Lu Pei quickly ordered someone to bring monitoring equipment over.

The voice outside the door was a little noisy.

This voice made the already irritable Caesar even more irritable.

In the office, Kevin frowned. Seeing the movement outside, he asked, "Has the issue of the new energy leak been dealt with yet?"

The deputy on the side looked nervous, as if being asked something frightening.

Kevin's face was indifferent, the wrinkles on his forehead were twisted together, and he said, "What's going on? Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

The deputy faltered for a moment, then said: "The matter of the new energy has indeed been dealt with, and the reason for the leak has been discovered, and now the people outside are... looking for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu

After just saying his name, Kevin got up from his seat and said, "What's wrong with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu?"

Kevin's anger swept over 25, causing the deputy to tremble a bit, shrinking his neck and saying: "Just now we went to deliver food and found no one in her house."

Kevin froze for a moment, then slammed the table and said, "Trash, what do you all eat? Huh? Can you make a woman run away?"

The deputy's head was covered in cold sweat, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

"If I didn't ask just now, wouldn't you plan to tell me? Huh?"

Kevin dragged out the last coda for a long time, and his face was very ugly.

The deputy said tremblingly: "Old leader, don't worry, even if you want to leave the ground, you must go through the elevator, otherwise you can only go through the platform, and you will die if you jump off the platform. If you go through the elevator, we will definitely catch her!"

Kevin gritted his teeth and said for a long time, "If you can't find anyone, you'll have to wait to get on the platform.

The deputy's nervous palms were sweaty, he nodded repeatedly, got on the platform and jumped down, that is to die.

The platform is a means of execution for disobedient people.

After everyone enters the air base, they will be instilled with such rules, which can be regarded as a kind of pua. With this method, the workers who build the air base will be more obedient.

The lieutenants knew this, and so did Lu Yu.

At this time, Lu Yu didn't know the news that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had escaped, so he took a feather duster to clean up the dust.

There are more teams outside, Lu Yu thought, it is very likely that Kaiser checked the monitoring and found out that the reason for the leakage of new energy is not its own energy, but the external energy delivered from outside.

In this way, it is natural to check the person who transported the energy.

Lu Yu pretended not to know, and did not listen to the movements of his hands.

In fact, there were people staring at the warehouse, and Lu Yu didn't dare to make any movements at all. He could feel that the soldier was staring at him, which was obviously not a good thing.

Even several times, Lu Yu felt that Kaiser had discovered his identity, so he ordered someone to watch him.

The soldier observed Lu Yu, a pair of clear eyes penetrated the glass cover of the mask, and he looked at it, not knowing what he was observing.

This process was very torturous, until Lu Yu finished sorting out all the things, that line of sight still did not leave, Lu Yu took a serious deep breath and walked to the table.

The soldier sat at the table and said in a somewhat rough voice: "Why, no more cleaning?"

Lu Yu nodded and said, "It's all cleaned up, you have tea."

The soldier didn't know what he was thinking.

Lu Yu was thinking that this person's voice was too weird, and his figure was also a bit strange. In Lu Yu's opinion, this armor did not fit well on this person.

The soldier just glanced at the tea, then lowered his head immediately, only heard a slight click, as if the mask was about to be removed.

At this time, a group of soldiers from outside the house came in.

Lu Yu heard the click of the mask again.

The leader outside the house looked around, glanced at the soldiers at the table, and asked, "What are you doing here? Hurry up and find someone!"

The soldier nodded.

The leader took another look at Lu Yu and said, "Did you see a woman who is 1.65 meters tall and very pretty.

Lu Yu was speechless, thinking what an outrageous description this was, shook his head and said, "I didn't see it, may I ask who it is?"

"If you didn't see it, you didn't see it. Who are you asking? You have no right to know!" The leading soldier's tone was a bit mocking, and 850 soon ignored Lu Yu.

But before leaving, he took a second look at the soldier beside Lu Yu, and said, "Hurry up, don't waste your time here." If you want to benefit from these people, you have to finish your work.

It seems that in the eyes of this soldier, it is very common for other soldiers to come here. According to the soldiers, Lu Yu is the so-called "these people".

The soldier at the table nodded, pointed to the cup of tea that Lu Yu had just poured on the table, and motioned for him to drink it before leaving.

"Then hurry up! Don't be discovered by the old leader Kevin!"

The leading soldier quickly took the people away.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, looked at the soldier beside him thoughtfully, and asked uncertainly, "Sister?"

The soldier holding the tea paused for a moment, and immediately put the teacup back on the table. At the same time, he took off the mask, revealing a tear-stained face, which was Denigaoka Shiyu.

Lu Yu had already expected in his heart that this soldier didn't speak at all when he faced those soldiers just now. .

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