Goodbye Xu Xinghai

This temporary survivor base is based on a large-scale complex store of Dahuang Group in Dongcheng District. The military captured this place and eliminated the mutants in several surrounding communities, thus building such a temporary survivor gathering. point.

There are four passes in the entire survivor gathering point. The entire perimeter is surrounded by simple iron wires. Groups of military soldiers are fully armed and guard this area. From time to time, some mutant creatures appear around and are gathered here. Attracting a large number of living people, they launched an attack crazily.

The military is obviously unable to build an all-round wall in a short period of time, and can only prevent their defense lines from being breached by monsters by sending additional manpower.

Wang Cheng noticed that among the guards, there were many people who were obviously survivors.

As the apocalypse broke out, the military suffered heavy losses and had to recruit a large number of survivors to fill the shortage of troops.

Looking from here, not only are the edge areas full of people, but even the survivor base is full of people.

Although the military has opened a shopping complex and some surrounding residential buildings for everyone to live in, as more and more survivors gather, not everyone can live in the building. Many people can only live in the open air. sleep.

But it has been a long time since the Royal City has seen so many people. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered here. Even if they have not officially entered, you can see people far and near at a glance.

Survivors and military vehicles were mixed together, and there was a hint of doomsday sadness in the air.

At several passes, there were long queues. Even military vehicles had to queue up and undergo inspection before they could enter.

This is to avoid any monsters in the car. Once a mutant enters the survivor base and bites wildly, it will definitely cause a large area of infection.

But the whole process was still very fast. Within half an hour, Wang Cheng followed Zhang Ruizhen’s convoy into the Haicheng survivor base. Thanks to following the military convoy and having Zhang Ruizhen as a guarantee, Wang Cheng’s The car’s supplies were easily released without any difficulty or deduction during the inspection, and Wang Cheng noticed that some other ordinary survivors’ supplies were subject to redistribution and were under the unified jurisdiction of the military.

Wang Cheng also sighed: This is the difference between someone and someone else!

Since then, their team has also begun to split up.

Ordinary survivors were led by volunteers to rest in the resettlement area among the survivor gathering points, while Zhang Ruizhen and others will return to their camp to repair, but this time will not be too long. The situation is tense and the situation in Haicheng City is deteriorating. They must start again as soon as possible to rescue survivors as much as possible.

Zhang Ruizhen also greeted Wang Cheng and sent a small soldier, saying: “The person I sent to you is named Zhao Nan. He is a new recruit, but he is quite familiar with the situation in this gathering point. I also know some of the people you should know. I will say hello to you and he will take you to report to the Survivor Self-Defense Force. Also, I have found your two friends and he will help you lead the way!” This

Zhao Nan did look childish. He looked about the same age as Wang Cheng, but he was very kind. He always had a smile on his face and said: “Those two brothers of yours are with our brother’s army. They withdrew yesterday.” We are here. What a coincidence, they have also joined the Survivor Self-Defense Force. I will take you there so you can see them.” He got into

Wang Cheng’s car and showed Wang Cheng the way. Behind him, the red Mazda also Follow closely.

That was Wang Qi and that beautiful young woman.

They also followed closely behind.

This is Wang Qi’s final decision.

He wants to join the Self-Defense Forces with Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng felt both surprised and reasonable.

Wang Qi is also growing rapidly.

Passing through this temporary gathering point, Wang Cheng saw a scene he had never seen before.

The surrounding streets were full of people.

Embarrassed survivors crowded the streets and alleys.

This area is not large and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. It has already exceeded the maximum capacity. Many people can only sleep on the streets, and the military does not have so much manpower and material resources to build simple houses for them. Embarrassed figures can be seen everywhere. He just threw himself on a dark blanket and sat there, motionless looking at the people and cars passing by, his face full of confusion and despair.

Some people don’t even have blankets and just lie on the hard ground. What’s even more miserable is that those who are injured and sick have nowhere to go and can only sleep on the streets.

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Most people are disgraced, and their enthusiasm for life before the apocalypse is gone. Many people are just living like zombies. But even so, they are actually better than many people, especially those who are still trapped at sea. Compared with the ignorant people in the city, at least they don’t have to worry about being taken away by monsters that appear out of nowhere.

