: This royal city must not be simple!

As Wang Cheng and others withdrew a distance, they finally came to safety. The surrounding area was the suburbs of Haicheng, with low bungalows everywhere. Although they were dilapidated and burning, the people and monsters around them were almost invisible.

Monsters also gather in the city.

In the distance, you can hear the crazy howls and sporadic gunfire in the city.

The sky was filled with blood-colored mist. I don’t know if it was an illusion. The clouds in the sky that had not moved for a long time seemed to have finally changed at this moment.

The triangular clouds at the end of the field of vision seem to have changed their relative positions, but they are not clear in the blood-filled atmosphere, and it is difficult for the royal city to judge.

At this point, Wang Cheng no longer turned on the battleship mode, turned off the thrusters, landed smoothly, and the anti-gravity engine also went offline. In a dizzying transformation, Wang Cheng’s battleship quickly retracted into a large off-road posture, dark and smooth. , giving people a cold and powerful sense of modern power.

Wang Cheng jumped out of the car and was the first to check Zhang Chao’s injuries.

His leg has been treated and is not serious, but the medical-savvy soldier accompanying him whispered: “This injury was nothing before the end of the world, but now, it has reached the limit. Without follow-up treatment, he may become Forever lame – this is lucky. If he is not an awakened person and has a stronger physique than the average survivor, I am afraid that this leg will not be used in this life.” After hearing these words,

Xu Xinghai’s face turned pale and his body became numb . Shaked a bit.

Zhang Chao, the person involved, smiled indifferently: “It’s okay, he’s just a cripple. It’s good to have a life. What does this mean? We should all be happy. All three of us 703 survived!” But Wang Cheng took out

a A nanomechanical capsule was eaten directly by Zhang Chao.

Although this thing is expensive, it is nothing compared to Zhang Chao’s leg.

Isn’t medicine meant for people to treat illnesses?

Before the apocalypse broke out, Wang Cheng was just a college student. He was often sick and deeply lamented the price of medicines. A box of some medicines may not cost much, but they only last for a few days. Added together, they are very expensive.

I gave Shu Bing one pill, and Wang Cheng had two more pills. Now there is only one pill left. Wang Cheng keeps it for himself in case of emergency.

At this time, Li Xincheng, Zhao Nan and others also came over and marveled at the battleships in Wangcheng.

Zhao Nan said: “The battalion commander asked us to rescue you right away. Wang Cheng, it’s great that you are all right. Our battalion commander asked me to rescue you and thank you in person. But it seems that you don’t need us. There is a way to escape.”

Wang Cheng shook his head and said seriously: “That’s not the case. Without your presence, I might not have the chance to get to this point. But what about Battalion Commander Zhang and the others?” “Battle Commander Zhang was injured and has

been They were taken away by our other brothers, and they have a mission, and the safety of the experts must be guaranteed, so they take the first step.” Zhao Nan replied.

Li Xincheng said with some emotion: “It’s a pity that those two strange creatures are dead. Their life forms are very strange, and they are actually intelligent. They have set many traps for us, and they seem to be able to guide and gather ordinary mutants. The ability is weird and really terrifying.”

Wang Cheng heard this, his heart moved, he walked back to the car, took the strange device seized from the strange ricket creature, and handed it to Li Xincheng.

Of course, before that, Wang Cheng had already removed the irregular energy crystals from this thing.

This thing is of great significance to the battleships in the royal city, so he wants to keep it for himself. Moreover, he also learned that the experts still have fragments, photos and other information related to those crystals, which is enough for research. He paid such a high price. , this energy crystal is considered as reward.

As for this strange device, Wang Cheng couldn’t understand it, and the system had no response to it. The best way was undoubtedly to hand it over to the military and hand it over to an expert research team for a truly comprehensive study.

Wang Chengdao: “I also think these monsters are weird. I hope I can find some clues about this thing.”

Li Xincheng glanced at the empty top of the weird device, thoughtfully, but he didn’t say anything, just nodded: “Thank you Already.”

Although he has a military background, he has no airs or maverick attitude. He has clear thinking and can distinguish right from wrong. He saw that Wang Cheng must have taken the stone, but he did not pierce it. He could guess Wang Cheng’s thoughts, and he also knew that the expert did not need the stone very much, so he acquiesced in this matter.

However, Zhao Nan saw the hidden meaning in Wang Cheng’s words and said, “Brother Wang Cheng, are you… not planning to leave with us?”

Wang Cheng nodded, glanced at the ferocious beast-like cross country behind him, and said: “My family is in Fengtian and Pingfeng Mountain. I won’t go there. I plan to go to Fengtian!”

Fengtian has always been Wangcheng’s goal.

He must know whether his parents are alive or dead, and the sooner they die, the greater the hope of survival.

As a child, how can you not miss your parents?

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Now that the battleship has reached level three, and it has irregular energy crystals to last, everything is ready for the royal city and it is ready to go.

Zhao Nan and Li Xincheng looked at each other with regret in their eyes. They wanted to retain Wang Cheng, and even more wanted to retain Wang Cheng’s strange equipment, but no one could say anything about Wang Cheng’s reason.

Moreover, Zhao Nan and Li Xincheng were very measured. They saw that the royal city had secrets, and that the transforming fighter planes contained next-generation technology. However, they did not ask any more questions, and they had no intention of taking advantage of others. After fighting side by side, Wang Cheng has won the respect of these soldiers. They have regarded Wang Cheng as a comrade-in-arms and friend. It would be best if Wang Cheng could go back with them. If they don’t want to, they won’t say more or ask anything, but guesses and suspicions in their hearts are inevitable.

