of cataclysm, the emergence of spiritual fruits or spiritual plants has long been no secret. Just like the essence of the giant python can improve human body toughness, such fruits that improve physical fitness have long been Someone discovered it.

Just because they've been discovered doesn't mean there's a lot of them.

In fact, on the contrary, the market value of any known spiritual fruit is almost equal to the same quality of gold. It is also something that the poaching team is crazy about pursuing. In the true sense, it has a price but no market.

Only a special being like the Jinghorn Deer King can collect such fruits in Jinghu Forest and use them as rewards.

Putting away the Qingling Fruit, Yu Ke didn't intend to take it for nothing, but prepared to make some gestures. He raised his hand and patted the fur of the Jinghorn Deer King.

"Come with me and let me see something good with you."

He walked quickly into the forest patrol camp with the Jing-Antlers Deer King. Without saying a word, Yu Ke pulled out a whole bag of radishes from the hunting cabin. He held the bag half a man high in one hand, took out the radish from the inside with the other, and handed it to Jing Jing. King of Horned Deer,

"Try it, it should suit your taste."

Smelling the smell of food and having the foundation of trust from before, the King of Jinghorn Deer lowered his head and took a bite of the frozen radish. After confirming that there was no problem, he turned around and called out. Immediately, more than a dozen tired Jinghorn Deer came over. Eat and regain your strength.

Before the cold wave came, Yu Ke piled up various ingredients in the hunting cabin. Considering that vegetables would not rot at all in extremely low temperature environments, he purchased a lot of radishes, potatoes, corn and other vegetables in advance.

At that time, he thought that the herd of horned deer might be short of food, so when purchasing, he focused on large quantities.

Anyway, he's not afraid of spoilage. Even if the herd of horned deer doesn't come, he can eat it slowly by himself.

A bag of radishes was exchanged for a Qingling fruit that can enhance human heart and lung capacity. If the merchants at the transfer station knew about it, they would have to drive a big truck over to do the transaction despite the snowstorm.

Of course, that's not how the accounts were calculated.

This bag of radishes may not cost much to Yu Ke, but it is a life-saving food for the herd of frightened deer.

There is also the prerequisite for achieving all this, trust!

Without those two fights side by side, not to mention Yu Ke getting the Qingling Fruit as a reward, the Jinghorn Deer King would most likely choose to storm the camp for the survival of the tribe, and at least one person on both sides would have died.

Standing under the scaffolding in the parking lot, Yu Ke placed the radishes on the ground and let a few timid young horned deer come over to eat, while he retreated into the snow with the king of horned deer.


Seeing that his fellow humans had obviously recovered after eating, the Jinghorn Deer King looked at Yu Ke and whispered twice to express his gratitude.

"This is what it should be. The Qingling Fruit is also very important to me."

After wiping the fruit casually, Yu Ke opened his mask and ate the Qingling Fruit cleanly in front of the Jinghorn Deer King. He did not even throw away the core, but stuffed it into his pocket, preparing to plant it in the next spring, and at the same time, he would plant it in advance. He handed over the carrot that he had taken.

"You've only had one bite so far. Here, I reserved this specially for you."

The Jinghorn Deer King looked at Yu Ke, suddenly turned around and raised his hooves high, making a long hiss, and the black ball in the center of the horn burst out with a dazzling purple light.

Before Yu Ke could react, the remaining snow in the camp actually rose out of thin air and was turned outward by invisible forces. The entire forest patrol camp was suddenly much cleaner.

Yu Ke turned around and was about to express his gratitude when he saw the Jinghorn Deer King lowering his head and eating the carrot in his hand.

Trust is shown in the details.

Yu Ke knew that he had gained a friendship.

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