It’s hard to imagine that about a month ago, this city was still so prosperous. Everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment. They were basically worried about studies, careers, etc. But now, even the most basic survival has become a problem… Human beings have

used The framework of civilization that had been built with so much hard work over so many years collapsed and was wiped out in such a short period of time.

Wang Cheng looked at this scene and just sighed and said: “What plans do we have next? How will these people be settled in the future?” “I don’t know

this, and I can’t talk nonsense if I know it.” Zhao Nan is a kind-hearted person, but He is also very disciplined and never says a word when it comes to military operations. “You can rest assured that as members of the Awakened and Self-Defense Forces, we will arrange a room for you. Just in time, you and your other two When your companions meet up, you can have an independent room together.”

Wang Cheng nodded.

At this time, people inside the gathering point are happier than those outside the gathering point. People who have houses to live in are happier than people who do not have houses in the gathering point.

Zhang Ruizhen has indeed greeted Wang Cheng. He admires Wang Cheng very much and wants to retain him for the military, so he will not cause any problems on these trivial issues. Zhao Nan took Wang Cheng and Wang Qi The three of them waited for a smooth journey. They first went through the self-defense force registration procedures, and then Wang Cheng followed Zhao Nan into a gated community.

One of the buildings here is specially designed for people from the Survivor Self-Defense Force to live in.

“Don’t worry, since you are willing to contribute, we will provide you with shelter, the most basic food security, as well as weapons and ammunition. Of course, there will not be too many, but there is one thing. I want to say something ugly for our Battalion Commander Zhang. Up front, weapons are issued to fight against mutated creatures. If anyone does evil, bullies or even kills others, he will be shot directly during an emergency.” Zhao Nan showed a rare serious look, and the military uniform he was wearing was here The pass and the survivors encountered along the way all gave way to a path.

He led Wang Cheng and others all the way up, stopped at 506 on the fifth floor, and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was none other than Xu Xinghai, who had not seen each other for many days.

Xu Xinghai was surprised when he saw Wang Cheng standing at the door. He chose to show his joy and gave Wang Cheng a bear hug: “That’s great. I knew you would be fine. Just be fine!” Zhang Chao also poked his head out from inside

. He looked up with joy.

When Wang Cheng saw that they were all fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved.

And they are not the only two people in this room.

This 506 itself is a normal commercial house, with one bedroom and one living room, with a total area of only 45 square meters. However, a total of seven people live here. Seeing that someone else is coming, other people in the room also get up and look out. It seemed that he frowned, obviously thinking that they couldn’t live in this house.

There are seven people living in one room and one living room, so it is always crowded.

Wang Cheng came in and took a look, but also frowned. He heard Xu Xinghai and Zhang Chao say that they were both sleeping on the ground.

The other five people had occupied the sofa and mattress in the room early. Xu Xinghai and the others were new here and did not want to offend anyone, so they could only sleep on the ground near the door. Because of this, when someone knocked on the door, they were the first to do so. Open the door.

This is obviously the newcomer bullying the latecomer.

This was a normal situation, first come, first served, but Wang Cheng frowned deeply.

Others could forget it, but Xu Xinghai and the others were his brothers, and he naturally felt uncomfortable when they were bullied.

There was no need for this time, and there was no need for Wang Cheng to speak, Zhao Nan had already stood up, took the initiative to ask everyone else out, and left this room and hall completely to Wang Cheng and his party.

Although this was a favor sold to Wang Cheng by Zhang Ruizhen, it was also in line with the rules. On the way here, Wang Cheng heard Zhao Nan say that the allocation of rooms is based on human nature, and they should be arranged together as much as possible. , and the awakened ones get preferential treatment. If there are two awakened ones in a team, each team can have one room.

Wang Cheng is an awakened person, and so is Xu Xinghai, who fully meets the conditions.

Of course, meeting the conditions does not mean that the conditions will be implemented in reality. Without the relationship between Zhao Nan and Zhang Ruizhen, it would be difficult for Wang Cheng to apply this standard.

But Zhao Nan came forward and said a few words to those people. Although the other people in the room had some displeasure on their faces, they still moved their things out honestly. At this stage, who dares to offend someone from the military?

Zhang Chao was a little surprised when he saw this: “Second brother, you are awesome. We didn’t compete with these guys for beds and sofas. We just heard that there were people from the military behind them. Good guy, it seems that the people behind you are better than them.” Damn it, just two words and they left in despair!”

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