: Many Benefits

The size of the escape convoy is getting bigger and bigger, but the speed of advancement is getting slower and slower, and it is becoming bloated.

The survivors and the cars were crowded together, and most of them were disgraced and miserable. At this time, those with cars were happier than those without cars. Those who were not injured without cars were not as happy as those who were injured without cars.

Some people escaped smoothly and easily, but some people were already in a state of embarrassment and had to struggle to keep up with the fleeing team.

Under the disaster situation, everyone is in danger, and no one can care about anyone else. Even the military can only ensure everyone’s safety at most, and there is no way to do more for everyone.

Because the military’s manpower was also stretched thin, Zhang Rui’s formation merged with his troops a lot, and soldiers and armaments were replenished. However, the size of the survivors was also getting larger and larger. In comparison, their side was replenished. It is simply a drop in the bucket and cannot bring about any substantial changes. The entire team is still going hard.

On the periphery of the crowded torrent of survivors in the convoy, the military set up a moving direction and was constantly blocking the mutants swarming out from both sides.

In the motorcade, Wang Cheng didn’t even pay attention yet.

At this moment, following the military vehicle of the little soldier in front, he left the main convoy of survivors and came to the outer layer of the convoy. Only then did he notice that there were quite a lot of mutants around, howling and shouting at them non-stop. The convoy launched an attack.

Their target is too big to not be attacked. Walking in the city, for those mutant creatures, it is like a huge piece of fat, making them flock to it, approach crazily, and attack the convoy.

An ordinary team of survivors would have collapsed under such an impact, but Zhang Rui’s troops are armored troops with strong firepower and can sustain themselves, even if those mutants are physically strong and have a row of twenty-millimeter calibers. Even if the machine gun bullets are fired down, the intestines will be torn apart and the flesh will be bloody!

Relatively speaking, it is still safe.

Of course, this scene might be an extremely terrifying scene for other survivors, but as Wang Cheng watched it, he had other thoughts.

With so many monsters, isn’t this a good opportunity to level up?

He narrowed his eyes.

There is no need to look for the mutants themselves. The mutants swarm directly. If he hides in the military’s vehicle formation and shoots at the outside world, isn’t he gaining energy points in vain?

The risk is greatly reduced, and the benefits and efficiency are greatly improved!

Wang Cheng could probably guess what Zhang Ruizhen wanted to do with him. He originally planned to refuse. After all, he hadn’t figured out how to cooperate with the military yet. But now, seeing this scene on the road, Wang Cheng felt a little… Changed my mind.

They were still moving forward, but Wang Qi, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat of Wangcheng, had a dull look on his face, and finally said: “Brother Wangcheng, you… are you too lazy now? Just… I really thank you for saving me.” Life, otherwise, otherwise I might really die…”

Wang Qi had actually wanted to talk to Wang Cheng for a long time.

He couldn’t say anything at first, because he didn’t react, and he had just come back from the hell gate and was still in shock. But now he gradually calmed down, and his mood was complicated and surprised.

The scene just now was all seen by Wang Qi.

This royal city is so amazing!

In fact, Wang Qi also knew that those people who had thanked him just now were a group of more than thirty survivors, exchanging medicines and supplies everywhere. Among such a team, those who dared to barter with others were A capable team, but just now, Wang Cheng directly staged a forced purchase and sale with the opponent, and that Xie Ran actually endured it!

Killing the green mutated toad instantly, treating Xie Ran and others tyrannically…

This scene was something Wang Qi could not even imagine. During this period, he had been living in a miserable state and was at the bottom among the survivors. Seeing The monster wanted to run away, and when he saw a survivor like Xie Ran, he was afraid to avoid him. Once upon a time, he also thought that he could be famous and become a doomsday person like other powerful survivors. people.

It’s not like he hasn’t experienced that feeling before.

He had experienced this before when he followed Wang Cheng in the No. 2 Supermarket of Haicheng University. At that time, he was just happy and didn’t feel anything. But after leaving Haicheng and seeing more things and people, he finally I realized how rare everything was at that time.