These words did not avoid Xu Xinghai and Zhang Chao. They looked at each other and both said: “Let’s go to Fengtian together!” This was as it should be.

Wang Cheng nodded, and he asked again After hearing the opinions of Wang Qi and Yuan Rui, they were also willing to follow Wang Cheng.

Xu Xinghai told Wang Cheng what happened in this battle. Wang Cheng listened and completely recognized Wang Qi in his heart and was willing to take him with him.

Zhao Nan, Li Xincheng and others were preparing to chase Battalion Commander Zhang and others. They wanted to join together to ensure the safety of the experts until they successfully caught up with the large military force.

Wang Chengdao: “Have the vanguard troops left the city? Have you contacted them?” ”

I don’t know…” Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and shook his head, “There is no secret in this. I didn’t lie to you. The giant tree in Haicheng is covered with blood-colored spores. Next, our communications were interfered with, and only short-range communications were barely usable. None of us knew what happened to the troops in front. However, judging from the current situation, they should have left Haicheng City. Otherwise, they would have been there long ago. They are here to reinforce us, or we may overtake them.”

Wang Cheng nodded.

The strength of the military should not be underestimated. Being chased by the diggers and facing a rain of scarlet spores, they could still maintain their speed, break out all the way, and complete the retreat. They were so powerful that everyone in the royal city admired them.

Li Xincheng thought for a while, but couldn’t hold it back anymore and said: “Mr. Wang, I have a question that I still want to ask. I want to know where did your car…or fighter plane come from? Still Are you…are you really just a college student?”

Wang Cheng was slightly stunned and smiled without saying a word.

Li Xincheng looked at him deeply and didn’t ask any more questions. Zhao Nan wanted to say something, but in the end he had no words. They wanted to know where Wang Cheng’s black-tech fighter planes came from, but Wang Cheng himself didn’t ask. Out of respect, I won’t ask any more questions.

They did not think that Wang Cheng was lucky enough to pick up that fighter plane, because along the way, Wang Cheng had obviously used that thing very well, especially in fighter mode, which was comparable to that of an excellent pilot. This was not something that ordinary students could do. of. From this, Li Xincheng came up with a guess and asked.

However, what Li Xincheng didn’t know was that there was no such thing as an excellent pilot in Wangcheng. He was just a dabbler. He could fly so well only because he was the master of battleship binding and was assisted by the system and the battleship’s intelligent system.

Zhao Nan and Li Xincheng succeeded in rescuing Wangcheng. After the conversation, they set off to catch up with Zhang Ruizhen’s troops and continue to complete their mission.

As the car gradually drove away, Li Xincheng, who was in the same car with Zhao Nan, held his gun and suddenly asked: “Tell me, who is this royal city? I feel that his origin must not be simple. The deformed fighter plane has The technology is epoch-making, and it doesn’t look like it was picked up by Wang Cheng, but more like it belongs to him – such low-altitude flying skills are not something ordinary people can do. “Ordinary people picked it

up It’s easy to get started with a gun, but it’s almost impossible to pick up a fighter jet and make it fly successfully. In reality, you and I both know how difficult it is to operate such a thing.

“That car is definitely his own. He didn’t get it by luck!”

Zhao Nan was silent for a while. His thoughts were similar to Li Xincheng’s. After a moment, he said: “Wangcheng is not simple. Maybe, he also comes from the same place as us. The military is just a different department… That vehicle or battleship was assigned to him by his department. I heard that some of the commissioners of our country’s special operations department do have the authority to use advanced next-generation weapons that have not yet become popular. …”

Li Xincheng looked a little surprised: “You mean…” ”

Maybe, he also has his own mission. He can’t tell us or even reveal his true identity. The reason for going to Fengtian may not be that simple.” Zhao Nan breathed out, “Let’s go, this is not something we can predict.

“The end is coming, and many ‘ghosts’ and ‘shadows’ that we soldiers are not aware of will naturally take action…” The

two people said to each other Looking at each other, they saw the panic in each other’s eyes.

They became more and more convinced that Wang Cheng’s identity must not be simple. Only in this way can he explain the reason why Wang Cheng possesses the next-generation technology transforming chariot!

If Wang Cheng knew the thoughts of these two people, he would probably burst into tears. An old man said: This is so imaginative!

After Li Xincheng and others left, Wang Cheng and the others paused temporarily and prepared to take a rest. Wang Cheng’s cross-country can seat up to five people, but they now have seven people. In fact, Wang Cheng They intended to hand over Shu Bing and Xu Ling to Li Xincheng and others, but Xu Ling was unwilling and took Shu Bing to stay. Wang Cheng had no choice but to do so temporarily. Therefore,

they needed to find another vehicle. Xu Xinghai and Wang Qi went Xu Ling and Yuan Rui were taking care of Shu Bing and Zhang Chao. Xu Ling didn’t get along well with boys, but she and Yuan Rui seemed to be getting along very well. Seeing this, Wang Cheng also shook his head and was alone

. Boarding the battleship, blocking the off-road vehicle, taking a deep breath, rubbing his hands in anticipation, he called out the system. He

was ready to unpack the blind box.

He had three first-level black technology resource packs!

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