The End Of The World: Sister, Your Black Silk Is Really Good!

Chapter 40 Why Do Some People Always Understand The Rules Of The Last Days?

Unknowingly, Lu Yu overcame all obstacles and successfully arrived at the agricultural display area.

As far as I can remember, the area of ​​this agricultural display area is still very large. It has to be said that not only the grown vegetables and fruits can be eaten here.

And it is also a good place to live.

In memory, Lu Yu knew that this was an independent experimental garden in the school.

It's the same as a single-family villa. There are very complete equipment in it, which can allow plants to grow well.

It means that Lu Yu can throw all the facilities directly into the space.

When returning to Event City, food can be planted directly in nearby fields.

In this way, they have fruits and vegetables to eat.

Not only can you eat vegetables, but also fruits.

As long as there are seeds, everything is not a problem.

However, this is only what Lu Yu remembered. In fact, is there anything wrong with it now?

Lu Yu still doesn't know anything.

However, after coming to the agricultural display area, Lu Yu was still very satisfied.

Because everything is there.

And the doors and windows are locked.

This proves that it is safe enough inside.

And there may have been no walking corpses in it!

It's just that there are too many locks. Could it be that the people here got off work before the end of the world?

Thinking of this, Lu Yu immediately acted.

It's the end of the world, so what the heck!


Lu Yu made a slight effort, and kicked the gate of the agricultural exhibition area straight out with one kick!

This power is very exaggerated. After the gate was kicked, it fell directly on the open space and was still spinning.

And the surrounding iron walls were also crumbling!

It seemed impossible to resist the zombies.

But Lu Yu didn't care either.

After the door was broken open, Lu Yu went in directly.

Looked at the surrounding environment.


Because there are plants all over the ground, and there is a vegetable field not far away, which is full of food!

After taking it home, it can be eaten for at least a month!

And the other field is planted with some fruits and vegetables.

Tomatoes and stuff like that.

You can also pick a few to relieve your gluttony.

Just when Lu Yu was about to make a move.

A figure slowly walked out of the door.

Lu Yu found this man out of the corner of his eye.

But he didn't have any weapons in his hands, and Lu Yu didn't care.

Didn't even look him in the eye!

In the last days, try to deal with survivors as little as possible!

And Lu Yu just wanted to take away some fruits and vegetables, and these instruments, and Lu Yu still didn't want the rest.

Seeing Lu Yu come in, so unscrupulous.

A tinge of anger soon appeared on the man's face.

This place is obviously his own territory, obviously he found it first.

Why did this guy enter his territory?

The man was already wicked, but now he looked at Lu Yu with hatred, making him look even more wretched!

"Hey, let's talk about you."

"What are you doing!?"

At this moment, the man growled in displeasure, and began to walk towards Lu Yu.

Now that the other party has spoken, Lu Yu still has to respond.

If you know it yourself, this can save a lot of misunderstandings.

But after another glance, Lu Yu stopped looking at him.

Because Lu Yu didn't know this guy at all.

"Can't you see? What am I doing?"

At this moment, Lu Yu shrugged his shoulders, speaking as if the other party was an idiot!

"Oh, you boy, you can!"

"This is my territory, get out of here!"

At this point the man began to rage!

It's fine for a stranger to come to his own territory to take things, and he doesn't respect him so much!

Really courting death!

This guy is considered an aborigine of this school, and he used to be a boiler burner.

However, he is often criticized because of his style of work. I heard that he always likes to steal female students' underwear.

It was a miracle that he was fired later, and now he is here again.

He probably came here directly after the end of the world broke out.

Because I have worked here in the past, I naturally know where is the best place to spend my days in the last days.

At this time, after Lu Yu gathered up all the vegetables on the ground, he stuffed them directly into the space.

In an instant, there was nothing left on the vegetable field!

This guy still wants to take away all the fruits and vegetables!

The man immediately became unhappy.


At this time, the man came directly to push Lu Yu.

And after seeing Lu Yu's face, he immediately knew what was going on.

"Hehe, so you are an overseas student? You can't afford it? Are you living in our country?"

"What? Your home country is ruined? Or..."

At this moment, before the man could finish speaking, there was already a hint of murderous intent in Lu Yu's eyes!

For this man, Lu Yu is a little helpless to be honest!

"I'm wondering."

"Why are there always people who don't understand the rules of the last days?"

After all, don't wait for this man to talk back!


I saw flowers blooming on the man's neck, and his head flew straight into the sky!

There seemed to be a hint of anger on his face!

Lu Yu's sword was so fast that before he could even react, his head had already been chopped off!


The man's head fell to Lu Yu's feet.

"Get out, bad luck."

Lu Yu kicked the man's head out as if he was playing football!

And this head, this bloody smell, soon attracted a lot of zombies!

The smell of blood is often irresistible to zombies!

Now, Lu Yu has placed the dishes on both sides in the space, but the instrument is too big, and he can't fit it now.

Soon, Lu Yu discovered an interesting thing.

That was the corpse lying on the ground.

That is, the man who just killed!

At this moment, Lu Yu had a whim!

Think about it this way, can the survivor's body be extracted?

This idea is too bold.

But Lu Yu still tried it!

"Endless extraction!"

At this time, Lu Yu directly used it on the corpse.

Soon, the system gave feedback!

[Extraction failed! 】

[This survivor has no special skills, Gu can't extract it! 】

It seems that this man is just a parasite in the last days, and he doesn't have two brushes.

However, the systematic explanation also got Lu Yu's attention.

The implication of this is that survivors with special skills can be extracted?

It's interesting to think about it this way. What kind of skills do survivors possess?

Could it be that he has the same skills as himself?

This question is worth pondering, but now Lu Yu should search the agricultural exhibition area.

After searching around, I found that there was nothing left except for a little vegetable in the vegetable field in front!

Angry Lu Yu kicked the man's body directly!

"You trash, you are quite edible!"

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