Forestry Protection Bureau, Audit Department.

The hunting video sent by the new ranger hunter caused quite a stir.

Several staff members gathered around the computer, holding snacks or coffee drinks in their hands, staring at the picture on the screen.

There are many forest hunters inside and outside Jinghu Forest, but few can kill mandrills at close range.

"This newcomer is so fierce. He actually fought with a mandrill at close quarters with a dog-leg knife!"

The staff member who had previously received the video swallowed as he looked at the intense and exciting battle on the screen.

"You see, this man reacted very quickly. Although the camera kept shaking, his steps and movements were quite steady. He gave up decisively after firing the shotgun at close range. He knew what could pose a greater threat to the mandrill."

The people who can work here have basically received training from the Forestry Defense Bureau and have a certain understanding of combat. There are also many forest rangers who have transferred to other positions. Someone soon pointed out how crisp and agile Yu Ke's actions were. ,

"This is a very good response method, and it can actually be promoted internally."

Mandrills don't actually rank high on the hunting list. Forest rangers often send back videos of mandrills being hunted, but those are basically medium- and long-range fixed-point sniping. Mandrills have been beaten without even being seen by anyone. Half disabled.

Not to mention this kind of first-person video, which is the easiest for people to immerse themselves in, and it quickly arouses admiration.

It was at this time that the staff member who had just come over seemed to notice something. He pushed away the colleague in front of him and pointed at the screen.

"Wait a minute, play back the video until the mandrill appears from the front. It seems to have a gunshot wound on its right shoulder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of several members of the audit department who had just come to join in the fun immediately changed.

"The mandrill with a gunshot wound on his right shoulder. The monster that attacked the material transport team six months ago, killing six people and seriously injuring three others?"

"Immediately send a message to ranger hunter No. 281 and ask him if he has brought the mandrill's body back. If it is true, his hunting this time has avenged the logistics department!"

Everyone talked about the vicious attack half a year ago, and Yu Ke on the other side quickly received the news.

Looking at the content in the chat box, Yu Ke realized that the mandrill he encountered by chance was actually the target of a wanted reward from the Forestry Defense Bureau. He had committed a serious crime. Once the kill was confirmed, he would receive an internal bonus of 100,000 yuan in return. There are corresponding achievements.

‘No wonder he can lurk next to me without anyone noticing. He is indeed no ordinary mandrill. ’

Recalling the situation at that time, Yu Ke decisively sent a photo of Mandrill's body. After thinking about it, he asked them if many people were watching the video he sent.

‘Haha, I guessed it right. Your video is quite exciting. Many people in the department are watching it and learning about your ability to hunt mandrills. ’

The other party's reply came quickly, followed by some reward information. Yu Ke didn't look at it anymore. He focused all his attention on the gradually increasing azure luster on the teacher label in the system.

His guess was not wrong, the video he accidentally shot was the source of these experiences!

According to the rules discovered during this period, whether you are a [teacher] or a [forester hunter], if you want to gain experience for upgrading, you must do things that are consistent with your profession.

Yu Ke always thought that after quitting his job as a teacher, his experience would not increase. But in fact, as long as he can impart knowledge to others, no matter which way it is, as long as others learn it, then the [teaching] career will increase. experience.

The video sent to the Audit Bureau is the best proof!

Thinking of this, Yu Ke stood up suddenly, not even caring that the chair under his butt fell to the ground.

If video channels are included, does this mean that the more people watch his videos and the more people learn how to deal with mandrills, the more experience [teachers] gain in their profession will also increase exponentially?

"Damn it, isn't this a bug for me?"

Yu Ke grinned and scratched the back of his head, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

With the extremely advanced level of information technology in this era, anyone can become a host with just a mobile phone. The Forestry Protection Bureau has never banned forest rangers from posting videos.

In fact, there are many videos of forest rangers on online platforms, because for ordinary people who are affected by environmental disasters and find it difficult to leave the city, such wilderness videos are one of the ways to satisfy their desire for wild travel.

Not to mention too many, as long as thousands of people watch Yu Ke’s videos and learn from them.

[Teacher] The upgrade speed of this profession will probably be much faster than that of [Forest Hunter]!

Knowledge and knowledge may not increase one's combat power as quickly as Heart of the Wilderness, but Yu Ke knew exactly what he relied on to pass the rigorous forest ranger hunter assessment within half a year.

The simple sentence "increase learning efficiency by 50%", no one knows the terrifying energy hidden behind it better than him.


The sound of boiling soup woke Yu Ke out of his surprise, and he quickly turned around and turned off the fire.

Lifting the lid of the pot, the aroma of braised rabbit hit his face. Yu Ke didn't intend to take it out. Instead, he directly brought the pot to the workbench next to him, opened the rice cooker, and scooped out a large bowl of rice.

The transformation of the body by the Heart of the Wild is still going on, and Yu Ke needs a lot of food to fill his hungry stomach and at the same time provide enough energy for his own evolution.

At the same time, the discussions in the audit department have ended.

It is a certain fact that Yu Ke successfully hunted the wanted mandrill, and the relevant rewards will be distributed soon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Ke asked if he could forward his hunting video to the Internet, and the answer he received was no problem.

As an official agency, the Forestry Protection Bureau’s goal of hunting ferocious animals is ultimately to protect the people.

There were no problems in Yu Ke's hunting process, which fully reflected the positive image of an intelligent and heroic forest hunter. Naturally, the Forest Defense Bureau would not refuse such positive publicity.

Of course, Yu Ke didn't plan to find a random website to post it.

He plans to gain professional experience through this video. The more people who watch it, the better. There will be a chance to make a whole series in the future, so he must be careful in choosing the platform.

For the rest of the day, Yu Ke ate braised rabbit meat rice bowl and looked at videos posted by forest rangers on major online platforms. At the same time, he arranged tomorrow's work content and planned a reasonable route.

As a new forest patrol hunter, Yu Ke has his own forest area to patrol, and his job is not easy.

Especially for the first patrol, he had to prepare in advance.

It's late at night.

After finishing his inspection of the camp, Yu Ke stuffed a few new firewood into the wood stove to make sure there were no omissions.

Lying in bed, your body and mind gradually relax after a busy day.

The cold wind howled outside the house, and the sound of burning wood could be heard in the fire. His heart felt peaceful like never before.

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