Not only the scenery, but even the supplies were extremely precious. In fact, if he hadn’t used the light of the royal city to grab those supplies at that time, he might have died before he could reach now.

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It wasn’t until just now that he saw Wangcheng and experienced it again.

Follow Wang Cheng and deal with Xie Ran’s group of people with a face-on attack!

The most important thing is that the other party did not dare to do anything at all, and they could only suffer the loss of being dumb. Because they turned around, they were directly invited away by the military.

Just now he was at the bottom of the survivors, but now he suddenly became like this. Wang Qi felt as if he was in a dream, looking at Wang Cheng with confusion.

He knew that these changes were only because he knew Wang Cheng and Wang Cheng helped him.

That’s all.

In the apocalypse, how can the gap between people be so huge?

Wang Cheng glanced at him, and he could probably guess what Wang Qi was thinking, so he just patted his thigh, gave him a disposable towel, and said: “Wipe it, it’s okay, don’t thank me, we are considered acquaintances, help.” You’ve done me no harm, and I can’t just die without saving you.”

Wang Qi almost shed tears after hearing these words.

Only by experiencing the end of the world can we understand that it is our duty not to help you, but it is our love to help you!

Wang Qi choked up a little, tried to hold it back, and said: “I know, I understand, thank you, really thank you, brother, I won’t rely on you this time. I will wait for you to finish your work later.” Just a car. I know I don’t have much strength, but if you have anything I can do to help you in the future, just tell me and I will definitely try my best!”

Wang Cheng looked at him: “I don’t know what you have been through recently. But we will talk about the rest later. You stay in my car first.”

Wang Cheng did not elaborate further, because at this time, his car speed gradually slowed down and he was almost reaching the Zhang Rui Formation.

Zhang Ruizhen’s vehicle was a light infantry fighting vehicle, located at the front of the entire convoy, charging into the formation to massacre and fight against the mutants. At this time, he came out in person and saw the royal city. He was startled and said: ” Such a coincidence? It’s you!”

He looked up and down the royal city, without being polite, and said directly: “It seems that we are destined, and I won’t beat around the bush with you. You are also an awakened person, right? You are very capable, I am Gather survivors to form a Survivor Self-Defense Force and cooperate with our retreat. Are you interested in joining? Don’t worry, as long as you join, I guarantee that you will not be short of supplies and will also issue you with weapons and ammunition. There is only a safety issue, so you don’t have to worry too much. , we will arrange you behind our front. It is naturally impossible to say that there is no danger, but there is no need to face mutant creatures.”

Zhang Ruizhen’s straightforward personality, coupled with the tense situation around him, his These words can be said to be straight to the point, saying everything at once, with burning eyes, looking at Wang Cheng, obviously looking forward to him joining.

Now is the time to hire people. An awakened person who can kill a mutated toad with one blow is definitely a master, and is exactly the talent they need!

Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

He originally wanted to agree, to fish in troubled waters and get more energy points, but he didn’t expect that “working” here at Zhang Rui Formation would have so many benefits!

It’s okay if there is no shortage of supplies. After all, there is no shortage of supplies in the royal city.

But they also distributed weapons and ammunition, which Wang Cheng did not expect.

Isn’t this the best way to obtain energy points while ensuring safety?

“Give them back weapons and ammunition? Are there any awakened ones like me?” ”

Of course.” Zhang Ruizhen smiled and said, “Although the awakened ones have the ability to awaken, they must also have weapons. Of course, can you use them?” Wang

Cheng nodded and narrowed his eyes: “Of course I can use it, but when I kill mutant creatures, the ammunition is consumed quickly.” Zhang Ruizhen was stunned for a moment, and after hearing the implication of

Wang Cheng’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh, boldly. He said quietly: “Ammunition is consumed quickly? How fast can it be used? If you say that you are particularly good at eating, I will probably have to worry about my few supplies. But ammunition, you can use it as you like, as long as it is not wasted, it will be used up.” You can apply for your cooperation!”

The military has sufficient weapons, but what is lacking is not ammunition, but manpower!

Wang Cheng heard this and nodded directly: “Okay, then I am willing to join, but I have one more condition. I have a friend here…”

… …

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