: The whole city retreats!

The clouds in the sky have not moved for a long time.

Wu Haicheng doesn’t know much about the rest. In his own words, the people he knows don’t know the rest, and they won’t be able to say it clearly.

Coming out of Wu Haicheng, Wang Cheng stared at the sky.

The sky in Haicheng was shrouded in clouds.

It seems that since the end of the world, it has been like this most of the time, with dark clouds all over the sky.

Except for the first few days, I never saw much sunlight.

However, in the panic of doomsday, who can be free enough to observe the changes in clouds every day?

The same was true in Wangcheng. He only remembered that the sun was rarely seen, but it was also difficult to judge whether the clouds in the sky were still from the previous days.

Normally, the wind speed where the clouds are located is much higher than that on the low-altitude ground.

Clouds cannot stay still and will be blown away by the wind. With changes in temperature, they may condense into rain or completely sublimate and disappear.

Only it is impossible not to move.

Wang Cheng had no reason to think of the invisible creature he had encountered in the clouds.

The military has indeed never deployed fear.

There is something in the sky.

An inexplicable panic suddenly arose in his heart.

What happened to this world?

Could it be that even the sky above their heads every day has become dangerous and unfamiliar?

The military and scientific research institutes must know something, but they are guarding it tightly and refuse to disclose it.

Wang Cheng took a deep breath and quickly came to his senses. He knew that now was not the time to panic. The military was not prepared to disclose the retreat plan. However, according to the information brought back by Zhang Chao, the whole city would retreat on this day. Two!

Wang Cheng quickly calmed down and discussed with Zhang Chao, Xu Xinghai and others.

If the whole city really retreats and Haicheng is lost, Wangcheng will not plan to retreat to Pingfeng Mountain, but will go directly to Fengtian.

Go find his parents.


_ Worry about causing panic, otherwise, with the current control of the military, it will be impossible to maintain order with hundreds of thousands of people here. Before that, we must prepare sufficient resources!”

Xu Xinghai deeply agreed with this: “We Split up and act.”

Wang Cheng could only temporarily shelve his plan to hunt mutant creatures and take action immediately. There were a lot of supplies on his battleship. At this time, those supplies were money.

They do not lack food and medicine, but other things.

Wang Cheng spent a lot of money on Kang Shuai Fu instant noodles and bought 1,500 rounds of rifle ammunition. The royal city cannot buy more. At this stage, weapons and equipment are still strictly controlled.

At the same time, on the other side, Xu Xinghai took the two boxes of antipyretics given to him by Wang Cheng and directly bought a small truck and two tons of fossil fuels.

They clearly felt the tense atmosphere among the survivors in Haicheng. There were obviously more military vehicles on the streets. Although most people were still confused, there were also many people buying supplies and weapons everywhere, obviously preparing for something.

Sitting in Wangcheng’s car and driving past the survivor base, Xu Xinghai couldn’t help but sigh as he looked at the survivors on the street who were as dazed and sluggish as before.

Some people are desperately preparing for survival.

But some people don’t even know the danger is coming.

People without strength will get worse as they live.

This is the human world.

There is nothing more desolate than this at the end of the world.

Wang Cheng didn’t say a word. He instinctively raised his head and looked at the corner of the sky.

At that location, there is a triangular cloud layer.

Wang Cheng has been paying attention to this cloud since he just learned the news yesterday, because it is special and isolated, and is relatively easy to observe and remember.

And as expected…

from yesterday to now, the cloud layer has not changed at all, like an ornament placed in the sky.

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And at the end of the sky, I don’t know when, there was a strange scarlet color.

Wang Cheng pursed his lips tightly and looked away with difficulty.

And at five o’clock the next morning, the genius dawned, and the city’s evacuation began without warning. The military troops fully retreated and were assigned to various areas within the survivor gathering points early to divide the organization. Survivors, evacuate in an orderly manner.

The same was true for the Survivor Self-Defense Force that Wangcheng and the others were in. They were woken up at around five o’clock. In a daze, they reorganized on the spot and became the seventh square of the survivors’ retreat. They were assembled into a large group and followed the survivors in a chaotic retreat. .

Those with cars drove by themselves, and those without cars, the military found a large number of trucks and buses, and filled them in batches with survivors who did not have cars. At this time, they no longer cared about whether they were overloaded or not. , everyone squeezed forward desperately, just asking others to get on the bus faster.

People are crowded together and bumped into each other, no matter men and women, young or old, rich or poor, high or low, being able to squeeze into the car is considered lucky, and being able to have a seat is considered happiness.

There was chaos everywhere, with small military drones hovering at low altitude and loudspeakers shouting everywhere.

Countless vehicles formed a huge convoy and started slowly. Obviously, the military is worried about the professionalism of the Survivor Self-Defense Forces and is not prepared to let the survivors of the Survivor Self-Defense Forces participate in the coordinated defense of the evacuation. Instead, it will bring these people together and arrange them as a group of survivors to participate in the evacuation. The team retreated together.

It was a huge and magnificent scene, with the military convoy in front, and batches of survivors being pulled out from various places. Like the confluence of hundreds of rivers, an extremely long and huge convoy was formed, far exceeding the size of Zhang Rui’s previous convoy. It started slowly and moved towards the outside of Haicheng…

just as Wang Cheng expected.

After this round of doomsday baptism and continuous battles, the military and government suffered heavy losses, lack of manpower, and lack of resources. Not to mention fighting monsters, they had no time or energy to organize an order for retreat. It was about the same, but it was majestic. The ground started to set off.

The retreat seemed panicked and urgent. Cars full of people set off in a mighty manner. Those who didn’t get on the car ran desperately behind. Some people were even knocked down by the cars, and one car after another ran over them. Passed by, hopelessly crushed under the heavy tires.

Blood, screams, cries of despair.

One after another.

Some people even came to pick up Wang Cheng’s car, waving a lot of banknotes in their hands and shouting, “Please let me get in the car, please let me get in the car!” But he was quickly left behind

. .

Those who got into the car were anxious and uneasy, while those who did not have a car chased desperately and in vain, gradually being left behind.

The huge convoy was running like this. Wang Cheng and the others had three vehicles in total, and they were also crowded in the convoy. On one side was Wu Haicheng’s convoy, keeping pace with them. This was what they had agreed upon, and they wanted to move together and take care of each other.

Wang Cheng drove the battleship himself, while Xu Xinghai and Zhang Chao were in charge of the truck, which contained their fuel, weapons and equipment, while Wang Qi and Wang Qi still drove Yuan Rui’s red Mazda. The three vehicles were close to each other, even if there were people around them They banged on the windows desperately to get into the car, but they just ignored them and continued to move forward.

Wang Cheng felt the huge panic and despair of the whole city retreating. There were people all around. From his position, he couldn’t even see the military personnel and vehicles. He could only hear the intensive sound of gunfire coming from the outermost part of the convoy. .

A large-scale retreat will surely trigger an attack by mutant creatures throughout the city, and the military is engaging in intensive firefights with them.

Dongcheng District is located on the edge of Haicheng. If all goes well, even if we advance at the current turtle speed, which is less than one kilometer in half an hour, we should be able to leave the city before dark. As long as we leave the city and reach the wilderness , I believe the speed will increase.

The motorcade was moving forward slowly, and there were still many people running near the motorcade. At this time, another woman holding a child came close to her, banging on the window desperately, crying: “Save my child! Please let my child get on the bus?”

The child in her arms seemed to be only two years old, with a blank and innocent look on his face. He didn’t feel the desperate and tragic atmosphere around him at all. He even found it amusing, with a smile on his face. Scratching in the air.

Wang Cheng’s heart trembled slightly and he looked away with difficulty.

As the motorcade drove away, the women and children gradually disappeared.

Some people couldn’t keep up with the convoy and yelled in despair behind them.

The end of the sky was getting redder and redder, so red that it was alarming and unsettling. Some people speculated that it was the fifth-level creature from Haicheng University that had mutated and evolved again and was about to threaten the whole city.

However, the retreat experienced initial chaos and gradually stabilized. Wang Cheng rarely had to take action. Just like an ordinary survivor, he was carried forward in a convoy. However, the speed of the convoy was faster than Wang Cheng expected. In other words, The military deliberately increased the speed. They were far more anxious than Wang Cheng imagined and wanted to leave the city as soon as possible. At noon, they had already arrived at the outskirts of Dongcheng District. Wang Cheng estimated that they would be able to leave the city at two or three o’clock in the afternoon!

The gunshots coming from the periphery of the convoy reached its peak, which meant that the impact of the mutated creatures on them had reached an unprecedented level.

The military is advancing under unprecedented pressure.

Maybe they abandoned many people, but equally, they also saved many people.

However, the military is not a god and has its own limits. They are unable to save everyone.

Arriving at the outskirts, the surrounding urban buildings became low-rise, and everyone’s eyes glowed with hope.

“We’re leaving the city!”

“There can’t be so many monsters outside the city, right?”

“When we reach Pingfeng Mountain, will we come down safely? Can we have enough to eat?”

And at this moment…

there was a sudden sound in the sky. There was a deafening loud noise, and a ray of sunlight suddenly shone down from the dark sky.

In the escaping convoy, countless people looked up in horror, and saw that in the sky above their heads, the heavy clouds suddenly opened a piercing gap, and the clouds suddenly turned red, and then, a red fire ball suddenly burst from the sky. It fell through the gap. It burned blazingly and was very huge. However, it disintegrated in the air and fell into pieces. Part of the structure fell vertically, falling straight into the middle of the long and huge escape convoy!

Countless screams of terror resounded throughout the entire convoy!

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